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Human rights

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Action Initiative for Development (R) AID

Action initiative for development). Action initiative for development (R) AID is an Indian NGO that works for dalits, women, the poor and marginalized, children and the elderly. The organisation focuses on education and the achievement of social justice.

Pakistan Community Peace Foundation

The Pakistan Community Peace Foundation (PCPF) is an NGO that aims to speak for poor and marginalised communities in Pakistan. The organisation focuses on education and healthcare. It also provides food for the needy through its agricultural programmes and runs vocational training courses for...

Mehran Education Health Welfare Association

Mehran Education Health Welfare Association (MEHWA) is an NGO in Pakistan. The Association works on education, rural development, women's empowerment and agriculture through sensitisation, training and setting up village development groups. The Association is also involved in research and data...

Foundation for Local Economic Development and Human Rights Sierra Leone (FLEDHR-SL)

The Foundation for Local Economic Development and Human Rights Sierra Leone is centered on the promotion and protection of women, children, youths and disabled persons in rural communities in Sierra Leone. And as well as the involvement of Communities in Development, Democracy and Human Rights,...

Sanctuary Australia Foundation

The Sanctuary Australia Foundation's mission is to provide victims of war the opportunity for a safe and hopeful future with dignity, regardless of race, religion or creed. Sanctuary sponsors and assists refugees to resettle in Australia who have often come from desperate situations overseas. On...

Save the Children - Australia

Save the Children is an international voluntary agency that works for the benefit of children within the communities in which they live. Save the Children works to make a reality of children's rights: to help children and families improve their health, education and economic opportunities. ...


Prottyon is an NGO in Bangladesh that works for people with disabilities, minority groups and poor farmers. The organisation provides training, and works on issues including trafficking and human rights.

Age Concern Sierra Leone

Age Concern – Sierra Leone is a charitable organisation that is concerned with the needs and interests of all older people based chiefly in the Northern Province of Sierra Leone. In addition to providing practical support to individuals, Age Concern Sierra Leone campaigns and advocates on issues...

Indus Consortium for Humanitarian, Environmental and Development Initiatives

The Indus Consortium for Humanitarian, Environmental and Development Initiatives is an alliance of three rights based organizations in Pakistan; Laar Humanitarian Development Programme (LHDP), HELP Foundation and Doaba Foundation. The Consortium acts as a platform for the people living in the area...

Global Forum for Defence of Human Rights Cameroon

The Global Forum for the Defence of Human Rights Cameroon is an NGO that aims to monitor, evaluate and take concerted action t in regard to the promotion and protection of human rights in Cameroon.

Life Centre For Youth Development and Empowerment Inc (Licayde)

Life Centre For Youth Development and Empowerment Inc (Licayde) is an Australian NGO that advocates for young people in Africa. Licayde aims to support and enhance rural youth empowerment programmes. The organisation also supports people with disabilities, and promotes youth centred communities.

Jubba Environmental and Develoment Action(JEDA)

Jubba Environmental and Development Action [JEDA] is a Kenyan NGO that works on environmental conservation, conflict resolution, peacemaking, peace education programmes and training. The organisation aims to conserve natural resources and improve hygiene and sanitation. JEDA also provides ...

Lead Foundation

The Kead Foundation is a Tanzanian NGO that practises environmental conservation by involving people and other stakeholders to take an active role in creating and promoting environmental conservation awareness through advocacy and lobbying, and capacity building.

Cambodia Human Rights Task Force

The Cambodia Human Rights Task Force is an NGO that aims to help the country rebuild itself by strengthening civil society. The organisation provides activists with the necessary skills to monitor violations of human rights and to disseminate their reports throughout Cambodia and to...

Coalition Against Women Abuse

The Coalition Against Women Abuse (CAWA) is a Ugandan NGO. The organisation works for the protection of women, for their human rights, and for the improvement of their social and economic conditions.

Handicapped Ability Empowerment Initiative

The Handicapped Ability Empowerment Initiative is a Nigerian NGO that addresses issues relating to persons with disabilities, including the promotion of rights for people with disabilities, the establishment of special educational centres, assistance during elections, and health, in particular,...

China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA)

The China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA) is a non-profit organisation, engaged in managing domestic and overseas donated funds and materials. Programs include water and livestock, terracing, rebuilding houses, rural education, rural technology training, women's and children's health and...

Solomon Shepherd Foundation (SSF)

Solomon Shepherd Foundation (SSF) is a Nigerian NGO that works to promote the quality of life of women, young people, children and the elderly in rural areas. The Foundation provides a centre where information on sustainable development can be found and supports the Millenium Development Goals. ...

Asociatia Centrul de Ajutor Si Integrare Sociala

Asociatia Centrul de Ajutor si Integrare Sociala is a Romanian social welfare organisation that works on issues related to poverty eradication, suffering and human degradation and aims to contribute to sustainable development. Activities include a social protection programme, a literacy...

Child Restoration Outreach - Lira

Child Restoration Outreach (CRO) is a Christian NGO in Uganda that works on the rehabilitation of street children. The organisation advocates for the rights of street children and addresses their basic needs such as education, health, shelter, and recreation. In the last 5 years, the Lira...