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Water and related ecosystems

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Penny Appeal Australia

Penny Appeal Australia has been set up to provide poverty relief across Asia, the Middle East and Africa by offering water solutions, organising mass feedings, supporting orphan care and providing emergency food and medical aid. Penny Appeal Australia aims to eradicate poverty through...

International Development Partnerships Verified non-profit organisation

International Development Partnerships (IDP) is a UK-registered NGO working with some of the poorest communities in rural Ethiopia, providing them with the basic services they need to help them fight poverty. IDP aims to provide affordable health care, a clean and reliable water supply, hygienic...

Organisation pour la Solidarité et le Développement

Organisation pour la Solidarité et le Développement (OSD) is a local NGO working in Burundi and registered by the Government of Burundi under a non-profit association status (See registration certificates attached). OSD started in 2008 as a group of volunteers (Medical Doctors, Nurses, Medical...


GTG INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION is an NGO registered in Uganda (2016), whose role and strategy for sustainable development has gained roots for more than 12 years of existence in Uganda and beyond, with steady partnerships of like minded local and global organisations. GTG International...

Life and Development Organization (LIDO)

LIDO is a NGO engaged in protection on humanitarian issues, human rights, developments and Livelihood with action research which based on participatory approach by all the levels of the community. LIDO aims to tackle the humanitarian crisis including droughts and disaster prevention and also...

East Meets West Foundation - Vietnam

East Meets West was born from one woman's dream of helping to heal the wounds of war between the United States and Vietnam. With hundreds of caring supporters and a unique partnership with the Vietnamese people, East Meets West is providing quality programs for enhancing the education and health of...

Instituto para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Económico y Social de Huancavelica

The INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF HUANCAVELICA INIDES was born to support the poorest population of the country, on September 10, 1992. For more than 25 years, this NGO has accumulated great experience and important achievements in favor of the target population,...

AGRO-NORTE, Farmers and Cattle Association, Cape Verde

Cape Verde are 10 islands located in west side of Africa. It is a country surrounded by the ocean with very limited resources. It rains 3 months out of the whole year and is very difficult to mobilize water for multiple use at the household level or for sanitation. Communities live of subsistence...

Spice Youth International (SYI)

Spice Youth International is a non-governmental, not-for-profit association, working in Cameroon working with children/youths, parents, government and intergovernmental bodies in the promotion of community welfare. It works to identify the needs of the child especially the rural child/youths, the...

Defum Human Rights Association (DHRA)

The Defum Human Rights Association (DHRA ) is an independent non-governmental, nonpolitical and non profit making organization, which is registered under the Trustees incorporation Act of Malawi. DHRA was established on 13th June 2007 and get registered as an NGO on 08th February 2013. Its...

World Health Assistance

The organization is established by Joshua Woo, while a senior at Riverside High School in Greenville, SC. After he was exposed to the healthcare system of not only Anconcito, but other developing countries as well, he decided to pursue changes. A non-profit, World Health Assistance, was formed that...

Sujit educare & infotech society

The society provides education and training to those who have not received minimum level of education and training due to their particular difficulties. Those students could sit for NIOS or IGNOU. The society also provides training socio and economic development, women's development, minorities...

Good News Proclamation Services

Good News Proclamation Services (GNPS) is a non-profitable Christian organization established in 2004 and registered with the Government of U.P. under the Act of 1860 and also registered with the Home Ministry, Government of India FCRA. It is also registered under the Commissioner of Income Tax,...

Quaker United Nations Office

QUNO staff work with people in the UN, multilateral organisations, government delegations, and non-governmental organisations, to achieve changes in international standards and practice. Quakers are known for speaking out against injustice and war - issues that are incompatible with our vision of a...

Research Institute for Development,Communication and School Partnership (RIDCSP) Verified non-profit organisation

The Research Institute for Development, Communication and School Partnership (RIDCSP) is an NGO in Cameroon that aims to meet the needs of local communities through education and research. It is a development oriented organisation with a focus on the promotion of education, research, communication...

Concerned Action For Health (CAFH)

Concerned Action For Health (CAFH) is a not for profit, non partisan registered community based organisation founded in 2005 with the aim of addressing the poor state of health services in northern Uganda. CAFH formerly started work from Pajule and Lapul sub counties in Pader District and later...

Programme Intégré pour le Développement du Peuple Pygmée au Kivu « PIDP-SHIRIKA LA BAMBUTI » / Integrated Programme for the Pygmy People Development in Kivu

PIDP KIVU is an organisation defending the rights of the pygmies peoples in Republic Democratic of the Congo. It has been created by and for the pygmies to deal with their socioeconomic, marginalised and human rights issues they face in Kivu. The PIDP Kivu is the first and oldest organization of...


HARITIKA works with people whose lives are dominated by extreme poverty, illiteracy, disease and other handicaps. With multifaceted development interventions, HARITIKA strives to bring about positive change in the quality of life of the poor people of BUNDELKHAND region of UP and MP. HARITIKA...

GD Environmental Services Ltd.

GD Environmental is a UK-based company that offers a comprehensive range of waste disposal and recycling services in-house.

Kikulumi Water Project Group

The Kikulumi Water Project Group is a self-help group in Kenya. The Group is aiming to get access to clean drinking water with easy reach of each family in the village.