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Light Zimbabwe

Light Zimbabwe is a social enterprise in Zimbabwe that provides high quality solar lamps at affordable prices to people living in areas without electricity. The organisation either rents lamps to families at below market prices, or allows them to purchase lamps over a two-year period. Any profits...

Rural Development Media Communication (RUDMEC)

Rural Development Media and Communication (RUDMEC) is an NGO in Uganda. RUDMEC's core focus is on the initiation of behaviour change by using media as a change agent to enhance improved livelihoods. RUDMEC is currently involved in promoting the adoption and use of environmental friendly...

Uganda National Volunteers Link (UNVL)

The Uganda National Volunteers Link (UNVL) is an organization established to promote the spirit of volunteering in Uganda. The organisation works through the use of national volunteers in the following thematic areas: education (concentration on basic skills); health (advocacy and community based...

Carnegie Moscow Center

Carnegie Moscow Center is a US-based, private, non-profit organisation that accommodates foreign and Russian researchers collaborating with Washington staff on a variety of topical areas and policy-relevant projects. The Center has relationships with Russian specialists and scholars, educational...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Costa Rica

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nations' global network advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. In Costa Rica, UNDP activities are mainly aimed at promoting sustainable human...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Bolivia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a global development network advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. In Bolivia, the UNDP works with local partners on a range of programmes, including HIV/AIDS...

Green Household Initiatives

Green Household Initiatives (GHI) is a Kenyan NGO. The organisation works with disadvantaged communities to help them improve their living standards by adopting good economic, social and environmental practices which lead to sustainable development. The organization's areas of intervention...

EnterpriseWorks/VITA (EWV)

EnterpriseWorks/VITA (EWV) fights poverty in the developing world through business development programs that allow small agricultural producers and other entrepreneurs to increase their productivity and incomes, pursue sustainable business opportunities, and create jobs that benefit the families,...

Creative Approaches for Development (CAD)

Creative Approaches for Development (CAD) is a Pakistani NGO established to introduce new ideas in development especially connected with the landscape of Chitral. The overall aim of the interventions is the utilization of indigenous resources in the most efficient and effective manner to...

The World Bank (Banque Mondiale) Burundi

The World Bank is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. It is a development bank which provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing services to low and middle income countries to reduce poverty. The Bank promotes growth to create jobs and to...

Technological Empowerment for Africa (TEFA)

Technological Empowerment for Africa (TEFA)is an NGO in Kenya established to help poor communities overcome the barriers of marginalisation through the provision of clean water (digging, deepening or repairing wells), capacity building, developing micro-finance, green energy, technology and...

SELCO makes solar-lighting accessible to poor families in India

SELCO India is a Bangalore‐based social enterprise that makes solar lighting technology accessible to economically impoverished people in India.

Partnership between UNDP and World LP Gas Association provides clean energy to rural areas of Morocco

In many developing countries, including Morocco, there is still a high dependence on traditional biomass fuel in rural areas, which has many negative consequences, such as deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, health issues and gender inequality. Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) represents a safe and...

SELCO partners with India's state banks to bring sunlight to rural India

SELCO India is a Bangalore‐based social enterprise that makes solar lighting technology accessible to the economically impoverished people in India. SELCO’s mission is based on a simple but powerful idea that the economic conditions of the impoverished can be improved substantially if they are made...

Tengizchevroil identifies and facilitates loans at no interest to boost small business development in Kazakhstan

In the 20 years since the dissolution of the former Soviet Union, Kazakhstan has experienced economic setbacks and increased poverty. One major hurdle to small business growth is lack of financing for loans. However, the Central Asian nation has attracted investors.

Partnerships allow Maison Energy to provide energy to rural communities in Morocco

About two million people live without access to electricity in Morocco, mostly in remote rural areas where scattered and unevenly distributed homes make their connection to the national power grid difficult. As a solution, the National Office of Electricity (ONE) opted for a decentralized system of...

Dutch development bank FMO funds E+Co clean energy development

FMO, the entrepreneurial development bank of the Netherlands, has created a clean energy investment facility to be managed by E+Co.

Ahimsa International

Ahimsa International is an NGO based in the USA and in South America. The organisation aims to bring to light a scientific diagnosis of the range of social and ecological threats to makind's shared future, and to facilitate access to a spectrum of scientific solutions. The organisation develops ...

Link Rural Based Organization (LIRUBO)

The Link Rural Based Organization (LIRUBO) is an NGO in Uganda. Since its inception, LIRUBO has trained 700 students in life skills and 70 teachers in life skills and child rights. The organisation has also carried out a Rural Community OVC Intervention project in Kassanda Sub-County, conducting...

ExxonMobil and Synthetic Genomics Inc. partnership on the Advance Algae Biofuels Program

The primary aim of this R&D partnership is to test the hypothesis that algae biofuels could become commercially viable and make a meaningful contribution to meeting future energy demand.