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Food security and nutrition

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Aids Counselling Network Intiative

The Aids Counselling Network Intiative is an organisation in Uganda. The Network offers counselling and guidance services. education on food security, and access to education for orphans, people with disabilities and women.

Twerwaneho Orphans Community Initiative (TOCI)

The Twerwaneho Orphans Community Initiative (TOCI) is a small locally run community initiative that focuses on helping HIV/AIDS affected orphans, child headed households and children with disabilities and special needs to live healthy, sustainable and successful lives. TOCI provides financial,...

Anglican Development Services of Mt. Kenya East

Anglican Development Services of Mt. Kenya East (ADSMKE) is the development arm of the Anglican Church of Kenya. The organisation sponsors programmes in the following areas: sustainable food production and security; environmental conservation; community-based health care; water and sanitation;...

Forum of Women for Accelerated Rural Development (FOWARD)

The Forum of Women for Accelerated Rural Development (FOWARD) is a Ugandan NGO that aims to link grassroots communities to services and opportunities and to build their capacity for collective action to address the challenges they face. FOWARD targets mainly women and children. Its programme...

Sudar Academy and Charitable Trust

Sudar Academy and Charitable Trust is an Indian NGO that educates people with disabilities. The Trust started with 4 physically challenged children and now looks after 30 students between the ages of 7 - 30. Education and food are provided free of charge.

TUMU Foundation

The TUMU Foundation is a Ugandan NGO that aims to increase access to quality health care services and social support for needy and less privileged groups in the Buhweju District and the neighbouring areas. The Foundation's programme focuses on health care and support, community education, direct...

ReSurge International

Provides free reconstructive plastic surgery for needy children and adults in developing countries, and health-care and medical training in developing contexts. By empowering local doctors, ReSurge increases access to surgical care and by restoring lives through surgery, ReSurge helps reduce...

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) - Canada

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) International is an independent humanitarian agency established in 1984 for the specific purposes of individual and community development and disaster relief. ADRA helps people in need, especially those most vulnerable, such as women, children, and...

Mercy Ships Switzerland

Mercy Ships operates a fleet of ships crewed by doctors, teachers, water engineers and agriculturalists providing free services to people in some of the world’s poorest cities. The program includes three hospital ships, three land-based projects, and support offices around the world. The...

Mankanali Netaji Subhas Social Welfare Society

The Mankanali Netaji Subhas Social Welfare Society (MNSSWS) is an Indian NGO based in West Bengal. The organisation works for economic development among rural communities and marginalised people on a range of issues including health, nutrition, education, agriculture, income generation, and women's...

Kikumu Agriculture Research Centre

The Kikumu Agriculture Research Centre (KARK) is a women's organization in Kasese, Uganda. KARC promotes sustainable development through community education, and supports advocacy strategies relevant to marginalized rural women and slum communities. The organisation runs programmes including...

Watchful Association for Relief and Development (WARD)

The Watchful Association for Relief and Development (WARD) is an NGO operating in Somalia. The organisation was established in Mogadishu by a group of concerned Somali intellectuals who wished to respond to the increased suffering, starvation and death in local communities affected by civil...

Uganda National Volunteers Link (UNVL)

The Uganda National Volunteers Link (UNVL) is an organization established to promote the spirit of volunteering in Uganda. The organisation works through the use of national volunteers in the following thematic areas: education (concentration on basic skills); health (advocacy and community based...

Development Action for Marginalised Rural Areas (DAMRA)

Development Action for Marginalised Rural Areas (DAMRA) is an NGO operating in some of the most marginalized areas in Malawi, currently focusing on Rumphi and adjacent districts of northern Malawi. DAMRA aims to assist in working towards hunger free and healthy communities by helping people to...

South Central Windward Producer's Co-operative Society

The South Central Windward Co-operative Society is a rural community co-operative organization in the State of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (an island in the southern Caribbean). The Society's philosophy is based on a central theme that production and productivity must be maximized in developing...

Nestlé SA

Nestlé, the world's leading nutrition, health and wellness company. Our mission of "Good Food, Good Life" is to provide consumers with the best tasting, most nutritious choices in a wide range of food and beverage categories and eating occasions, from morning to night. Nestlé believes that it is...

American Anti-Slavery Group (AASG)

The American Anti-Slavery Group (AASG) is a nonprofit organisation that works to abolish modern slavery around the world, focusing primarily on systems of chattel slavery in Sudan and Mauritania (but also debt bondage, sex slavery and forced labour). The AASG’s programs are geared toward promoting...


MISEREOR works with a host of domestic partners to provide assistance against poverty and political suppression in places such as Latin America, Asia and Africa. MISEREOR does this by assisting with developing projects including the education of women and children against AIDS, financing farmers...


Founded in 1994 SEEDS is an India based non-profit organisation working on environmental and disaster management for over ten years. The SEEDS team comprises development professionals with experience in disaster relief, rehabilitation and preparedness.

Roland Clinic

Roland Clinic is a non-governmental organisation which works to enhance the living and health standards of poor families in Gambia.