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Gender issues

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Vestergaard Frandsen Group

Vestergaard Frandsen Group specialises in emergency response and disease control textiles and is committed to the Millenium Development Goals. It is guided by a unique Humanitarian Entrepreneurship business model, whose "profit for a purpose" approach has turned humanitarian responsibility into its...

Progressive Initiative for Cameroon (PICAM)

Progressive Initiative for Cameroon (PICAM) is a nonprofit, non-governmental organisation dedicated to improving and transforming the Cameroonian society through innovative research and practical activities.

Association of Human Rights and Tortured Defenders (AHURTOD)

The Association of Human Rights and Tortured Defenders (AHURTOD) is a human rights and relief organisation founded in 2004 to protect Cameroon’s vulnerable and poor population. AHURTOD’s activities aim to defend men and women’s rights, to fight against child labour, exploitation, abuse and...

Movement for Democracy, Development and Transparency

The Movement for Democracy Development and Transparency (MDDT) is an NGO in Cameroon. The organization aims to create a society that promotes social justice and enhances development through the efficient use and management of resources. MMDT members are involved in rehabilitation schemes, and...

Project Africa

PROJECT AFRICA was incorporated in Kenya as a non profit NGO in 2008. Today the organization provides supports and services annually to over 1000 women and girls from poor rural and urban settings in Kenya. Its assistance is designed to support individual women and girls to break free from the...

Oikocredit International

Oikocredit International, one of the largest financiers of the microfinance sector worldwide, promotes global justice by challenging people, churches and others to share their resources through socially responsible investments and by empowering disadvantaged people with credit. Oikocredit finances...

Refugees International

Refugees International develops policy and advocacy positions based on local knowledge of key humanitarian emergencies. Their advocates spend weeks in the field to reach populations that are most in need and determine immediate, practical ways to address the humanitarian emergencies they face. By...

World Health Organization (WHO) - Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO)

The World Health Organization, the United Nations specialised agency for health, aims to coordinate international health activities and to help governments improve health services. The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean prioritizes programmes which focus on such issues as the global...


Camfed (Campaign for Female Education) is an international charity that is dedicated to the education of girls in Africa. More than 1,065,710 children in impoverished areas have benefited from Camfed's innovative education programmes. Camfed uses a holistic community-based approach to its work....

Find Your Feet (FYF)

Find Your Feet (FYF) enables vulnerable families in poor communities to improve harvests, increase family income, and learn skills and access education services. This organisation also addresses women's needs and rights, the need to maintain biodiversity, increase understanding of economic, social...

Women in Agribusiness in Sub-Saharan Africa Alliance (WASSAA)

The Women in Agribusiness in Sub-Saharan Africa Alliance (WASSAA) is a grouping of entrepreneurs from sub-Saharan countries with a focus on creating a strong and reliable network of women and young people in the agribusiness sector. WASSAA particularly wants women in all walks of life in the...

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cresent (IFRC)

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is the world's largest humanitarian organisation, providing assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions. The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable...

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

UNICEF is an international aid agency that works with communities and governments in 157 countries for the survival, development and protection of children worldwide, upholding the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The priorities of the program are children's health, education, equality and...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Costa Rica

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the United Nations' global network advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. In Costa Rica, UNDP activities are mainly aimed at promoting sustainable human...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Bolivia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a global development network advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. In Bolivia, the UNDP works with local partners on a range of programmes, including HIV/AIDS...

Caritas Kiyinda- Mityana

Caritas Kiyinda- Mityana is the social services department of the Catholic Diocese of Kiyinda- Mityana, Uganda. The organisation implements a number of programmes focusing on people with disabilities, the elderly, and orphans and vulnerable children. Caritas Kyinda also runs a water and sanitation...

Soha Foundation

The Soha Foundation is an NGO in Pakistan. The Foundation works on community mobilization and through volunteer support forums in the areas of human rights, peace and security, child and women's rights and protection, and poverty alleviation.

Association Evangélique d'Appui au Développement (AEAD)

Association Evangélique d'Appui au Développement (AEAD) was established in 1992 in Burkina Faso to assist the poor and needy through socio-economic activities and evangelisation. The organisation runs a range of programmes focussing on health, the environment and formal and informal education in...

Depressed and Traumatised People of Uganda (Detrap-U)

Depressed and Traumatised People of Uganda (Detrap-U) is a new Ugandan NGO established by psychosocial/ rehabilitation professionals and victims of traumatic experiences. The organisation aims to use local solutions to alleviate mental and psychological sufferering. Detrap-U is currently involved...

Africa Youth Initiative Network (AYINET) - Zambia

The Africa Youth Initiative Network (AYINET) is a youth organisation in Zambia. AYINET aims to support youth initiatives that promote increased participation of young people in issues requiring policy outcomes. The organisation also advocates for adequate educational opportunities from primary to...