
Unverified non-profit organisation

Prajayatna has been working for the past 19 years in bringing about a systemic change in the functioning of the education system and thereby ensure quality education to all children, to enable them to live with dignity as envisaged by the organisation. The work has involved working intensively with communities, teachers, elected representatives and the bureaucracy towards institutionalising community ownership of the education development process.

Besides working on Educational Governance, the intent of the approach is to facilitate and support children’s learning through an experiential learning process.
Making education inclusive for all children Issues of children with disabilities have also been addressed by Prajayatna.

Prajayatna envisages a society which enables every child to live with dignity. It aims to facilitate systemic reform towards quality education by institutionalizing processes of community ownership and developing a capability based approach to learning, to ensure that ‘every’ child is learning.


Year established


Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)

Less than 500,000

Participant in relevant networks

Benevity and

Further information

About this organisation

Regions / countries / territories

Asia: India

Global issues

Children, youth and family welfare; Education and training; Gender issues