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Gender issues

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Grupa Zagranica

Grupa Zagranica is the platform of Polish NGOs involved in international development cooperation, democracy support, humanitarian aid and global education. The current list of members can be found at the “Members” section of the website.


MIBOSCO is a Kenyan NGO. The organization aims to educate and empower women and children through education, entreprenuership, business and advocacy. The organization conducts and coordinates research and training and implements community based projects focusing on a range of issues including...

KITI Single Mothers Organization

KITI Single Mothers Organization is a group of very poor single mothers in Kenya who want to find alternative ways of self support.


GIVIT is an Australian online matching service connecting potential donors to trusted charities who work directly with the country's most impoverished, vulnerable and isolated individuals. GIVIT supports women's shelters, homeless services, immigration groups and all types of not for profits. ...

Society for Disabled Women

The Society for Disabled Women (SDW) is a Pakistani NGO that works for the recognition of the independent living status of women with disabilities, and for recognition of their rights. SDW works through awareness raising programmes and community based rehabilitation programmes. The...

Youth in Action Balochistan

Youth In Action Balochistan (YIAB) is an NGO in Pakistan. YIAB works on a range of interventions in education, health and hygiene, youth and women's empowerment, emergency response and preparedness, governance, legal aid and human rights. Activities include capacity building and service...

Society For Integrated Rural Development (SFIRD)

The Society For Integrated Rural Development (SFIRD) is an Indian NGO that works with Dalits, tribes, marine fisher-folk, minorities and other marginalised sections of the community who are powerless, voiceless and exploited. The organisation aims to improve village life for these communities...

Peace and Love Entrepreneurs Women

Peace and Love Entrepreneurs Women is a Tanzanian NGO that works with and for women. The organisation assists through the creation of savings and credit schemes, health, and gender and environmental protection projects. The organisation also helps women to set up their own small businesses.

Real Improvement Gross Root Human Tribe Society (RIGHTS)

The Real Improvement Gross Roots Human Tribes Society (RIGHTS) is an Indian NGO that works in rural development. Programmes focus on education and environmental conservation. The organisation has a particular focus on women's development.

Child Aid Development Foundation International (CADFIN)

Child Aid Development Foundation International (CADFIN) is a Cameroonian NGO that works for the benefit of economically and socially disadvantage rural children, youth and women. CADFIN is involved in awareness raising, community health care, environmental protection, HIV/AIDS awareness and...

Asante Mama

Asante Mama is a Ugandan NGO that aims to help women to increase their income and improve their health. The organisation's main objective is to provide women with opportunities to develop economically, Women are encouraged to create groups in order develop through networking. Asante Mama also...

Prachi Youth Social Organisation

The Prachi Youth Social Organisation is an Indian NGO established to encourage sustainable development by promoting education for children up to the age of 14, and to work with the following target groups: women and children with disabilities, senior citizens, small farmers and agricultural...

Helping People

Helping People is a Cameroonian NGO that advocates for human rights and community development in rural western areas. The organisation is also known as SCOPION (Sustainable Community Reintegration Programme in Our Nation). SCOPION provides support to children and disabled people, providing help...

Light and Life Mission Cameroon

The Light and Life Mission Cameroon is a ministry of the Free Methodist World Mission. Its main aim is to preach the gospel, plant churches and administer them. The Mission also offers humanitarian assistance to orphans, widows, and the needy providing scholarships and vocational training and...

Youth Advocates Ghana-YAG

Youth Advocates Ghana-YAG is an NGO working to eliminate sexual violence against women and children (violence against girls in school, rape, defilement and sexual harassment as well as demanding sex favours before offering employment etc). YAG works at the grassroots level with poor...

Youth First Development

Youth First Development is a Zambian NGO that helps young people to become involved in development. The organisation is involved in projects around reproductive health, farming, entrepreneurship and governance.


Deltawomen is an NGO in Nigeria established to influence policy changes to maximize opportunities and equality for women. The organisation aims to to build the capacity of women to escape poverty and deprivation through self-reliance and by empowerment through education.

Foundation for Economic empowerment and Educational Development (FEED)

The Foundation for Economic empowerment and Educational Development (FEED) is a Nigerian NGO that aims to assist in reducing poverty by working with donor organizations in potentially inflammatory situations.

Vision Nepal

Vision Nepal is a women-headed Christian development organization based in Kathmandu. The organisation concentrates on the improvement and development of marginalized communities working at grassroots level on issues relating to health, education and livelihoods, particularly for women and...

Devcorps Incorporated

Devcorps Incorporated is a Liberian NGO that promotes sustainable development through community engagement, capacity building and action research. The organisation works through education, micro-enterprise development, agricultural and health programmes for poor and marginalised groups,...