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Gender issues

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Mbonweh Women's Development Association

The Mbonweh Women's Development Association is a women-led NGO in Cameroon that strives for equal justice and fair treatment of all irrespective of gender. The Association works a range of initiatives including education and vocational training, sustainable agriculture, women's empowerment,...

Triple-D Foundation (TDF)

Triple-D Foundation is an NGO that caters for the moral and intellectual development of children and young adults in the Gambia. Triple-D assists and guides children, young people and the homeless to achieve their potential through self-discipline, self-discovery and self-development. The...

Helping Children

Helping Chldren is a Sri Lankan NGO that focuses on children and young people. The organisation is involved in a range of programmes including early childhood development, protection of children's rights, protection of the environment, entrepreneurial development, education and training, health...

Enactus Strathclyde

Enactus Strathclyde is a social enterprise set up by students in Scotland. The organisation has a microfinance team, and in addition, works on technology development in order to assist small businesses in less developed countries.

Girls on the Run of the Bay Area

Girls on the Run of the Bay Area is an NGO in San Francisco. The organisation works with schools on programmes that combine training for a 5K or 1-mile community running event with healthy living education. The curriculum-based programmes instil self-esteem and strong values through health...

Centre for Youth Development

The Centre for Youth Development is an NGO in Malawi that works on youth empowerment. The organisation advocates for the protection and promotion of the human rights of young people and children, lobbies the government and other stakeholders on climate change, and provides information HIV/AIDS,...

Busoga Integrated Development and Care Foundation

Busoga Integrated Development and Care Foundation (BIDCAF) is a Christian Ugandan NGO established to serve marginalised and deprived members of the community. BIDCAF runs a number of programmes focusing on its target groups, including people living with HIV/AIDS, orphans and women: the Orphans...

Safe Alliance Nepal

Safe Alliance Nepal is an NGO that works on issues related to empowerment of women, skill development, and the environment.

HELP for Peace

HELP for Peace is an NGO in the Philippines that cares for people affected in complex health emergencies and disasters. The organisaion also works on community health development. Its flagship programme is the Barefoot Doctors programme (villagers empowered to care and heal in their own...

Hunger Reduction International

Hunger Reduction International (HRI) is a humanitarian relief and development organization working towards the alleviation of systemic hunger in all its forms in Somali communities. In addition, the organisation works on gender inequality.

Asha Kiran (A Rural Development Organisation)

Asha Kiran (A Rural Development Organisation is a Indian NGO based in Andhra Pradesh. The organisation works for the development of the rural poor, the downtrodden and underprivileged members of the community, especially women and children. Projects include issues related to health, education,...

Hands of Hope Africa

Hands of Hope Africa is a women led NGO in Uganda. The organisation focuses on community empowerment, women and children's rights, girl child education, climate change and adaptation, and peace and conflict management.

Creative Action for Rural Development (CARD)

Creative Action for Rural Development (CARD) is an Indian NGO that works for Dalits in rural areas. Activities in which CARD has been engaged for the past 25 years include the development of micro-credit, community health, education and the encouragement of women's empowerment. ...

The Hand of Change

The Hand of Change (THoC) is a youth–led NGO based in Senegal. The organisation aims to serve as a platform providing opportunities for young people to think, plan and act in regard to personal and community development. THoC has worked with street children and runs an environmental awareness...

MAAPSI (Motivation, Awareness, Advocacy Programme on Social Issues)

MAAPSI(Motivation, Awareness, Advocacy Programme on Social Issues) is an NGO based in Bangladesh. The organisation promotes democracy, human rights, and good governance and aims to act as a watchdog to help improve the human rights situation, and the accountability and transparency of the...

Cultural Educational and Environmental Organisation

The Cultural Educational and Environmental Organisation is an Indian NGO that aims to promote Kashmiri culture and to educate and develop young people of Kashmiri origin. The organisation also promotes health and works to protect the environment, organises free medical camps, providing assistance...

Voluntary Organization for Rural Development-in-Action (AVORD)

The Voluntary Organization for Rural Development-in-Action (AVORD) is an Indian NGO that is committed to raising awareness of the role of education in social change among grassroots communities. The organisation focuses on deprived children, including street children, orphans and the children of...

Tribal and Rural Empowerment and Enlightenment Services

The Tribal and Rural Empowerment and Enlightenment Services is an Indian NGO that is involved in health, education, women's empowerment, livelihood development, focusing particularly on tribal rights.

Development Initiatives and Care Enterprise (DEVICE)

The Development Initiatives and Care Enterprise (DEVICE) is a Ugandan NGO that works on issues facing women, children and young people with a view to building a responsible and productive community. Activities include education and training, health promotion and livelihood development. DEVICE also...

Backward Society Education (BASE)

The Backward Society Education (BASE) is a Nepalese NGO that works for the education and rehabilitation of marginalized communities. The organisation also fights against social and political discrimination. BASE is not just an NGO but one of the largest social movements in South Asia. with a...