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Advocacy of global issues

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In order to increase the number of youths actively participating in democratic processes, decision-making and sustainable development in our communities at all levels, REACH BACK was founded in 2017 in Cameroon. REACH BACK is a nonprofit organization championing...


UPHOLD is registered non profit organisation in India working to improve the quality of life among under privileged, tribes, marginalised groups of people living with Leprosy and HIV/AIDS and vulnerable orphan Children.

Empowerment For the Poor-Uganda

Empowerment for the Poor-Uganda exists to empower women and youth in Uganda by providing them with spaces and resources that enable them to effectively participate in their family and community development processes which strengthens their economic resilience and to lead them live successful,...

Asamang Adventist Christian Academy

Asamang Adventist Christian Academy is Primary and Elementary School established 15 years ago by the Late Noah Nkrumah, Ghanaian educationist who was resided in Osaka-Japan. After his death the school was closed. The school would be reopened again to fulfill the legacy of the Late Noah Nkrumah...

Advocacy and Research on Environment, Health and Governance

ARE is a not for profit organization incorporated in Zambia that conducts research and advocacy for action on matters of public policies that affects Citizens pertaining to Environment, Health and Governance. Vision A society were the most vulnerable and less privileged people’s lives are...

Rawalo Youth Development Foundation

Rawalo Youth Development Foundation (RYDF) was founded by development minded youth who came together to Marshall the locally available resources to improve environmental quality, reduce poverty and improve the livelihood of the Siaya County Community. RYDF was registered as a non-governmental youth...

SomerHill Kids education services

SomerHill Kids education services is an local child community based organization that believes in the power of education to help end poverty. Somerhill works to give children the education they need and fight the inequalities that stand in their way. SomerHill Kids education services mission...

North East African Community Health Initiatives

North East African Community Health Initiative (NEACHI Uganda) is a registered indigenous not-for-profit organization established in July 2020. The organization plays a major role in complimenting government development programs at national and local levels especially assisting rural poor...

Humanitarian and Peace Organization for Afghanistan (HPOA)

Humanitarian and Peace Organization for Afghanistan (HPOA) is an Afghan non-governmental, non-political and non-profitable neutral organization which was established in 2015 to bridge the gap between the policy makers and the Afghan citizens in its areas of operation. HPOA is established to...

JK Developmental Action Group (JK DAG)

JK Developmental Action Group (JK DAG)is an Indian charitable, secular society that aims to profess, practice, and strengthen the bonds of love and charity among people, and to work for unity and development of indigenous communities. The organisation assists the poor and needy by organising...

Omuto Foundation

Omuto Foundation is a dynamic and impactful youthled national organization dedicated to youth development and sustainable change in Uganda. Our core competencies lie in fostering community mobilization, promoting social action, and advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). ...

Millennium Hope International (MHI) Inc.

Millennium Hope International (M.H.I) Inc is an indigenous multi functional organization aims to give support to the disadvantaged/underprivileged. MHI activities include:social justice, health care,hygiene supplies, medical equipment, mission trip, academic, conferences,fundraising,and economic...

The Crescent Foundation

The Crescent Foundation is an Indian NGO working on issues related to education, health, society and athletics. The organization runs a number of projects including free health camps for the elderly, blood-donation camps, and BPO training camps.

World Inspiring Network

World Inspiring Network is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending poverty through education, youth & women empowerment, and climate action. With the support of a global network of volunteers, we strive to empower young people in Ghana, fostering personal and community development while...

Ladder Ministries Uganda

Ladder Ministries Uganda (LMU) is a Christian faith based founded Non – Governmental Organisation established in 2011 and incorporated by the National Bureau for Non – Governmental Organisations of Uganda in the year 2013 with registration number 3166 with the mandate of not only carrying out its...

Zimuto Charitable Trust

The purpose of the Zimuto Charitable Trust a UK Registered Charity is the prevention or relief of poverty in Zimbabwe by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and supporting the work done by Samasuwo Group of Schools and Samasuwo Health Centre in...

Beellahy Foundation

Beellahy Foundation is a care-giving, life sustaining foundation, created to rewrite the unsavoury narratives of the indigents in our society. It is a social institution conceptualized with a clear intention to place a higher premium on the value of human dignity, life and existence through...

Phalombe Youth Arms Organisation (PYAO)

PYAO is a youth-led organization that was initiated in late 2011 but officially established in January 2012. The process was initiated by youth leaders and young professionals and involved consultations with youths, students, vendors, young professionals, movements, and other actors in youth work...

Lucinda's Beautiful Heritage Charity Foundation

«LBH Charity Foundation» is an independent, not for profit making, non-political, charitable associative organization and foundation, created in 2020 to help improve the quality of life for victims of societal ills such as rape, sexual harassment, sexism, domestic abuse, basic human right violation...

Touch me foundation For the less previleged

ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE TOUCHME FOUNDATION FOR THE LESS PRIVILEGED Head Office Address: Touch me foundationforthelessprivileged plot 256 jajanwachukwuStreet, wuye, Abuja , Fct. Mobile Phone:- +234 814 384 9396 , 07018199937 WhatsApp :- 08143849396 Email:...