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Job creation and enterprise development

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Samaritan's Purse UK

Samaritan's Purse UK seeks to meet the critical needs of victims of war, poverty, famine, disease and natural disaster worldwide through the delivery of practical, every-day items and necessities (and financial donations). The organisation additionally organises the annual campaign Operation...

Asset Recovery Corporation

Asset Recovery Corporation (ARC) provides end-of-life Solutions for computer and electronic equipment. ARC offers comprehensive value recovery programs in addition to managing the environmental, security and legal risks associated with technology disposal. With facilities in in St. Paul's Minnesota...

Charity Job

The Charity Job website provides a free service for charity job seekers and employers in the UK.. It includes an online listing of over 800 charity job vacancies, as well as a weekly digest of all new vacancies added. The weekly digest will be emailed to anyone who signs up for it.

CARE International - Belgium

CARE is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organisations, committed to helping families in poor communities improve their lives and achieve lasting victories over poverty. With programmes in over 72 countries, CARE touches the lives of over 30 million of the world's...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Turkey

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Turkey works for Democratic Governance and Growth without Poverty. For more than 50 years the UNDP in Turkey has worked in close partnership with the Turkish government and numerous institutions, including NGOs, academics and the business community. UNDP...

All India Association for Micro Enterprise Development (AIAMED)

All India Association for Micro Enterprise Development (AIAMED) aims to develop accountable and sustainable retail development finance organisations as a strategy for empowering the poor without handouts or subsidies. Thus, enabling them to become productive citizens and contribute with dignity in...

FUNDES International

FUNDES promotes the competitive development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Latin America.

USAID Brazil

USAID is an independent agency that supports long-term economic and social development through policy dialogue, conflict prevention, technology transfer in sectors such as health, agriculture, education and housing and the promotion of trade and investment. US assistance is channeled through...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Belarus

UNDP is one of United Nation organisations that has targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015. Throughout its work, UNDP builds on the resources of Belarusian society, notably on national and local government...

Deep Griha Society

Working for the betterment of the people who live in the slums in Pune, India, the society was founded by like minded friends in 1975. It is an independent charitable organisation that has various programmes from medical to educational services, from child care to women development to rural...

Delhi House (Sewa Ashram)

Delhi House was the name of a house for the homeless founded in 1997; relocation in the year 2000 saw the adoption of a new name - Sewa Ashram. Housing up to 120 individuals (and some families), Delhi House is a community-based rehabilitation centre and clinic for the destitute, with a goal to...


Deepalaya is a large Indian NGO based in Delhi. The organisation works with socially and economically disadvantaged children, including the physically and mentally challenged. The overall aim of the organisation is to ensure that the children in its care become self-reliant and are enabled to enjoy...

US Agency for International Development (USAID)

USAID is an independent agency that supports long-term economic and social development through policy dialogue, conflict prevention, technology transfer in sectors such as health, agriculture, education and housing, and promotion of trade and investment. U.S. assistance is channelled through...

World Bank- Gambia

The World Bank is one of the world's largest sources of development assistance. It is a development Bank which provides loans, policy advice, technical assistance and knowledge sharing services to low and middle income countries to reduce poverty. The Bank promotes growth to create jobs and to...

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - Liberia

USAID is an independent agency that supports long-term economic and social development through policy dialogue, conflict prevention, technology transfer in sectors such as health, agriculture, education and housing, and promotion of trade and investment. U.S. assistance is channelled through...

Salvation Army - Malawi

The Salvation Army is a faith-based community organisation that shows practical concern and care for the needs of people regardless of race, creed, status, colour, sex or age. The organisation is dedicated to encouraging social and economic development in the countries which it works. It operates...

Cascade Asset Management

Cascade Asset Management was formed in 1999. It offers information technology equipment retirement services. These services include information technology asset management, reverse logistics, disassembly, recovery, refurbishing, recycling, and re-marketing services for businesses, institutions,...

Charity Village Career Centre

This is Charity Village's Career Centre, a Canada-based source for non-profit jobs. Employers can register to advertise jobs, while job seekers can browse the available jobs, or register to receive email alerts of new positions.

Bulgarian Child

Bulgarian Child offers humanitarian aid, vocational and academic education, and hospice care to orphans in Bulgaria.

South Indian Federation of Fishermen Societies (SIFFS)

South Indian Federation of Fishermen (SIFFS) works for the protection of the interests of fishermen in India. SIFFS works to improve the control over income, by avoiding intermediaries and middlemen and also works toward the diversification of the economic activities of fishers' villages, by...