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Job creation and enterprise development

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Enlighten Resilience Development Organization ( ENREDO )

Enlighten Resilience Development Organization (ENREDO) is non-governmental organization founded by the youth who graduated from universities, university attending students and any youth in Tanzania working as volunteers to save their communities. It is a youth led NGO working for youth, disabled...

Chipembere Community Development Organisation

The Chipembere Community Development Organisation is an NGOO registered in Malawi that aims to promote health, social and economic development, environmental conservation, and food security through the provision of educational, recreational and lifelong learning opportunities for orphans, ...

Kalambi Community Outreach Project

Kalambi Community Outreach Project (KACOP) is a not-for-profit community based organization that responds to the needs of vulnerable children and their families in Wakiso district Uganda. KACOP core program areas are economic strengthening of vulnerable households through livelihood skills training...

AKBD Press Advertising and Advocacy Service Social Enterprise

Aim: • Identifying new opportunities within a particular social problem • Developing innovations that lead to promising new approaches • Demonstrating accountability by regularly measuring performance and impact • Securing predictable revenue sources that achieve financial sustainability ...

Socio Economic Resource Group

SEREG is a group of youths and women social association in Bamenda. It was created as a progressive force responding to low participation of grassroots youth and rural women in economic inclusion, social integration and decision-making forums that can bring about a lasting sustainable enrichment in...

Society of St. Vincent De Paul Owerri Central Council

Society of St Vincent De Paul Owerri Central Council (SSVPOCC) is a charity organization rooted in the Catholic church but with an international affiliation. SSVPOCC is based in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria, West Africa The Society's work is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and...

Youth Against Disasters

Youth Against Disasters is a Non Governmental Organization registered in Kenya with the main objective of voluntarily offering services in Disaster Risk Awareness (DRR) to youths and the general public through training and awareness creation. The organization was formed in 2011 by a group of...


SUFA is an NGO registered in the UK. SUFA aims to develop human potential through building strong communities. SUFA focuses on health, education, employment and the local environment to help individuals to build strong communities. SUFA works to promote and protect the rights of all but focuses on...

Uganda Business Clinics Initiative

Uganda Business Clinics Initiative is a not for profit membership organisation limited by guarantee. It provides business support services to micro, small and medium enterprises,(MSME) and institutions in order to enhance productivity and efficiency.

Centre Notre Espoir en Action

The Association CENTRE NOTRE ESPOIR EN ACTION (CENESPAC), in short, is an operational humanitarian association in Burundi based in Bujumbura and has been working for 8 years for the development of vulnerable people through education, training, health, nutrition and socio-professional reintegration,...

Live Green Live In Wealth Youth Initiative (LGLWYI)

The company started in 2014. In Uganda, forestry contributes about 6% of the GDP of Uganda and more than 90% of the population depends directly on forests for their energy needs (firewood and charcoal), materials for furniture and construction (timber and poles) as well as food and other non-timber...

Mweva Centre for Information Technology Development Centre (MCITEDI)

The Mweva Centre for Information Technology Development Centre (MCITEDI) is a Ugandan NGO that provides educational resources and training in Mobile Phone Software Development and helping trainees to find jobs.

Calvary Rural Evangelical Fellowship ( CREF )

CREF as a charitable voluntary organization and Gospel-Centered and Evangelical Christian ministry was legally registered in the year 2009 in Andhra Pradesh, South India. CREF resolutely believes that it will be an effaceable iniquity if we do not lend a hand of support to the needy. Thus joining...

African Child In Need

African Child In Need (ACIN) is non–governmental, non-profit making, and non-political. It’s an NGO that operates to long term sustainable health and education, child support, prevention and protection of child abuse and neglect through strengthening implementation of activities in the areas of...

Key Farmers Cameroon (KFC)

Key Farmers Cameroon (KFC) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization with the mission of promoting sustainable organic agriculture and rural development. Due to hardship, acute hunger, child malnutrition and persistent poverty looming in disadvantaged rural communities in Cameroon, KFC has...

Tanzania Social Development Organization (TSDO)

TSDO is a national registered NGO in Tanzania addressing social-economic and poverty related challenges. The organization is located in Dar es salaam but is working all over the country with a variety of interventions such as providing water through bore-holes to schools, churches, communities, and...

Push Start Foundation, Inc

The Push Start Foundation is an American NGO dedicated to increasing health and opportunities for development for people living in Jamaica. The Foundation is involved in providing dialysis services, and hopes to be able to promote entrepreurship. The elderly and their needs are a particular focus...

Center for Peace and Development Effectiveness

The Center for Peace and Development Effectiveness (CEPDE) is a Liberian NGO which aims to promote peace, human rights and effective development for disadvantaged communities and populations in Liberia, West Africa. CEPDE offers policy advocacy and capacity building in the areas of community...

The School Club Zambia

The School Club Zambia is a Zambian NGO and technical support network that exists to support schools. The Club works with the Ministry of Education to implement a model of financial self-sufficiency for vulnerable community schools, helping them to develop a range of enterprises through which they...

Uganda Down's Syndrome Association (UDSA)

The Uganda Down's Syndrome Association is an NGO that identifies, cares for and serves people born with Down's Syndrome and their families. The Association aims to provide a common voice for people with learning disabilities and other impairments, promoting their rights and opportunities.