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Gender issues

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United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Bolivia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a global development network advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. In Bolivia, the UNDP works with local partners on a range of programmes, including HIV/AIDS...

Caritas Kiyinda- Mityana

Caritas Kiyinda- Mityana is the social services department of the Catholic Diocese of Kiyinda- Mityana, Uganda. The organisation implements a number of programmes focusing on people with disabilities, the elderly, and orphans and vulnerable children. Caritas Kyinda also runs a water and sanitation...

Soha Foundation

The Soha Foundation is an NGO in Pakistan. The Foundation works on community mobilization and through volunteer support forums in the areas of human rights, peace and security, child and women's rights and protection, and poverty alleviation.

Association Evangélique d'Appui au Développement (AEAD)

Association Evangélique d'Appui au Développement (AEAD) was established in 1992 in Burkina Faso to assist the poor and needy through socio-economic activities and evangelisation. The organisation runs a range of programmes focussing on health, the environment and formal and informal education in...

Depressed and Traumatised People of Uganda (Detrap-U)

Depressed and Traumatised People of Uganda (Detrap-U) is a new Ugandan NGO established by psychosocial/ rehabilitation professionals and victims of traumatic experiences. The organisation aims to use local solutions to alleviate mental and psychological sufferering. Detrap-U is currently involved...

Africa Youth Initiative Network (AYINET) - Zambia

The Africa Youth Initiative Network (AYINET) is a youth organisation in Zambia. AYINET aims to support youth initiatives that promote increased participation of young people in issues requiring policy outcomes. The organisation also advocates for adequate educational opportunities from primary to...

Organisation De Opportunity Uganda

Organisation De Opportunity (ODO) Ugandan is an NGO that reaches out to vulnerable groups. ODO Uganda supports human rights and good governance; gender and women in development; children and young people; health; the environment and natural resource management; public information, education and...

Women of Purpose Community Development Centre

The Women of Purpose Community Deveopment Centre is a Kenyan NGO that aims to empower women, particularly widows and poor women, and orphans and vulnerable children. The organisation tries to address issues such as poverty, illiteracy,reproductive health and outdated cultural practices that...

Women Rights Action Group (WRAG)

The Women Rights Action Group (WRAG) is a Tanzanian NGO. The organisation aims to improve the social economic welfare of women through education and health programmes, and through promoting their human rights. WRAG also fights against HIV/AIDS. WRAG is currently involved in a capacity building...

Mission to the Needy (MITON)

Mission to the Needy (MITON) is a Ugandan NGO that works for women suffering from domestic violence, abused children, disadvantaged families, vulnerable young people and children. the organisation focuses on health, education and economic development in marginalized communities, and advocates...

National Organisation for Welfare and Development (NOWAD)

The National Organisation for Welfare and Development (NOWAD) is an Indian NGO. NOWAD works in adult education, continuing education , and women's empowerment and leadership training. NOWAD focuses on helping people living in tribal areas and Dalits, women and children in particular.

1012 Youth Organization

The 1012 Youth Organisation is an NGO in the Philippines. The organisation targets young people, but also cares for children, person with disabilities and women.

Peace and Love Entrepreneurs Women

Peace and Love Entrepreneurs Women is a Tanzanian NGO. The organisation works for underprivileged women on community development, particularly on the provision of education and training for entrepreneurship.

Lore & Light Society

The Lore and Light Society is an NGO in Pakistan that aims to support deprived communities in various ways, particularly in regard to the improvement of health and education services for those living in rural areas. The Society focuses on awareness raising in regard to hygiene, the need for...

Movement of Voice for Democracy (Movers Nigeria)

Movement of Voice for Democracy (Movers Nigeria) is a peoples rights and economic empowerment association. The organisation's objective is to educate and mobilize Nigerians to be productive entrepreneurs through pooling talents and resources for the promotion of mutual interests.

Giving Children Hope Initiative (GCHI)

The Giving Children Hope Initiative is a Ugandan NGO that works for underprivileged children and their families on issues including child care, young people's and women's empowement, environmental conservation, food security and health. The organisation is currently involved in tree planting...

ADP- Lamecque

ADP-Lamecque is a French organisation for Muslim girls who are interested in sport-.

Heart of Mercies Uganda

Heart of Mercies Uganda is an NGO working for older people (65+) and vulnerable children in their care (HIV/AIDS orphans). The organisation aims to protect the rights of the elderly and those of vulnerable children. Programmes supported by the organisation include educaton, agriculture, health and...

Bridge of Hope Organisation (BOHO)

The Bridge Of Hope Organization (BOHO)is a Ugandan NGO established to develop programmes to support vulnerable children, young people and women, particularly those in rural areas where people have been affected by the lengthy war. BOHO aims to work on issues related to social protection, health,...

Women Development Organization (WDO)

The Women Development Organization (WDO) is an NGO in Balochistan, Pakistan. The organisation aims to assist in the creation of a democratic and justice-based society through the empowerment of women and other marginalised groups through focusing on human rights and development. WDO is involved in...