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Information and communications technologies

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World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, Davos, Switzerland

The World Economic Forum is an independent non-profit organisation committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders from the public and private sectors and from wider civil society in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Its annual meeting attracts over...

Arab Scientists Organisation

The Arab Scientists Organisation aims to become one of the academic reference sites for scientific publishing in Arabic and English, and for scientific research in arab countries. Fields of particular interest include agriculture, engineering, medical and basic science. provides nonprofit organisations with free technologies and resources to increase their efficiency and productivity, and spreads important social information via their network of socially-focused websites.

Hungry Man

Hungry Man is a global advertising and production agency. The organisation has recently launched an entertainment network specialising in TV series. It has won several awards for its work in production.

International Crisis Group (ICG) - Algeria Programme

International Crisis Group (ICG) - Algeria Programme monitors the state's efforts to overcome a decade of civil war, and suggests ways of accelerating and managing the transition to a law-bound government. ICG's Algeria Programme's reports seek to disentangle and highlight the root causes of the...

Open Society Forum

The Open Society Forum promotes active civic participation in Mongolian political and social life. The successor of the Mongolian Foundation for Open Society, the forum builds on the legacy of the foundation’s work. It provides a physical and virtual space for high-quality policy research and...


ProjectEDUCATE is a non profit organisation working to improve educational standards and infrastructure in Zambia. By improving teachers skills, providing books and introducing computer and new technologies, Project Educate is working to enable people to become active members of their communities.

United States International Grantmaking (USIG)

The United States International Grantmaking (USIG) project facilitates effective and responsible international grantmaking by US foundations. It explains complex legal requirements in understandable terms, works toward revision of burdensome or ambiguous IRS regulations governing giving abroad,...

Medical Teams International - Uzbekistan

Medical Teams International is a non-profit humanitarian relief and development organization meeting people’s needs through humanitarian aid and disaster relief, regardless of their race, gender or religion. It implements and support programs that address the causes and effects of inadequate health...

UNESCO Beijing

The UNESCO Beijing office serves as the Cluster Office to the East Asian sub-region to maximize development, networking and sharing of resources among member States. The office assists the member states with other UN agencies in meeting the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),...

China Development Brief

China Development Brief is an independent publication that reports on social development in China, with particular emphasis on the work of international and Chinese NGOs. It enables improved information flows between international agencies funding or development projects in China and promotes...

Fritz Institute

Fritz Institute brings together business best practices and academic research to augment the capabilities of humanitarian organisations engaged in disaster management worldwide. The Institute seeks to mobilise business community partnerships to provide expertise and functional support that will...

United Way Worldwide

The United Way Worldwide is a global network of nonprofit organisations operating in 45 countries. They gather money, goods and volunteer services from donors and distributes them to the strongest local projects and charitable organisations. United Way Worldwide also work closely with companies,...

Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP)

PBSP is a private and non-profit foundation dedicated to promoting business sector commitment to social development. Its guiding principle is "Helping People Help Themselves." Rising above traditional welfare approaches, PBSP promotes the philosophy of efficiency, self-help and participation in...

European Foundation Centre

The European Foundation Centre is an international association of foundations and corporate funders dedicated to creating an enabling legal and fiscal environment for foundations, documenting the foundation landscape, strengthening the infrastructure of the sector, and promoting collaboration, both...

FIA Corporation

FIA Corporation is focusing on music production, video production, digital editing, music industry education, computer manufacturing and management software development.

GRADEL Groupe d'Action de Developpement Local

GRADEL is a non-profit organisation, working for the development of the people of Benin. It is a local development group, that aims to increase the living standards of those in need by teaching IT and communication skills to young people, so expanding their employment opportunities.

Relief International - Tajikistan

Relief International (RI) provides emergency, rehabilitation and development services that empower beneficiaries in the process. RI's programs include health, shelter construction, education, community development, agriculture, food, income-generation, and conflict resolution. Relief...

Pixel Image Ltd.

Pixel Image Ltd. supplies still imagery (exterior views, interior views, 3-D overviews, and building wrap), animated content, and interactive software in support of property marketing. With in depth knowledge of the property development process, Pixel Image Ltd's services have been utilised by...

Nextgen Mobile Technologies Pvt Ltd

Nextgen Mobile Technologies Pvt Ltd is an Indian company that specia;ises in telecommunications and medical transcription. The company can provide training and manpower planning for IT and telecom companies.