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Food security and nutrition

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International Volunteers Network

International Volunteer’s Network is a private organization in Uganda that aims to mobilize international volunteers to live and work alongside local people on humanitarian projects.

SAFE Environmental Protection Service (SAFE)

SAFE Environmental Protection Service (SAFE) undertakes activities connected with water, energy and gas in Borana, Oromia Region where problems of water, health and education are often highly localized. SAFE offers services in the overall management and utilization of waste, where through...

Asian Community Trust

The Asian Community Trust (ACT) is a national fund-raising public good trust established in 1979 to help the needy people of Asian developing countries. Its objectives are to encourage sustainable social and economic development in Asian communities through financial support to local, self-reliant...

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA)

The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA) is a non-profit organisation, engaged in managing domestic and overseas donated funds and materials. Programs include water and livestock, terracing, rebuilding houses, rural education, rural technology training, women's and children's health and...

Asociatia Centrul de Ajutor Si Integrare Sociala

Asociatia Centrul de Ajutor si Integrare Sociala is a Romanian social welfare organisation that works on issues related to poverty eradication, suffering and human degradation and aims to contribute to sustainable development. Activities include a social protection programme, a literacy...

Child Restoration Outreach - Lira

Child Restoration Outreach (CRO) is a Christian NGO in Uganda that works on the rehabilitation of street children. The organisation advocates for the rights of street children and addresses their basic needs such as education, health, shelter, and recreation. In the last 5 years, the Lira...

Growth Partners Africa

Growth Partners Africa is a capacity development NGO based in Nairobi. The organisation applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being, rather than maximizing profits for its partners. Sustainable solutions underpin all its interventions which are in...

Crocodile Friends for Justice

Crocodile Friends for Justice is a Kenyan NGO whose members have all been attacked by crocodiles. The organisation works with people with disabilities, helping them to improve their ability to farm, for example, using greenhouse technology. The organisation also advocates on issues relating to...

African Aid Initiative

The African Aid Initiative is an American-based NGO that delivers immediate philanthropic support and equips vulnerable populations by providing opportunities to be self-sufficient. The Initiative is involved in food security, youth and peace education programmes, health, and also in a female...

Typhoon Haiyan - Nov 2013

Nearly 12 million people have been affected by Typhoon Haiyan, one of the worst disasters to hit the Philippines in years. More than 900,000 people remain displaced, according to the UN. A national state of emergency has been declared, with Samar, Leyte, Cebu, Iloilo, Capiz, Aklan and Palawan...

Amis des Etrangers au Togo: (ADET)

Amis des Etrangers au Togo (ADET) is an NGO in Togo that works for social development, in particular for people with disabilities, the elderly, migrants, indigenous people, youth, and vulnerable women and children. Programmes and projects focus on agriculture, biodiversity, biotechnology,...

LifeCare Ghana

LifeCare Ghana (LIFECARE) is an NGO that works for underserved women and children in the areas of education, human rights, food security, environment, and water and sanitation. LIFECARE has trained 15 women's groups in group dynamics, soap making, pomade production, rabbit rearing and small...

Eddy Hope Foundation

Eddy Hope Foundation (EHF) is a Cameroonian NGO dedicated to improving lives through education, health and good nutrition. The organisation intervenes in 3 programme areas: education and training, human rights and gender and socio-economic empowerment. Interventions are in line with Millennium...

Resource Exchange Trust

The Resource Exchange Trust is an Indian NGO that aims to eradicate malnutrition and improve hygiene in Tamilnadu. The Trust uses college students to help improve hygiene in in remote village government schools, and provides a hygiene kit for the children to encourage them to look after their...

Needs Foundation

The Needs Foundation is a Pakistani NGO that works on nutrition and health education. The organisation also provides legal assistance.

Shiloh Foundation

The Shiloh Foundation is a South African NGO that operates in partnership with communities in Johannesburg. The Foundation aims to improve lives through combating crime, fighting HIV/AIDS and running projects such as an ongoing feeding scheme. The Foundation is currently looking for funding to...

Pankaj Charity Foundation Trust

The Pankaj Charity Foundation Trust is a Indian NGO that strives to help the poor. The Trust would like to build a school and a hospital but does not have the funds to do so. Currently, the Trust concentrates on distribution food to 00 beneficiaries per month.

Save the Nature (STN)

Save the Nature (STN) is an NGO in Pakistan that aims to promote sustainable development in Balochistan through environmental conservation and management of natural resources. STN is involved in awareness raising and capacity building, helping communities to adopt farming practices that aid...

Living Fountain Care Point

Living Fountain Care Point is a small project of a 15-member Self Help Group of volunteers working towards alleviating the problems of abandoned and vulnerable children within the community of Mombasa and its environs. The Group is running a Children’s Home and providing care to abandoned children...

RUSTIC (Rural Unfortunates Safety Talisman Illumination Cottage)

RUSTIC (Rural Unfortunates Safety Talisman Illumination Cottage) is a Bangladeshi NGO that works on environmental and socio-economic issues with poor and marginalised communities.