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British Embassy in Quito, Ecuador

The British Embassy in Quito, Ecuador, contributes towards development and technical assistance programmes in Ecuador. The Embassy finances several projects focused in areas such as human rights, drug trafficking, organized crime, countering terrorism and weapons, climate change, the environment...

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Ecuador

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged outside the country. In Ecuador, CRS supports initiatives that respond to the needs of the poorest and enhances their capacity to improve family incomes, health and...

Fundación Empresas Polar

Fundación Empresas Polar, sponsored by Empresas Polar, is an organization dedicated to support and promote innovative and sustainable initiatives that strengthen the social fabric of Venezuela. It works as a committed partner with the community, focusing on the areas of Education, Community...

Help Africa Relief and Development, Inc. (HARD Relief)

Help Africa Relief and Development, Inc. (HARD Relief) provides humanitarian assistance, health care and education to vulnerable populations.

Response & Development Fund (ERDF) of Crossroads Christian Communications Inc

Response&Development Fund (ERDF) of Crossroads Christian Communications Inc provides disaster relief and also administers long-term sustainable community development projects in developing countries.

China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF)

The China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF) the CYDF is committed to the well being and development of Chinese youth, primarily with regards to education, health, environmental protection, volunteerism and engagement. Its largest program, Project Hope, ensures that children and youth in rural...

Basic Needs

For millions of mentally ill people around the world, mental illness is a world of poverty, stigma and isolation. BasicNeeds, an international development charity, works to transform the life of those mentally ill people and to make them feel proud to live. It believes that mental health is a...

Fundación Suiza de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Técnico - Swisscontact Ecuador

Fundacion Suiza de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Técnico is a foundation, independent of political or denominational ties, created by Swiss private businesspersons and university academicians. In cooperation with local public and private partners, it builds sustainable development (sustainable...

AID Transparency (AT)

AID Transparency (AT) is a regional non-governmental organization based in Dakar, Senegal. It was created in response to the overwhelming need for improved governance and development delivery services. It's mission is to seek innovative ways for tackling development issues, strategies and...

Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development (BFSD)

The Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development (BFSD) is an international network of grant-providing institutions striving to attain environmental balance, economic stability and social progress. The Forum brings together individuals from foundations and businesses to build trust, dialogue and...

Asociación Sociocultural Atamán

Asociación Sociocultural Atamáns promotes the development of children living in developing countries through project funding and programme assistance to local communities designed to enhance the educational, emotional and psychological growth of children and their families.

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - Afghanistan

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 for the specific purposes of individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA helps people in need, especially those most vulnerable, such as women, children, and...

Partners For Development

Partners for Development (PFD) is an American not-for-profit organization whose employees and volunteers work in partnership with local and international groups to improve the quality of life of vulnerable people in underserved communities. With its local partners, PFD addresses poverty,...

National University of Timor Lorosae Library Project

National University of Timor Lorosae Library Project is a programme to rebuild a library system in East Timor. The objectives are to train library managers and staff, development coordination of shared resources, promote history, cultural values and development in Timor-Leste, represent member's...

Centre Djoliba

Centre Djoliba was founded in 1964 to promote the local, social, cultural and economic development of Mali and to strengthen the process of democratization within the country. Centre Djoliba is involved in sensitization campaigns, documentation and research to eliminate female genital mutilation...

Centro Cooperativista Uruguayo (CCU)

Centro Cooperativista Uruguayo (CCU) promotes sustainable development to achieve a better quality of life for urban and rural populations. CCU establishes and supports cooperative and associative initiatives with the aim of organizing people into self–managed associative groups.It is also...

World Bank - Ecuador

The World Bank is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. It is a development Bank which provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing services in order to reduce poverty. In Ecuadar, the World bank focuses on anti-poverty reforms in the city and...

OneWorld South Asia (OWSA)

OneWorld works in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for sustainable development and human rights. The OneWorld network disseminates relevant and topical information to audiences worldwide on development issues, makes technology work for the people at the grassroots and...

Youth With A Mission (YWAM)

Youth With A Mission is an international volunteer movement of Christians from many backgrounds, cultures and Christian traditions. YWAM aims to spread the gospel through helping with the practical and physical needs of people around the world and training Christians to serve others in a variety of...

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Guatemala

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged. The aim of CRS globally is to provide direct aid to the poor, to involve people in their own development, helping them to realise their potential and to promote...