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Managers Without Borders

Manager Without Borders is a German NGO that provides opportunities for experienced managers (executives and junior executives) who, for a specific period of time, want to pass on their knowledge and be involved in global non-profit projects. The organisation makes short-time support possible by...

Huqooq-ul-Ebad Development Foundation (HEDF)

Huqooq-ul-Ebad Development Foundation (HEDF) is a Pakistani NGO that works for undeveloped and marginalised groups. HEDF seeks particularly to empower women from marginalized segments of the target communities. The organisation has campaigned against corruption, provided support to people...

Jeunesse Alternatives

Jeunesse Alternatives is an NGO that works on poverty reduction in accordance with the poverty reduction strategy for Cameroon. The organisation focuses on health, entrepreneurship and micro-credit, and encourages its target group of young people to become involved in decision making.

Programme de Promotion et d'Appui pour le Developpement Integral au Congo (PADI)

Programme de Promotion et d'Appui pour le Developpement Integral au Congo (PADI) is an NGO in Kasindi, North Kivu Province in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation fights for vulnerable and oppressed people through education, and the initiation of income generating projects. Currently...

Develop Africa

Develop Africa is an American NGO that works to establish meaningful and sustainable development in Africa. The organisation is involved in a range of programmes in Africa including education, microfinance and small businesses, job skills and leadership development training.

Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD)

Alternatives Durables pour le Développement (ADD)is a Cameroonian NGO that works with and for deprived rural communities. The organisation's main aim is to create a resource and training centre for the communities with which it works. ADD has implemented projects in health, agriculture and...

Participation for The Community Foundation (PCF Yemen)

Participation for the Community Foundation PCF Yemen)is an NGO that aims to develop a package of community-based efforts to improve basic education, prevent the spread of disease, expand economic opportunity and empower women and young people. The organisation also works with leaders of...

Focus On Northern Uganda Development Initiative (FONUDI-Uganda)

Focus on Northern Uganda Development Initiative (FONUDI-Uganda) is an NGO that works to facilitate the recovery and development of Northern Uganda from the recent war. The organisation works on issues related to access to justice, and on the development of peace and equality. FONUDI promotes...

Chingola Community Initiative Support Organisation

Chingola Community Initiative Support (CCISO) is a Zambian NGO involved in community empowerment, adult education (literacy classes), and the provision of basic computer lessons, carpentry, tailoring and catering.

Indus Society for Rural Development (ISRD)

The Indus Society for Rural Development (ISRD) is a Pakistani NGO that began by promoting self-help in regard to saving and internal lending. The organisation has also established the Earth Stars Academy in Islamkot, providing high school level English medium education. Overall, ISRD aims to ...

Uganda Business Clinics Initiative

Uganda Business Clinics Initiative is a not for profit membership organisation limited by guarantee. It provides business support services to micro, small and medium enterprises,(MSME) and institutions in order to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Youth Crime Watch Liberia

Youth Crime Watch Liberia is an accredited youth organization established to help address the need for grassroots participation in nation building, following the age-long civil conflict which almost decimated the population. The organisation is dedicated to fighting illiteracy and promoting...

Eriro Foundation

The Eriro Foundation is a Ugandan NGO that works on HIV/AIDS related issues in fishing communities. Programmes are designed to support the development of skills for sustainable livelihoods. Most recently the organisation has introduced a Village Savings Loans Association (VSLAs).

SpringAid International Development (SAID)

SpringAid Development is a Nigerian NGO that aims to help communities to improve their capacity to fight poverty. The organisation sponsors projects in agriculture, education, human rights and democracy, health and entrepreneurship.

Institute for Development and Welfare Services (IDEWES)

The Institute for Development and Welfare Services (IDEWES) is a Kenyan NGO working in the Kibera area of Nairobi. The organisation runs a number of programmes including home based care, care and support for orphans and vulnerable children; reproductive health awareness; HIV/AIDS awareness and...

Volunteer Action for Change Kenya

Volunteer Action for Change Kenya (VACK) is an NGO that aims to offer opportunities for young men and women to become actively involved in the development process through volunteering. The organisation is also involved in capacity building and enterprise development. ...

Women Caring and Counselling Centre

Women Caring and Counselling Centre is an NGO in Uganda. The organisation seeks to educate and empower women and young people through vocational training, and counsels people with HIV/AIDS. The Centre also supports orphans and vulnerable children with school fees, school materials and meals at...

Hope Samaritan Mission

Hope Samaritan Mission (HSM) is a community based NGO in Rwanda that works with vulnerable communities. The organisation focuses on improving the livelihoods of vulnerable groups through capacity building aimed at increasing household income.

Kannur Association for Rural Organisation and Support (KAIROS)

Kannur Association for Integrated Rural Organization and Support (KAIROS) is an Indian NGO. KAIROS is the official organ of the Mission Diocese of Kannur, working on social development. Target groups include dalits and fishermen.

Nomadic Pastoral and Relief Foundation (NoPReF)

Nomadic Pastoral and Relief Foundation (NoPReF) is an NGO in Ethopia. The organisation assists communities to access clean water, education and health. It also works on issues related to the environment, agriculture and food security.