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Food security and nutrition

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Friends of Environment for Development (FED)

Friends of Environment for Development (FED) is a Ugandan NGO that works with underprivileged communities on issues related to agriculture, the environment, income generation, water, hygiene and sanitation. Current programmes include environment and natural resource management, livelihood...

Welcare Centre for the Helpless Organisation (WCHO)

The Welcare Centre for the Helpless Organisation (WCHO) is a Gambian NGO that works for the economic and social empowerment of the needy. The organisation encourages people to identify and use African solutions and the resources available to them to achieve economic empowerment and sustainable...

The Manacare Foundation

The Manacare Foundation is a UK-based charity that provides help and support for those most in need, particularly children and the elderly in 12 countries around the world. At times responding to emergencies, Manacare has also set up and managed longer -term self-sustaining projects and centres....

African Community Development Foundation

The African Community Development Foundation is an NGO in Kenya. The Foundation was established by market businesswomen to help them to expand their businesses. The organisation provides loan to smallholder farmers and women using a solidarity group-lending model, and also provides training in...

Uganda Sustainable Agricultural Support Organization (USASO)

The Uganda Sustainable Agricultural Support Organisation (USASO) is an NGO that promotes sustainable agriculture through participatory and innovative practices, including organic farming. The organisation provides training in sustainable methods particularly for small scale farmers. ...

Community Focus Uganda

Community Focus-Uganda (COF-UGANDA) is an NGO that aims to contribute to a community driven approach to sustainable development. The organisation intervenes in four main areas: education, food security and agricultural livelihoods, heealth/nutrition and HIV/AIDS, and human rights promotion. ...

Baradrone Social Welfare Institution

The Baradrone Social Welfare Institution is an integrated rural development organisation that aims to improve the educational status of poor and needy children. The organisation is involved in non-formal education; community development; women's empowerment; policy advocacy and leveraging...

Crosslink Memphis

Crosslink Memphis locates surplus medical resources which are available for donation, repackages them, and arranges custom deliveries to medical teams serving needy patients in over 100 countries. It also recycles eyeglasses. Its website includes a list of needed resources and a list of resources...

Support Health and Integrated Development Organisation (SHIDO-Uganda)

Support Health and Integrated Development Organisation (SHIDO-Uganda) is a local NGO in Uganda committed to raising awareness of gaps in community health provision and development through advocacy and improved service delivery. SHIDO works with marginalised and deprived people and aims to promote...

Mehran Education Health Welfare Association

Mehran Education Health Welfare Association (MEHWA) is an NGO in Pakistan. The Association works on education, rural development, women's empowerment and agriculture through sensitisation, training and setting up village development groups. The Association is also involved in research and data...

Save the Children - Australia

Save the Children is an international voluntary agency that works for the benefit of children within the communities in which they live. Save the Children works to make a reality of children's rights: to help children and families improve their health, education and economic opportunities. ...

Indus Consortium for Humanitarian, Environmental and Development Initiatives

The Indus Consortium for Humanitarian, Environmental and Development Initiatives is an alliance of three rights based organizations in Pakistan; Laar Humanitarian Development Programme (LHDP), HELP Foundation and Doaba Foundation. The Consortium acts as a platform for the people living in the area...

Juba Light Organization

The Juba Light Organization is a Somalian NGO that works with and advocates for the needy. The organisation works on issues related to agriculture and social services, including education, health, and water and sanitation. The Foundation focuses on gender equality, and advocates for peaceful...

Life Centre For Youth Development and Empowerment Inc (Licayde)

Life Centre For Youth Development and Empowerment Inc (Licayde) is an Australian NGO that advocates for young people in Africa. Licayde aims to support and enhance rural youth empowerment programmes. The organisation also supports people with disabilities, and promotes youth centred communities.

Jubba Environmental and Develoment Action(JEDA)

Jubba Environmental and Development Action [JEDA] is a Kenyan NGO that works on environmental conservation, conflict resolution, peacemaking, peace education programmes and training. The organisation aims to conserve natural resources and improve hygiene and sanitation. JEDA also provides ...

International Volunteers Network

International Volunteer’s Network is a private organization in Uganda that aims to mobilize international volunteers to live and work alongside local people on humanitarian projects.

SAFE Environmental Protection Service (SAFE)

SAFE Environmental Protection Service (SAFE) undertakes activities connected with water, energy and gas in Borana, Oromia Region where problems of water, health and education are often highly localized. SAFE offers services in the overall management and utilization of waste, where through...

Asian Community Trust

The Asian Community Trust (ACT) is a national fund-raising public good trust established in 1979 to help the needy people of Asian developing countries. Its objectives are to encourage sustainable social and economic development in Asian communities through financial support to local, self-reliant...

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA)

The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA) is a non-profit organisation, engaged in managing domestic and overseas donated funds and materials. Programs include water and livestock, terracing, rebuilding houses, rural education, rural technology training, women's and children's health and...

Asociatia Centrul de Ajutor Si Integrare Sociala

Asociatia Centrul de Ajutor si Integrare Sociala is a Romanian social welfare organisation that works on issues related to poverty eradication, suffering and human degradation and aims to contribute to sustainable development. Activities include a social protection programme, a literacy...