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Shelter, housing, land management and construction

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Bank of America supports Habitat for Humanity in Dallas

A 30-second video describing how Bank of America works in partnership with Habitat for Humanity in Dallas.

Mercy Corps and Nike promote Sports for Peace and Life in Sudan

Mercy Corps has been working in Sudan using sports as a way of both rebuilding post-civil war communities and educating young people about HIV/AIDS. This effort has been supported and greatly helped by Nike's donation of large amounts of sporting equipment to the project.

Cemex makes home improvements accessible for the poor in Mexican slums

Construmex is one of CEMEX's vanguard social initiatives. It was launched following the company's experience resulting from Patrimonio Hoy, a preceding low-income market and socially minded business initiative. Since its inception in 2001, Construmex has helped more than 14,000 Mexican migrants in...

Construmex: Facilitating Remote Housing Investments for US-based Mexican Migrants

Construmex, an initiative of Mexican construction and building giant CEMEX, was launched after the company’s success with Patrimonio Hoy, a socially minded business initiative targeted at low-income consumers. Since its inception in 2001, Construmex has helped more than 14,000 Mexican migrants in...

Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST)

Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST) is a Los Angeles-based anti-human trafficking organization which helps rehabilitate survivors of human trafficking, raises awareness, and affects legislation and public policy surrounding human trafficking through legal, social, and advocacy...

Saraman builds earthquake- proof houses in Iran

Saraman, a start-up company in Isfahan, central Iran, is an example of addressing housing and construction challenges in a profitable way. The company designs, fabricates and erects affordable, earthquake-proof pre-fabricated steel structures for houses, schools and hospitals.

The power of strong relationships between Dow Company and the International Organization for Migration

In a project funded by Dow Chemical Company in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), modular housing units were provided to the earthquake affected Nias Island.

Venture capital for low-income markets in Latin America and the Caribbean

Investing in housing, healthcare, education, basic utilities and nutrition can not only fulfill a social mission, but can also be a profitable business venture.

The Veolia Foundation helps to improve conditions in Cambodian orphanage

The Veolia Environment Foundation provides financing and advice on the best sanitation system to be installed, by the the Association Droit, Développement et Partenariats Francophones (ADDPF), in an orphanage in Cambodia.

The Veolia Foundation helps to provide new facilities for young people with autism

The Veolia Environnement Foundation supports ADMR Les Maisonnées in the development of a plot of land meant for autists.

Lafarge partners with Habitat for Humanity in Honduras

The Lafarge Cementos Foundation has concluded a partnership with Habitat for Humanity in order to provide homes for disadvantaged communities in Honduras.

ArcellorMittal Foundation builds energy-efficient house in Romania

Casa Buna, a model house with four duplex apartments in Romania, is the result of a partnership between the NGO Habitat for Humanity and the ArcelorMittal Foundation.

Nissan to Provide Shelter for 75 Families

Nissan Motor India Pvt. Ltd. entered into a partnership with Habitat for Humanity India to support a project set to provide shelter to 75 socially and economically less fortunate families in Mangadu.

Jackson Foundation finances the construction of ramps for people with disabilities

The Jackson Purchase Resource Conservation and Development Foundation has joined with the Reidland Methodist Men to assist people with disabilities.

Tedcor's donations in good partnerships

Greenfields primary and Tedcor waste collectors have formed a good partnership with a very healthy relationship between them.

ArcelorMittal Foundation helps to build houses for low-income families

The ArcelorMittal Foundation has been a Habitat for Humanity corporate partner since 2008, helping them build houses for low-income families with more than $ 3,700,000 donated.

Procter & Gamble partners with Fondation de France to provide financial and logistical support for children “without a roof”' campaign

Procter & Gamble France supports the housing program of the Fondation de France through Operation SOS Enfance Mal Logée( SOS Childhood Poorly Housed). This program helps families affected by poor housing.

Merrill Lynch and the Greenlining Institute announce a $500 million initiative for under-served California communities

In 2003, Merrill Lynch and the Greenlining Institute announced a $500 million initiative to expand small business lending and promote economic opportunities in Asian Pacific, Latino and African-American communities throughout California.

Merrill Lynch and Greenlining Institute announced a $159 million economic partnership for Southern California

In 2000, Merrill Lynch and The Greenlining Institute announced a $159 million three-year initiative to encourage new investments, economic opportunities and home ownership in Asian Pacific, Latino and African-American communities in Southern California and the San Francisco Bay area.

Chevron subsidiary partners with local charity to engage impoverished communities in Angola

Search for Common Ground, an organisation dedicated to conflict transformation, has been working in Angola's oil-rich enclave of Cabinda since October 2006. In a private-public partnership co-funded by USAID and Chevron's local oil subsidiary, SFCG has collaborated with nine impoverished fishing...