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HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical

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AJEAH is a Togolese NGO that works on issues related to human rights. The organisation promotes the protection of the environment, grass roots development, education and community health.

Cameroon Experiment in International Living Federation

The Cameroon Experiment in International Living Federation (CASICNET) is an NGO that promotes the rights and well being of young men and women, especially in rural areas, targeting the underprivileged including orphans and vulnerable children. The organisation works specifically in education and...

Sarvaro Network

The Sarvaro Network is a Ghanaian organisation that undertakes development and innovative programmes and interventions aimed at reaching the unreached, helping the poor and supporting the vulnerable through education, support services, rehabilitation and empowerment.

Community Development Partners

Community Development Partners is a Ugandan NGO that aims to improve lives in underserved communities through capacity building, education and health, information sharing and advocacy.

Kandhamal Zilla Sabuja Vaidya Sangathan

Kandhamal Zilla Sabuja Vaidya Sangathan (KZSVZ)is an Indian NGO that works for the socioeconomic development of poor and vulnerable communities with a focus on natural resources management. KZSVS aims to improve the quality of life of the poorest and most disadvantaged members of the society...

Educational Support and Health Organisation

The Educational Support and Health Organisation is a Ugandan NGO that works with and through the local community to help improve education and health, and thus work towards sustainable development.

Net Organisation for Youth Empowerment and Development (NOYED-Ghana)

The Net Organization for Youth Empowerment and Development (NOYED–Ghana) is an NGO that serves as a voice for young people and champions their developmen.The organisation works on issues related to education, health, human rights, gender, good governance and livelihood development, largely through...

STEP (Social Transformation and Educational Prosperity)

STEP (Social Transformation and Educational Prosperity) is a Pakistani NGO based in Faisalabad. STEP aims to raise awareness in the deprived and marginalised sections of the community, including women. STEP focuses on education, health and general self-development. STEP Vision: STEP envisions...

Sairam Healthcare Charitable Trust

To identify and work with the impoverished, weaker and vulnerable sections of the society to find solutions to the challenges threatening their lives, with the ultimate aim of establishing an aware, responsible and developed society based upon equality, fraternity and social justice, ensuring...

Ukhondo Services Foundation

The Ukhondo Services Foundation (USEF) is a Malawian NGO that is dedicated to integrated community development through the provision of safe drinking water, promotion of sanitation and hygiene, conservation of the environment and implementing projects aimed at mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDs. GG

Ved International Society

Ved International Society is an Indian NGO that organises discussion forums, seminars, rallies, and medical camps. The Society also distributes books and clothes and holds tree planting drives. In addition, the Society provides vocational training and has run various campaigns on anti-corruption, ...

Mwacrimu Farms Foundation Limited

Mwacrimu Farms Foundation Limited is an umbrella organization for a cross-section of farming groups in Zambia. The organisation aims to use the earth’s agro-ecosystems (scientific and biological) responsibly to create sustainable programmess that benefit the earth and the people.

Bunyoro Orphan and Albino Helpers Organization (BOAHO)

The Bunyoro Orphan and Albino Helpers Organization (BOAHO)is a Ugandan NGO that cares for albino children. The organisation undertakes HIV/AIDS counselling and runs a bee-keeping project in addition to looking after the children in its care and providing for their education.

National Social Society

The National Social Society is an Indian NGO that aims to promote education for all children. The Society focuses on finding children living in slums and helping them to develop literacy.

Huqooq-ul-Ebad Development Foundation (HEDF)

Huqooq-ul-Ebad Development Foundation (HEDF) is a Pakistani NGO that works for undeveloped and marginalised groups. HEDF seeks particularly to empower women from marginalized segments of the target communities. The organisation has campaigned against corruption, provided support to people...


SAAHASEE is an Indian NGO that has been working for the development of the urban poor for the last two decades. The organisation is actively engaged in participatory community development among a slum population of close to 300,000 people in Mumbai and Delhi. SAAHASEE focuses on the sustainable...

Fair River International Association for Development (FARIAD)

The Fair River International Association for Development (FARIAD) is a Ghanaian NGO that works on issues related to environmental conservation, agriculture, health and entrepreneurial development.

Kwimba Women Development (KWIMBODE)

The Kwimba Women Development (KWIMBODE) is a Tanzanian NGO established in 2004 by a group of women who are determined to work for women's rights and an improved gender balance in society. The major activities of the organization include awareness raising on women’s rights, training women's rights...

Ultimate Life Foundation

The Ultimate Life Foundation is a Ghanaian NGO established by a group of people living with HIV/AIDS. The Foundation is helping in the fight to prevent, control and eradicate HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases in rural communities and urban slums. Our our prime objectis to facilitate...

Entreprise Coopérative Kalembelembe (Ecookal)

Entreprise Coopérative Kalembelembe (Ecookal) is an NGO based in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The organisation aims to protect the natural resources of the area in which it is based, and to improve the socio-economic conditions of the community. Ecookal provides loans to members and helps them...