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Shelter, housing, land management and construction

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Refugees International

Refugees International develops policy and advocacy positions based on local knowledge of key humanitarian emergencies. Their advocates spend weeks in the field to reach populations that are most in need and determine immediate, practical ways to address the humanitarian emergencies they face. By...

Muslim Aid Australia

Muslim Aid Australia provides emergency, long-term assistance and other charitable services to alleviate the pain of those suffering and in need of relief. The organisation raises funds for various relief efforts and orphan aid programmes for some of the poorest countries of the world. MAA...

Global Volunteers

Global Volunteers are dedicated to building a foundation for world peace by enabling ordinary people to make a contribution through service to others and in the process to enrich the opportunities for mutual international understanding.

Renew Faith Organisation International

Renew Faith Organisation International is a non-governmental organisation operating in Senegal and India. The main focus of Renew Faith is on education, shelter, food and medical treatment. The organisation provides services for orphans and street kids, older people, people with leprosy or mental...

Samaritan's Purse Australia

Samaritan's Purse - Australia, an office of Samaritan's Purse International, provides aid to victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine. The organization's focus is on its immediate Southeast Asian and Pacific neighbours as well as to Indigenous Australians in the Kimberleys...

Islamic Relief Worldwide

The NGO Islamic Relief (IR) is an international relief and development charity which aims to alleviate the suffering of the world’s poorest people. Islamic Relief works in four main areas: emergency relief, development, support for orphans, and Waqf (charitable endowment). IR has emergency supplies...

Operation Mobilisation Southern Africa

Operation Mobilisation Southern Africa is a Christian organisation involved in community development and relief work. In South Africa, for example, the organisation partners with two AIDS orphanages, helping them find resources and providing volunteers to work with orphans.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

UNDP is one of United Nation organisations that has targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015. On the ground in 176 countries, UNDP uses its global network to help the UN system and its partners to raise...

Association Evangélique d'Appui au Développement (AEAD)

Association Evangélique d'Appui au Développement (AEAD) was established in 1992 in Burkina Faso to assist the poor and needy through socio-economic activities and evangelisation. The organisation runs a range of programmes focussing on health, the environment and formal and informal education in...

Society of Christian Missioners

The Society of Christian Missioners is a ministry of St John's Orthodox Catholic Church in St Petersburg, Florida. The organisation provides transitional housing for homeless men recovering from substance abuse at two facilities in downtown St Petersburg.

Ravasini S.p.A.

Established in 1948, Ravasini S.p.A. is an Italian company that specialises in manufacturing special equipments for construction sites and mining industry. Their products include mobile workshops for first aid, assistance, maintenance and repair, fire fighting vehicles, mobile laboratories for air,...

Dorcas Aid International

Dorcas Aid International(DAI) provides social, development and relief aid through over 100 projects in more than twenty countries. DAI operates by funding local partners in projects involving agriculture, water supply, food and clothing, health care, housing, refugees asistance and income...

Rotary World Community Service Resource Network

Rotary World Community Service Resource Network (WCSRN) is a global network of Rotarians with special expertise who can provide comprehensive information and advice to clubs and districts on successful approaches to carrying out international service projects.

Ministry to Street Children

Ministry to Street Children is one of the ministries provided by the churches in Zambia, to support and help the orphaned, abandoned, vulnerable and abused children in the community. It provides them education, training, medical care, humanitarian support, spiritual development and advice about...

Hope for The Orphan Children - Sierra Leone

Hope for the Orphan Children is a project supported by Children of the Nations International in Sierra Leone to build a new Village of Hope in Banta Mokelleh for orphaned children and provide them homes, schools, churches, medical clinics, nutrition and whatever they need in their fight against...


The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. As the focal point...

Somaly Mam Foundation

The Somaly Mam Foundation (SMF) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the USA focused on combating the global sex slave trade through supporting the rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration of the victims. The Somaly Mam Foundation is committed to ending modern day slavery and...

CEMEX mobilizes public and private resources to pave streets in Mexico

CEMEX, a multinational cement company based in Mexico, has devised a plan to mobilise both public and private resources to pave streets in low-income neighbourhoods.

Public-Private Partnership for Low - Cost Housing Investments

Thousands of Salvadorans with no credit history can access loans now to make home improvements and expand their home businesses. El Salvador has developed a unique and sustainable financial business model that enables low-income consumers to improve and expand their homes by mobilizing...

Vision Banco partners with Habitat to provide low-income housing in Paraguay

Thousands of low income Paraguayans will be able to make home improvements with credits provided by a Vision Banco-Habitat partnership.