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Community development

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Pakhtunkhwa Rural Support Programme (PRSP)

Pakhtunkhwa Rural Support Programme (PRSP)is an NGO in Pakistan. The organisation is interested in education and child protection, and aims to work towards sustainable development.

Pakistan Friends Foundation

Pakistan Friends Foundation (PFF) is an NGO that aims to improve the socio-economic condition of urban, semi-urban and rural communities, especially young people and women. PFF started as a small technical education and vocational training centre for young people and gradually developed ...

The School Club Zambia

The School Club Zambia is a Zambian NGO and technical support network that exists to support schools. The Club works with the Ministry of Education to implement a model of financial self-sufficiency for vulnerable community schools, helping them to develop a range of enterprises through which they...

International Development Institute

The International Development Institute is a volunteer movement in India and abroad promoting sustainable, equitable and just development. The Institute supports Indian grassroots organizations and initiates efforts in various interconnected spheres such as agriculture, energy, education, health,...

Action for Community Development

Action for Community Development is an NGO in Nigeria. The organisation aims to empower and inspire women and young people through the provision of access to information and innovative projects in a range of areas, including education and health.

BOSCO (Bangalore Oniyavara Seva Coota)

BOSCO (Bangalore Oniyavara Seva Coota) is an NGO working for the children on the streets of Bangalore, India. BOSCO rescues, rehabilitates and mainstreams them either through family reunification, education or by ensuring that they learn employable skills and become responsible citizens.

Association for Community Training (ACT)

The Association for Community Training (ACT) is an NGO in Tamil Nadu, India. ACT works in rural and marginalised communities for social justice and a more equal society. Among the activities undertaken by ACT are projects on human rights and democracy, training in literacy for women, and the...

Lower Manning Uniting Church

Lower Manning Uniting Church (LMUC) is a congregation based church in Australia. The Uniting Church is an Australian Christian movement which supports justice.

Union International des Voyageurs

Union International des Voyageurs is a Togolese NGO that aims to educate the public and government about the importance of safe travel on roads, in the air and by sea.

Care for African Kids

Care for African Kids (CFAK) is an NGO in Uganda. CFAK takes care of 225 children at its orphanage centre in Gomba and Wakiso districts where it also provides health and education programmes. CFAK also assists people affected by HIV/AIDS, including widows, young peope, people with disabilities...

Kenyan Community Support Initiative

Kenyan Community Support Initiative (KCSI) is an NGO based in Kisii, Kenya. KCSI aims to improve life for the poorest people, and also to protect and conserve the environment. The organisation believes that, wherever possible, it is better to give people a way to earn an income, or grow sufficient...

Church of the Living God Ministries

The Church of the Lliving God Ministries is an Indian NGO that runs an orphanage and a primary school in Andra Pradesh. The organisation also runs a leprosy camp in addition to its faith-based work. The Oasis Elim school provides free education through English for 50 children from poor and...

SID Child Care Foundation (SCCF)

The Sid Child Care Foundation (SCCF) is a Ugandan NGO that focuses on HIV/AIDS, orphans, youth, people with disabilities,widows, and promotion and protection of children rights.

Urunji Child-Care Trust

Urunji Child-Care Trust (UCCT) is a local NGO in Malawi working to combat malnutrition and illiteracy by providing free meals and educational materials to underprivileged children. The organisation also runs a Senior Citizens project and an environmental recovery project (planting trees). The Trust...

Kiranmayi Socio Educational Society (KISES)

The Kiranmayi Socio Educational Society (KISES) is an Indian NGO established by a group of women social activists and educationalists. The organisation works with marginalised communities, including Dalits, Adivasi, women and people with disabilities. The Society has carried out many social welfare...

Divine Ministries International

Divine Ministries International is a religious organisation in Zimbabwe. Its mission is to spread the Christian gospel.

Khadarlis for Sierra Leone

Khadarlis for Sierra Leone is an NGO based in the USA dedicated to rebuilding Sierra Leone by providing homes, sustainable electricity, and clean water. The organisation runs a store in Providence, Rhode Island to fund projects in Sierra Leone. All the profits from the store go to building...

Glad's House

Glad's House is a UK-based charity that assists street children in Mombasa, Kenya. The organisation aims to help the children to lead as normal a life as possible by trying to reunite them with their families using a team of social workers. Alternatively, the organisation places the children with...

Allan Rich Ministries Welfare Society (ARM)

The Allan Rich Ministries Welfare Society (ARM) is a rural development NGO committed to the empowerment and emancipation of women, children, the elderly and other needy people. The organization assists rural women to achieve economic independence through training in manufacturing paper toys and...

Hands of Grace Norway

Hands of Grace Norway is an organisation that sets up and runs projects for neglected children in Northern Uganda. The organisation's recent project is in Kitgum, close to the border of South Sudan. Hands of Grace is currently building a nursery school for 300 children between 3 – 7 years and is...