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Rural Development Project

The Rural Development Project is a South African NGO that works with farm labourers for justice and human rights. The organisation also assists with poverty alleviation and youth substance abuse.

Tanganyika Centre for Development and Advocacy (TCDA)

The Tanganyika Centre for Development and Advocacy (TCDA) is a Tanzanian NGO that aims to promote education, economic, social and cultural development, and environmental conservation. The organisation also aims to lobby for human rights. ...

Institute for Integrated Rural Development, Hong Kong (IRD)

The Institute for Integrated Rural Development, Hong Kong (IRD) was established in 2002 by the founding members of the China Education Association of the University of Hong Kong. The organisation assists people living in poverty-stricken rural areas to improve their livelihoods and raise their...

Riabamura Community Development (RICODE)

Riabamura Community Development (RICODE) is a Kenyan NGO that works for orphans and vulnerable children. The organisation cares for children under the age of ten, helping them with their basic needs and providing for their education until they finish college. RICODE is currently looking for...

Mmanze Centre for Rural Development and Training (MACERUDET)

MACERUDET (Mmanze Centre for Rural Development and Training) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation is involved in healthcare control and disease prevention programmes, work on AIDS prevention and mitigation, infrastructure and facilities development, skills training and the promotion of women's...

Liberia Rural Children Psychosocial Development Organization (LIRCPSDO) Inc.

Liberia Rural Children Psychosocial Development Organization (LIRCPSDO) Inc. is a Liberian NGO that works in rural areas with young people and children, and aims to empower their parents through education and other iniatives. The organisation has four major programme areas: food security, health,...

Youth First Development

Youth First Development is a Zambian NGO that helps young people to become involved in development. The organisation is involved in projects around reproductive health, farming, entrepreneurship and governance.

Action for Rural and Urban Development (ARUDE)

Action for Rural and Urban Development (ARUDE) is a local community based organisation in Uganda that works to save lives, and provides counselling and support in rural communities. ARUDE caters for the rural poor, the underserved, vulnerable, underprivileged and disadvantaged population in Uganda,...

Social Welfare Mandram

Social Welfare Mandram SWM) is a n Sri Lankan NGO that aims to empower the marginalized and discriminated plantation community in Norwood to enable development to take place. SWM has been engaged in sensitising the community to a range of issues including human rights, labour rights, health rights...

Society For Integrated Rural Development (SFIRD)

The Society For Integrated Rural Development (SFIRD) is an Indian NGO that works with Dalits, tribes, marine fisher-folk, minorities and other marginalised sections of the community who are powerless, voiceless and exploited. The organisation aims to improve village life for these communities...

Child Aid Development Foundation International (CADFIN)

Child Aid Development Foundation International (CADFIN) is a Cameroonian NGO that works for the benefit of economically and socially disadvantage rural children, youth and women. CADFIN is involved in awareness raising, community health care, environmental protection, HIV/AIDS awareness and...

Child Action Rural Development Society

The Child Action Rural Development Society (CARDS) is a grass roots Indian NGO that works for disadvantage sections of the community, in particular, children. The organisation runs a home for street children, and works in flood affected areas, providing relief services to communities in need.

Centre for Community Regeneration and Development (CCREAD-Cameroon)

Centre for Community Regeneration and Development ( CCREAD-Cameroon) is a youth-led NGO focusing on the social, economic and cultural empowerment of marginalized children, youths, women and indigenous groups.The organisation encourages environmental sustainability through specifically identified...

Enyenge Development Initiative

The Enyenge Development Initiative (EDI) is an NGO in Cameroon. The organisation aims to promote development. Currently, EDI is working on a project to provide a hand pump water system to local communities.

Rural Women Centre for Education and Development (RuWCED)

The Rural Women Centre for Education and Development (RuWCED) is a Cameroonian NGO that promotes the health, education, livelihoods and human rights of rural women and children. The organisation is dedicated to education, advocacy, research, service provision and networking.

Empowerment for Sustainable Livelihood

The Empowerment for Sustainable Livelihood (EFSL) is a Ghanaian NGO that aims to promote small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and to encourage trade. The organisation is also interested in gender empowerment, environmental management, capacity building and sustainable development in Ghana and...

Abantu Women Development Group (AWODEG)

Abantu Women Development Group(AWODEG)is a Ugandan NGO that aims to assist in building the capacity of young people to address the root causes of poverty and injustice through training, policy–oriented research, evidence–based advocacy and strategic partnerships. Currently the organisation is...

SUKH Human Development Welfare Foundation (SHDWF)The

The Sukh Human Development Welfare Foundation (SHDWF) is a Pakistani NGO that aims to change the fate of poor women in the community through capacity building and empowerment. The organisation educates women about their rights and helps them start small businesses in Rawalpindi and Islamabad.

Action Initiative for Development (R) AID

Action initiative for development). Action initiative for development (R) AID is an Indian NGO that works for dalits, women, the poor and marginalized, children and the elderly. The organisation focuses on education and the achievement of social justice.

African Community Development Foundation

The African Community Development Foundation is an NGO in Kenya. The Foundation was established by market businesswomen to help them to expand their businesses. The organisation provides loan to smallholder farmers and women using a solidarity group-lending model, and also provides training in...