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Environment and climate change

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TEMASOL: Providing Energy Access to Remote Rural Households in Morocco

In Morocco, despite the government’s efforts to expand its grid-based coverage, about 9% of the rural population could not be cost-effectively connected. Given that Morocco enjoys 3,000 hours of sun per year, solar energy was therefore thought to be a cost-effective alternative. TEMASOL is a...

Toyola Charcoal Stove: Improving the Environment and Health of the Poor in Ghana

Toyola Energy Limited is a company that operates in Ghana. It produces and distributes energy efficient charcoal stoves and solar lanterns for domestic users in the urban and rural parts of Ghana. Toyola entrepreneurs Suraj Wahab and Ernest Kyei – two artisans - have implemented an innovative...

A sucessful community/private/public partnership model for waste recycling in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, the large proportion of urban population combined with limited waste collection systems poses serious social, environmental and health problems. A social enterprise called Waste Concern has found a way to transform solid waste into organic compost using a low cost, low-tech and...

Paper Recycling enterprise in Albania focuses on including smaller businesses and improving the environment

Edipack is a leading paper recycling and packaging material enterprise, located in one of the environmentally most hazardous places in Albania. With the aim of including poor and vulnerable people in its supply chain and generating income opportunities, Edipack cooperates with three NGOs, which...

Natura beauty productsenefit Colombia's lowest social class and recycle tonnes of waste

Natura is a Brazilian organization operating for 40 years with a portfolio of 800 cosmetics, perfume and personal hygiene products. The company has adopted a direct sale scheme as its unique distribution channel.

Littlefeet Environmental

Littlefeet Environmental is a UK-based NGO involved in environmental conservation. The organisation's environmental management programme aims to reduce the causes of climate change through addressing the impact of local businesses on the environment and initiating a programme to reduce and...

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) - Chile

FAO was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity, and to better the condition of rural populations. Today, FAO is one of the largest specialised agencies in the United Nations system and the lead agency for...

Toyota joins Audubon in conservation corporate-NGO partnership

The Audubon Society, a US based environmental conservation group, received its largest grant ever in 2008, $20 million USD from Toyota, to fund conservation projects, train environmental leaders, and boost volunteerism. It's a partnership the carmaker will use to engage its workers and business...

Royal Climate Care

Royal Climate Care is an Indian company that provides services relating to energy, the environment, climate change, carbon markets and sustainable development.

Ouro Verde is part of the New Ventures initiative at the World Resources Institute

Brazilian entrepreneur Luis Laranja's company, Ouro Verde, is part of the New Ventures initiative at the World Resources Institute. New Ventures works with small and medium enterprises that have positive environmental impacts, and helps grow environmental entrepreneurship in emerging markets.

Partnerships allow Maison Energy to provide energy to rural communities in Morocco

About two million people live without access to electricity in Morocco, mostly in remote rural areas where scattered and unevenly distributed homes make their connection to the national power grid difficult. As a solution, the National Office of Electricity (ONE) opted for a decentralized system of...

International Development Enterprise partner with Government to provide low cost irrigation technologies in Nepal

International Development Enterprise (IDE) is a development organization that operates in 11 countries worldwide with the aim of creating income opportunities for poor rural households in developing countries. IDE Nepal was established in 1992 with the aim of developing low-cost irrigation...

Ecotact: Affordable Sanitation Services in Pleasant Surroundings in Kenya

Under the Ikotoilet project, Ecotact builds and operates high-quality, public, pay-per-use toilet and shower facilities on public land in urban centers with particular emphasis in the most disadvantaged areas such as urban slums.

Small Croatian enterprise becomes organic food production champion

“Eco Farm Mavrović” Ltd. is a small enterprise settled in one of most war affected areas in Croatia that started with a clear vision to change public perception of health through organic food production and consumption. Eco Farm Mavrović is an organic grain and animal farm.

Beijing Shengchang Bioenergy S&T Co.: A Leading Bio-Energy Benefits Both Business Itself and Local Farmers in Beijing

Agricultural waste was previously just waste, burned outside in winter. It needs a lot of labour to handle and also produces severe environmental problems. This successful business converts agricultural waste into a valuable product. Beijing Shengchang Bioenergy S&T Co., Ltd. (SBST) is a...

Begeli and Elkana: BIOtiful Life Through Organic Products and Biodiversity

“Begeli” Ltd is a Georgian commercial company, whose objective is to sell and promote local organic products. Begeli was founded in 2005 by the Georgian Fruit and Vegetable Ltd and Biological Farming Association "Elkana", a Georgian NGO. Elkana currently unites about 344 individual farmers, 12...

Oro Verde program partners to promote responsible mining of precious metals in Colombia

The Oro Verde program, located in Colombia’s poorest and conflict-affected region (Chocó), promotes responsible mining of precious metals through traditional extraction methods and technology transfer, with a view to commercialize the metals in specialized fair trade markets.

Čistoća: the First System of Selective Waste Disposal in Montenegro

In order to maintain their town’s popularity as a tourist destination, the municipal officials of Herceg Novi realized that they needed to preserve natural resources by reducing waste and promoting recycling. As a result, the municipality decided to re-organize Čistoća, the public waste management...

Miko Eco Challenge Club

Miko Eco Challenge Club is a community based organization in Kenya that aims to assist in eradicating poverty through environmental rehabilitation. The organisation has created several tree nurseries and has distributed seedlings to schools, churches, mosques and individuals.

ADAPT provides good quality green homes in Egypt

As a result of neglecting construction codes in informal areas more than half of Egypt’s housing stock has been built without monitoring or assistance. Un-planned housing and public spaces have left a mark on the country’s architecture, infrastructure and environmental sustainability, creating a...