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Water and related ecosystems

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H&M gives back to the community

"Our Responsibility by H&M" is a short film about how H&M takes responsibility for how the company's operations affect people and the environment in connection with the production of its products.

ECVM donates PVC pipes for waste water project in Pemba, Zanzibar

ECVM, in partnership with Dutch NGO Agua4All, has donated PVC pipes and technical expertise for a new waste water system on Pemba Island in Zanzibar.

Entrust Foundation

The Entrust Foundation is an Australian NGO that identifies and manages projects to help the poorest of the poor in the forgotten corners of the world. The Foundation specialises in collaborative partnerships with donors and manages the projects at no cost to the project or donor, paying for all...

WaterCredit Initiative: Connecting Micro-finance to Water and Sanitation

The WaterCredit Initiative is an initiative of WaterCredit Partners, an organisation with a long history of providing grants to assist communities with water supply and sanitation (WSS) services.

Ecotact: Affordable Sanitation Services in Pleasant Surroundings in Kenya

Under the Ikotoilet project, Ecotact builds and operates high-quality, public, pay-per-use toilet and shower facilities on public land in urban centers with particular emphasis in the most disadvantaged areas such as urban slums.

ITT partners with Mercy Corps to provide emergency relief

ITT Corporation announced a strategic partnership with Mercy Corps as part of its corporate philanthropy program, ITT Watermark. The partnership includes a three-year, $1 million commitment to help provide safe water during emergencies created by natural catastrophes such as floods, droughts and...

Piloting innovative social assessment in a Colombian oil field

In 2005, Occidental Andina, LLC, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corporation (Oxy) collaborated with Ecopetrol S.A., a Colombian state oil company, and International Alert, a London-based conflict resolution and peace building NGO, to develop a socially responsible enhanced oil recovery...

Endeleza Dada Youth Community Organization (ENDADA)

Endeleza Dada Youth Community Organization (ENDADA) areas of focus are economic development, poverty reduction and microfinance. ENDADA, inspired by the values of integrity and compassion seeks, to offering solutions to fundamental problems in the areas of education, health, humanitarian issues and...

Kumtem Area Development Union

The Kumtem Development Union is a Cameroonian NGO that aims to initiate and carry out development projects for the village of Kumtem. It has so far succeeded in building a community school which was later handed over to the government, and has constructed a pipe-borne water system for the village.

Siemens helps to create a portable water filtration unit

Natural disasters often affect water infrastructure leading to contaminated drinking water and outbreaks of water born disease. As a part of their Siemens Caring Hands programme Siemens collaborated with SkyJuice Foundation to create SkyHydrant a portable water filtration unit.

Link Rural Based Organization (LIRUBO)

The Link Rural Based Organization (LIRUBO) is an NGO in Uganda. Since its inception, LIRUBO has trained 700 students in life skills and 70 teachers in life skills and child rights. The organisation has also carried out a Rural Community OVC Intervention project in Kassanda Sub-County, conducting...

The Veolia Foundation helps to improve conditions in Cambodian orphanage

The Veolia Environment Foundation provides financing and advice on the best sanitation system to be installed, by the the Association Droit, DĂ©veloppement et Partenariats Francophones (ADDPF), in an orphanage in Cambodia.

The Coca Cola - WWF partnership to clean the Yangtze river

The Yangtze River - the longest river in Asia and the lifeblood of millions of Chinese - was once said to be so clear you could see the bottom. Today, as China's massive economic growth takes its toll on the environment, it is at the top of the list of the 10 most-threatened rivers in the world,...

Quick Response to Asian Tsunami: ITT

When the tsunami hit southern Asia on 26 December 2004, International Telephone & Telegraph (ITT) industries announced that it would donate water purifying equipment and expertise to some of the areas hit hardest by the tsunami and contribute financial aid to the global humanitarian relief...

Southern Water supports WaterAid in a variety of ways

Southern Water, its employees and customers have supported WaterAid since 1981, promoting WaterAid through organising and taking part in fundraising events and making donations.

Financial inclusion improves Sanitation and Health (FINISH)

FINISH is an action research project set up by UNU-MERIT a research and training centre of the United Nations University in Holland, working in close collaboration with the University of Maastricht.

Aveda supports environment NGOs by Earth Month Campaign

Each year during the month of April, Aveda salon and spa professionals, employees and guests work together to raise funds for grassroots organisations that protect biodiversity and address environmental issues around the world. The Earth Month campaign focuses on a specified environmental topic...

Tupperware Suisse SA Acts to Helps Children Grow up with Respect for their Physical Integrity.

Tupperware Switzerland SA supports Terre Des Hommes’(Tdh) projects by being active on behalf of those children who should have the right to grow up with respect for their physical integrity.

Walmart Stores and the World Environment Center launch a Cleaner Production Partnership in Central America

In 2009, the World Environment Center (WEC), in partnership with Walmart Stores, Inc., launched a major initiative which aimed to increase cleaner production and energy efficiency (CP/EE) practices in two countries, El Salvador and Guatemala.

Chevron subsidiary partners with local charity to engage impoverished communities in Angola

Search for Common Ground, an organisation dedicated to conflict transformation, has been working in Angola's oil-rich enclave of Cabinda since October 2006. In a private-public partnership co-funded by USAID and Chevron's local oil subsidiary, SFCG has collaborated with nine impoverished fishing...