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Disability issues

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Action in Kasese Foundation

The Action In Kasese Foundation is a Ugandan NGO that works to restore love and hope to Uganda’s vulnerable autistic children and others with disabilities, orphans and underprivileged families. The Foundation aims to advocate for the well being of disabled and autistic children and young people and...

Palash Palli Unnayan Sangstha

Palash Palli Unnayan Sangstha (Palash Association for Rural Development) (PPUS), is a Bangladeshi NGO. PPUS works in partnership with its clients to develop self-reliance and community growth. The organisation aims to be a centre of innovation in rural development through its range of programmes...

Asian Services & Projects Ltd

This organisations aims to provide relief, education and support to the poor, orphans, abandoned children, the infirm, the disabled and the elderly.

Chi Heng Foundation (CHF)

Chi Heng Foundation is a charity registered and based in Hong Kong with offices in Henan, Anhui, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The Foundation moves from village to village throughout Central China offering help to all children affected by AIDS, with a primary focus on paying for children’s...

Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong

Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong, affiliated with the Richmond Fellowship International, is a non-profit, mental health organisation. The organisation cooperates with Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau to organise mental health training and exchange programmes for Chinese psychiatric personnel....

HOPE Worldwide - Hong Kong

Founded in 1991 by the International Churches of Christ, HOPE Worldwide is a charity with international headquarters in Philadelphia. Its programmes, which helps more than two million people in 75 countries on a yearly basis, serves disadvantaged children and the elderly, provides education and...

Hong Kong Red Cross

Hong Kong Red Cross runs voluntary blood donation programmes and distributes blood to hospitals, various educational camps, provides disaster relief including hygiene kits and protective suits, first aid and health care courses, mobility equipment, organises hospital patient visits, and provides...

De Waal Foundation (DWF)

The De Waal Foundation(DWF) is a Dutch NGO with a regional office in Ecuador. The financially independent foundation offers financial and technical support to organisations dedicated to educating and training people who work with the prevention of birth defects, rehabilitation of disabled people,...

Community Children Organisation (COCO)

The Community Children Organization (COCO) is a Cameroonian NGO. Since its inception in 2006, COCO has worked with disabled children and young people, parents, government bodies and intergovernmental bodies on a range of programmes to support and promote the needs of children with disabilities and...

Medical Aid For Palestinians (MAP)

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) is a British charity that offers medical services and advocates for the universal right to health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees. MAP also contributes to the psycho-social support efforts for women and children affected by the...

Alwaleed Bin Talal Humanitarian Foundation

Alwaleed Bin Talal Humanitarian Foundation supports organisations with development projects and humanitarian affairs. It also supports orphans, the handicapped, and needy people as well as rehabilitating juveniles and drug addicts. The organisation encourages education and offers scholarship for...

Future Generation Consortium

The Future Generation Consortium is an NGO in Kenya whose main aim is to find creative and sustainable solutions to key community challenges. The Consortium provides a number of services to its members and others in the following areas: personal development and advocacy, health and safety,...

Refugehouse Cameroon

Refugehouse Cameroon is an organisation that works for less privileged people, including the poor, the elderly, homeless people and children. The organisation distributes food and medicine, and provides housing, schooling and school equipment. Refugehouse also undertakes relief activities during...


LEADS is a Sri Lankan NGO that works for marginalised groups throughout the country, seeksing to address the root causes of poverty, through participatory and rights based approaches. LEADS is involved in child protection, relief and rehabilitation, community development and advocacy work. The...

Movement for Democracy, Development and Transparency

The Movement for Democracy Development and Transparency (MDDT) is an NGO in Cameroon. The organization aims to create a society that promotes social justice and enhances development through the efficient use and management of resources. MMDT members are involved in rehabilitation schemes, and...

Glory of Christ Christian Centre

The Glory of Christ Christian Centre is an Indian NGO that works in 12 villages in Andhra Pradesh helping poor Christians and orphans, semi- orphans, dropouts, abused children, destitute children, widows, and people with physical and mental disabilities.

Sule Integrated Development Organisation

The Sule Integrated Development Organisation (SIDO) is a Ugandan NGO established to assist people affected by HIV/AIDS. SIDO provides small grants to groups of people who want to start their own small businesses to increase household income. The organisation also promotes the establishment of...

Ngoma Aid Foundation

Ngoma Aid Foundation is a non-profit community-based organisation that has a central focus on rural community development. The organisation's programmes include education, HIV/AIDS awareness, direct service delivery, agriculture, income generation, protection of the environment, and general...

Caritas Kiyinda- Mityana

Caritas Kiyinda- Mityana is the social services department of the Catholic Diocese of Kiyinda- Mityana, Uganda. The organisation implements a number of programmes focusing on people with disabilities, the elderly, and orphans and vulnerable children. Caritas Kyinda also runs a water and sanitation...

Trauma Intervention and Counselling Service (TICS-Uganda)

Trauma Intervention and Counselling Service ( TICS-UGANDA) is a Ugandan NGO in northern Uganda managed by professionals in the fields of health, social work, psychology and development. The organisation speciafically targets vulnerable groups suffering from the physical effects and psychotrauma...