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Information and communications technologies

Results are sorted by date modified. - Fair trade green business directory and eco-friendly directory is designed to allow consumers, retailers and manufacturers the ability to interact and create the easiest path to finding products, services and source materials. will offer specific areas of interest to help narrow down what users are looking for and put them...

Fusion youth club

Fusion Youth Club is a youth centre in Bournemouth serving youths aged 3 to 11. It was formed by the Bournemouth Spiral Partnership and Bournemouth Youth Service. Fusion Youth Club provides a safe venue for entertainment where young people can spend time and meet new people. Services include...

All Nations Believer's Church (ANBC)

All Nations Believer's Church (ANBC) is a religious organisation involved in various humanitarian projects.

Development Partners for Eastern Europe (DPEE)

Development Partners for Eastern Europe (DPEE) is dedicated to the restoration and raising of the standard of living in the countries of Eastern Europe and CIS by fostering sustainable community development.


A website for jobseekers interested in development work. It provides international job announcements on various development fields, including microfinance, poverty alleviation, and community development.

Mobile phone waste

"Research suggests that there are over 20 million redundant mobile phones in the UK..."

Obsolete computers

"Between 1997 and 2007, nearly 500 million personal computers will become obsolete - almost two computers for each person in the United States."

Telephone usage

" There are more than 600 million telephone lines today, yet almost half the world's population has never made a phone call."

Obsolete computers

"Over 20 million personal computers became obsolete in 1998, but only 13 percent were reused or recycled."

Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN)

The Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN), is an initiative of the UN to provide constantly updated news and analysis for the humanitarian community (with respect to natural and man-made disaster situations). The networks target decision-makers in relief agencies, host and donor...

Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM)

The Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) is a community of researchers, scholars, practitioners and policy makers involved in information management for disasters.

Western Disaster Centre

Based in California, the Western Disaster Centre (WDC) is a non-profit applied research institute that focusses on the use of technology to save lives and minimise economic loss from disasters. The WDC includes: 1) Institute for Search and Rescue, which works on advanced technology development... is an online jobs board dedicated to the not-for-profit sector. The website hosts all levels of positions for many UK charities.

Taking IT Global - Malaysia

Taking IT Global is a web-based platform for ideas and expression and a resource that provides opportunities for young people to network and develop projects with others. There are 170,000 members globally, with 904 in Malaysia. The site provides country-based information, and is available in many...

Map Quest Inc.

Map Quest Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of America Online Inc, provides detailed maps and driving directions for the US, as well as an online world atlas.

Malaysia NGO Directory

Malaysia NGO Directory, maintained by, provides ionline nformations and details about Malaysian NGOs.


Choike is a portal dedicated to improving the visibility of the work done by NGOs and social movements from the South. It offers a directory of NGOs organised in categories and sub-categories, a search engine that enables finding information in the directory's web sites, a selection of materials...


Eldis is a development information gateway hosted by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, UK. Funded by Sida, Norad, SDC and DFID, Eldis supports information exchange through online text documents, resource guides, newsletters and a country-by-country information...

Nfp Resourcing

Nfp Resourcing provides personnel recruitment and consulting services for not-for-profit organisations.


Justgiving is the UK'S leading provider of online fundraising solutions to UK charities via a fundraising website. Justgiving began in 2001 and later formed a sister charity in Boston, USA. Just giving is a team of technical wizards who build the site and make improvements to the website.