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Human rights

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Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2)

TWC2 is a non-profit organisation in Singapore dedicated to improving conditions for low-wage migrant workers, perhaps the largest group of disadvantaged persons here, numbering about one million out of a total population of nearly six million in the city. Founded in 2003, TWC2 is led by an...

Equal-World Development (EQWODET)

Equal-World Development is a registered Local Non-Governmental Organization, non-political, non-religious working in partnership with both local partners in tackling poverty and hunger cases, climate change and all forms of Social injustices, responding to emergencies and disasters of any kind,...

HEAPIDER-Concern, Inc.

HEAPIDER-Concern, Inc. is a Liberian grassroots development and relief organization with the vision “Concerned for Positive Transformation of Liberians and the Environment”; working under the mission “To renew and make better the lives of all Liberians including the physically challenged in...

True African Foundation

True African Foundation is a child and women focussed initiative founded by a group of women and male youth in Butaleja district with a main purpose of advocating for their fellow women's who were discriminated due inadequate powers to make decisions in their lives. The Foundation is located in...

Dhagagia Social Welfare Society

Dhagagia Social Welfare Society (DSWS) was established in 1994. The Organization aspires with the evangelical endeavour to proceed for a society where the moral values and good principles of life living would be followed. The evils will be perished away and the people will live with justice,...

Programme d'Appui à la Lutte contre la Pauvreté pour l'Emergence et la Restauration d'un développement durable, en sigle PALPER asbl-RDC

Programme d'Appui à la Lutte contre la Pauvreté pour l'Emergence et la Restauration d'un développement durable, en sigle PALPER asbl-RDC, is a non profit organization who are based in DRC Republic Democratic of the Congo. The organization helps vulnerable people in difficult situations and...

People's Action for Gender Empowerment (PAGE-SL)

People's Action for Gender Empowerment PAGE-SL is a Non-for profit organization founded by Community volunteers women's that advance actions for the scio-economic improvement of vunlnerble women and girls through advocacy lobbying and engagement of their in meaningful activities around communities...

Mark Harwood Photography

Creative documentary photography undertaken on behalf of humanitarian and environmental agencies and charities. Mark is a multi award winning professional photographer with several decades of experience who is now donating his services to good causes worldwide. Also able to write creatively.

Christian Youth Development Agency International

Christian Youth Development Agency International(CYDAI) is a National Organization legally registered by the Relief and rehabilitation commission South Sudan with RRC No. 2719 and Tax Identification Certificate from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning Republic of South Sudan. CYDA is...

International American Relief Society IARS

The international American Relief society IARS is a humanitarian organization specialized in tackling poverty worldwide. IARS saves the lives of underpriviledged people and their families and works with them to preserve and restore their livelihoods with dignity. In situations of conflict,...

Zo Indigenous Forum (ZIF)

Zo Indigenous Forum (ZIF) is a human rights-based indigenous people’s organization founded in 2009 in Mizoram, Northeast India. Its main objective is for the protection of and promotion of human rights, in particular to the social, economic and cultural rights of Zo indigenous peoples. Its...

Sudhar Centre

SUDHAR CENTRE is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-religious and volunteer organization with only goal to support physically disable women community development programmes at grassroots level. Sudhar Centre is working for the development and promotion of the disable women and adolescent girls. ...


PALPER asbl-RDC is non profit organization working in DRC Republic Democratic of the Congo, North Kivu province. The organization helps vulnerable people in difficult situations and catastrophes. It is currently working in on improving lives by developing access to: education, health,...

Remar España Verified non-profit organisation

Remar España is a Spanish-based Christian NGO that works for the assistance, promotion and development of socially-marginalized people. The organisation fights against injustice, drug addiction, hunger, malnutrition, poverty, disease, underdevelopment, illiteracy, child abuse, lack of education and...

Mission for Emancpation, Empowerment and Development Sierra Leone ( MEED/SL)

ABOUT MEED/SL After realizing that Social Emancipation, Empowerment and Development strides inclusive of persons in the above categories to equally progress along the social ladder and play crucial role, development is still at a serious decline. Successful consultative engagements and campaign...

Haitian Christian Outreach

Haitian Christian Outreach partners with Haitian Christians to transform a culture for Christ. HCO is building generations of new believers through work in four primary areas. Through Church Planting to equip Haitian leaders. HCO ministers to Children by meeting their educational,...

Refugee Welfare Association

Refugee Welfare Association in Cameroon (REWAC) is an indigenous organization with a mission to provide quality humanitarian assistance at the grassroots level in favour of the empowerment and the achievement of sustainable livelihood amongst vulnerable migrants. REWAC envisions a community where...

Stretch Hands Uganda

Since 2017 Stretch Hands Uganda (SHU) has been a non-profit and community Based Organization, nonpartisan, which is run by Adults and youths of different disciplines in close cooperation with local communities in Rubanda District of Uganda. This project is at providing sustainable support...

Empowered Communities Helping Others (ECHO)

Empowered Communities Helping Others (ECHO) Vision : A self-sustaining society where every person is empowered and enjoys their right to development. Objectives of ECHO - ECHO is established for the purposes of promoting the interests of the Community with respect to: - Improving the...

The Glory Fellowship Ministries Gujranwala Pakistan

Aims And Objects of the Ministries is : • To preach and teach The Bible • To baptize the people, who believe in Jesus Christ according to the Bible in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit • To arrange The Bible schools, Bible collages, Churches and institutions for the...