Search Results

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Thailand

FAO was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Today, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for...


IBIS is a Danish, member-based development organisation working at all levels to create equal access to education, influence and resources for the poor and the marginalized people in Africa and Latin America. IBIS works within two main areas; Governance and Education. Empowering people to...

AdeNU-CCD (Ateneo de Naga University - Center for Community Development)

CCD works towards dispelling poverty in the Philippines. CCD is involved in a number of activities including advocacy, education, capability building and research. As a university, the Ateneo de Naga seeks the integral formation of men and women who will contribute to the total development of...

AMS Book & Journal Donation Program

The AMS Book and Journal Donation Program matches donors of certain types of mathematical materials with recipient institutions or libraries in currency-poor or developing countries where there is a need for mathematical research literature.

American Mathematical Society (AMS) Book & Journal Donation Program

The AMS Book and Journal Donation Program matches donors of certain types of mathematical materials with recipient institutions or libraries in developing countries where there is a need for mathematical research literature.

Salvation Army - Hong Kong

The Salvation Army is a Christian church and charity that shows practical concern and care for the needs of people regardless of race, creed, status, colour, sex or age. Religious organisation dedicated to Christian ideals and encouraging social and economic development in the countries which it...


Mango is a UK based charity that provides financial management services (recruitment, training, financial software, networking, and consultancy) to relief and development operations. Mango aims to encourage and strengthen the financial management of NGO's.

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Kyrgyzstan

USAID is an independent agency that supports long-term economic and social development through policy dialogue, conflict prevention, technology transfer in sectors such as health, agriculture, education and housing, and promotion of trade and investment. U.S. assistance is channelled through...

Rockefeller Brothers Fund

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund advances social change that contributes to a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world. The RBF's grantmaking is organized around three themes: Democratic Practice, Peacebuilding, and Sustainable Development.

European Fair Trade Association (EFTA)

EFTA (the European Fair Trade Association) is an association of eleven Fair Trade importers in nine European countries. EFTA was established informally in 1987 by some of the oldest and largest Fair Trade importers. It gained formal status in 1990. EFTA is based in the Netherlands and has Dutch...

Plus Development Foundation

The Plus Development Foundation is an NGO in Pakistan. The organisation works with young people in education and on reproductive health and HIV/AIDS issues. Plus runs health camps and awareness-raising sessions in an attempt to keep young people safe from HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted...

Center for Sustainable Organizations

The Center for Sustainable Organizations is an American NGO that conducts research, development, training and consulting for, and with, companies around the world interested in improving the sustainability performance of their operations. The organisation has a commitment to an approach for...

Global CSR

GLOBAL CSR is a Danish consultancy group that specialises in creating sustainable solutions for private companies, public authorities and organisations. They focus particularly on the social dimension of CSR and anti-corruption, and also provide consultancy services in relation to the environmental...

Resilient Futures International

Resilient Futures International is an American NGO that offers sustainability consulting, training and referral services to any individual or community aiming to become more sustainable. The organisation is based in Colorado but offers its services throughout the world.

Takunda Development Trust

The Takunda Development Trust is an NGO in Zimbabwe that aims to empower marginalized women, girls and youths with skills to help them set up income generating projects that will improve their lives and household income. The organisation also implement programmes on violence against women and...

Millenium Movement Against Poverty

The Millennium Movement Against Poverty (MMAP) is a Ghanaian NGO comprising a nationwide federation of smaller indigenous groups based in Jasikan in the Volta Region. The organisation works for sustainable development, education and the socio-economic development of the country.

Kingsland Initiative for Development Uganda

Kingsland Initiative for Development Uganda (KLIFDU) is a newly formed NGO based in the Lira District. The organisation intends to focus on education for poor children as a way of combating poverty.

Valspan Youth Development Project.

The Valspan Youth Development Project is a new South African NGO. The organisation's main main activities are the teaching of life skills and facilitation and presentation skills, career guidance and consultattion, adult education, teaching computer literacy, and running sports and recreation and...

The Sustainability Consortium

The Sustainability Consortium is an organization of diverse global participants working to make the world more sustainable through better products, services and consumption. It develops and promotes science and integrated tools so that together informed decision making for product sustainability...

Green Household Initiatives

Green Household Initiatives (GHI) is a Kenyan NGO. The organisation works with disadvantaged communities to help them improve their living standards by adopting good economic, social and environmental practices which lead to sustainable development. The organization's areas of intervention...