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Standards of best practice stretch across much of the disaster and development spectrum. Wherever standards have been developed, we are keen to respect those in place rather than re-invent the wheel. Please select from the list below to find standards, guidelines and toolkits relevant to your areas of interest.
Choose a global issue
- Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry (5)
- Anti-corruption, illicit drugs and law enforcement (9)
- Arts and culture (2)
- Children, youth and family welfare (14)
- Community development (69)
- Disability issues (2)
- Disasters and humanitarian affairs (59)
- Education and training (20)
- Energy (7)
- Environment and climate change (28)
- Financial accessibility and management (7)
- Food security and nutrition (16)
- Gender issues (10)
- HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical (29)
- Human rights (15)
- Information and communications technologies (9)
- Job creation and enterprise development (28)
- Labour conditions (16)
- Migration and population (4)
- Mine action (2)
- Peace and security (8)
- Refugees and internally displaced persons (6)
- Shelter, housing, land management and construction (6)
- Tourism, travel, leisure and sports (2)
- Trade and development (9)
- Transportation and logistics (5)
- Water and related ecosystems (7)
Choose a partnership type