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Disasters and humanitarian affairs

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Plan Australia

Plan works at the grassroots in 50 developing countries to empower communities to overcome poverty, with a particular focus on working with children to reach their full potential. Plan Australia's areas of focus for children includes early health and development; education; water, sanitation and...

Caritas Internationalis - Mozambique

Caritas Internationalis works in Mozambique particularly support refugees, internally displaced persons and other people affected by natural disasters, conflict and civil war. Caritas Internationalis is involved in peace-building, relief and development programs, literacy, skills training,...

United Nations (UN)

Founded in 1945, the UN is a humanitarian agency dedicated to maintaining peace and security in the world, solving global problems, and protecting human rights. The UN funds projects that seek to reduce poverty and to make the world a better place for all people.

Tolstoy Foundation

The Tolstoy Foundation (TF) is a non-profit charitable, philantropic organisation. The TF is a humanitarian organisation devoted to the urgent relief and assistance of victims of persecution and oppression, refugees, displaced persons and prisoners of war. The TF offers many services including...

Save the Children International

Save the Children International consists of 29 organisations working in over 120 countries. Save the Children focuses resources in fields where we are world leaders, and where we know children still face the greatest challenges. Our goal is to prevent children from dying of preventable causes...

Republic of Korea National Red Cross

The Republic of Korea National Red Cross (KRC) assists victims of natural disasters by coordinating distribution points for emergency supplies, providing short-term feeding services for displaced victims, setting-up emergency first-aid stations, tracing family members and assisting families cope...

Red Cross of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (RCDRC)

Red Cross of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (RCDRC), a member society of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, provides medical and humanitarian assistance, especially in respect to refugees and public health.

Poverty Relief Aid

Poverty Relief Aid is a registered national, non-governmental, non-profit making, relief and development organisation committed to assist families and communities in Kenya, to alleviate poverty and human suffering by responding to relief and development needs of disadvantaged people.

Polish Humanitarian Organisation (PHO)

Polish Humanitarian Organisation (PHO) is a non governmental organisation registered in Poland, which works internationally and within Poland. Established in 1992, their mission is to make the world a better place through the alleviation of human suffering and promotion of humanitarian values. PHO...

Organization of American States (OAS)

Organization of American States (OAS) brings together the nations of the Western Hemisphere to strengthen cooperation on democratic values. The OAS is the region’s principal multilateral forum for strengthening democracy, promoting human rights, and confronting shared problems. It includes...

Operation USA

Operation USA is a privately funded relief organisation that sends relief shipments worldwide. Operation USA projects include training programmes, clinic support and outreach.

N.A.N Woollen Mills

N.A.N Woollen Mills manufactures and exports all types of blankets used for relief, rehabiliation, refugee and related humanitarian activities.

Maranatha Reconciliation Church

Maranatha Reconciliation Church provides various community services within Tanzania.

Voluntary Organisations in Co-operation in Emergencies (VOICE)

Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies (VOICE) is a network of over 80 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) throughout Europe that are active in the field of humanitarian aid, including emergency aid, rehabilitation, disaster preparedness and conflict prevention. VOICE provides four...

World Bank - Sierra Leone

The World Bank is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. It is a development Bank which provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing services to low and middle income countries to reduce poverty. The Bank promotes growth to create jobs and to...

World Food Programme (WFP) - Tajikistan

Set-up in 1963, WFP is the United Nations frontline agency in the fight against global hunger. WFP uses its food to: meet emergency needs and support economic and social development. It also provides the logistics support necessary to get food aid to the right people at the right time and in the...

Youth Social Service Organisation

This is an India based NGO conducting activities in rain water harvesting, training and community development. There are mainly two programs, the tribal development program and the watershed program. The tribal development program is involved in community development support, women development and...

International Rescue Committee (IRC)

The International Rescue Committee responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people to survive and rebuild their lives. Founded in 1933 at the request of Albert Einstein, the IRC offers lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees forced to flee from war or disaster. ...

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is the world's largest humanitarian organisation, providing assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. The Federation's work focuses on four core areas: promoting...

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) - Azerbaijan

The ICRC is an independent organisation whose mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence and to provide them with assistance. It directs and coordinates the international relief activities conducted by the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in situations of...