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Food security and nutrition

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Society For Integrated Rural Development (SFIRD)

The Society For Integrated Rural Development (SFIRD) is an Indian NGO that works with Dalits, tribes, marine fisher-folk, minorities and other marginalised sections of the community who are powerless, voiceless and exploited. The organisation aims to improve village life for these communities...

Peace and Love Entrepreneurs Women

Peace and Love Entrepreneurs Women is a Tanzanian NGO that works with and for women. The organisation assists through the creation of savings and credit schemes, health, and gender and environmental protection projects. The organisation also helps women to set up their own small businesses.

Light and Life Mission Cameroon

The Light and Life Mission Cameroon is a ministry of the Free Methodist World Mission. Its main aim is to preach the gospel, plant churches and administer them. The Mission also offers humanitarian assistance to orphans, widows, and the needy providing scholarships and vocational training and...

Masiha World Mission

The Masiha World Mission is a Nepalese NGO that works on issues relating to the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable communities, including women and children. Projects relate to livelihoods, social justice, equality and development. Target groups include visually impaired children,...

African Friends in Need Network (AFINNET)

African Friends in Need Network (AFINNET) promotes rural community development initiatives and projects focusing upon community participation and capacity building. Women, children and youth are AFINNET's primary beneficiaries. AFINNET gives grants to community programmes which are administered by...

Youth First Development

Youth First Development is a Zambian NGO that helps young people to become involved in development. The organisation is involved in projects around reproductive health, farming, entrepreneurship and governance.

Vision Nepal

Vision Nepal is a women-headed Christian development organization based in Kathmandu. The organisation concentrates on the improvement and development of marginalized communities working at grassroots level on issues relating to health, education and livelihoods, particularly for women and...

Community Active Network Uganda (CAN-Uganda)

Community Active Network Uganda (CAN-Uganda) is an NGO working with children, young people and families with challenging and complex needs. The Network works towards protecting children and families from all forms of injustices through skills education, health insurance, health care, and poverty...

Kenya Coffee Producers Association (KCPA)

Kenya Coffee Producers Association (KCPA) acts as one united voice for coffee farmers in Kenya and ensures there is harmony in the industry. KCPA’s principal activities are to lobby for an environment that is conducive for the production, processing and marketing of high quality coffee. In...

Peter Ambe Memorial Helping Hand Association (PAMHHA)

Peter Ambe Memorial Helping Hand Association (PAMHHA) is an NGO based in Sweden and Cameroon. The organisation aims to help less privileged people in Cameroon.

Liberia Rural Children Psychosocial Development Organization (LIRCPSDO) Inc.

Liberia Rural Children Psychosocial Development Organization (LIRCPSDO) Inc. is a Liberian NGO that works in rural areas with young people and children, and aims to empower their parents through education and other iniatives. The organisation has four major programme areas: food security, health,...

Vozoli Horticultural Self Help Group

The Vozoli Horticultural Self Help Group is an NGO in Kenya. The Group aims to introduce farmers, particularly women, to innovative methods of food production and marketing as a way of increasing food security and income generation. The Group is also involved in child care and health programmes,...

Camp Sonshine Center Foundation, Inc

The Camp Sonshine Center is a Christian ministry based in Iloilo City, Philippines. It reaches out to the street children of the city, offering them an after-school programme, summer camp experiences, and other aid. The Sonshine Center is an extension of Camp Sonshine of Silver Spring, Maryland,...

Wisdom Fountain Ministries

This is a faith-based organisation in South Africa, Zeerust, that is involved in local community projects, including helping the needy in rural areas with food and clothing, giving support to aids victims and youth programmes. They are planning to implement a supply center for the rural areas in...

Glory Inventing & Research Mission

Glory Inventing & Research Mission is a relief and development charitable organization providing training in employable skills to youth and children, and providing care for widows and the elderly.

CTRD Trust (Centre for Tribals and Rural Development)

The Centre for Tribals and Rural Development (CRTD) Trust is an Indian NGO that works with tribal and rural communities in the Nilgiri Hills, the mountainous region in Tamil Nadu. CTRD implements projects to empower women and children, to improve health and education, to improve infrastructure...

Partners For Productivity Foundation ( PFPF)

The Partners For Productivity Foundation (PFPF) is an NGO in Cameroon. The Foundation works on conservation and development issues. PFPF aims to sensitize and work with rural communities in their self-help activities by taking into consideration relevant socio-cultural and ecological aspects to...

Advocacy for Health, Education, Agriculture and Development, Inc.(AHEAD)

AHEAD (Advocacy for Health, Education, Agriculture and Development) is a Liberian NGO established to advocate for vulnerable communities and marginalised groups in the area of health, education, agriculture and community development. The organisation has conducted needs assessments and found that...

United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service

The United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service (UCN) is a medical and social NGO in Hong Kong providing professional and comprehensive primary health care services. The organisation practises the philosophy of a "hospital without walls”. Its services cater for the physical, mental,...

Viola Foundation for Handicap, Orphans and Elderly

The Viola Foundation for Handicap Orphans and Elderly is a Christian NGO in Uganda. The organisation cares for 150 orphans, providing them with accommodation, food and medical referrals, scholastic materials for formal education, support for practical skills training such as tailoring and...