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Job creation and enterprise development

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Endeavour is an NGO based in Plymouth UK. The principal aim of the organisation is to engage and empower the individual, communities and organisations using community development approaches, increased community participation and social entrepreneurship. Endeavour seeks to identify and share...


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Succeed Consult

Succeed Consult is a Ugandan company that offers corporate social responsibility and social accountability training, quality management systems training (ISO 9001:2008) and training in manufacturing operations management.

Association for Social and Environmental Development

The Association for Social and Environmental Development is an American NGO that aims to help empower marginalised and vulnerable groups in developing countries. Currently, the Association is working on a project to improve hygiene among school children in Cambodia.

Association for Care of People with Epilepsy in Lebanon Verified non-profit organisation

The Association for the Care of People with Epilepsy in Lebanon (ECAL) is an NGO that targets people with epilepsy in order to address their needs. The Association supports patients medically and socially, helping them become active and, if possible, financially independent. The Association has...

Carulla Foundations promotes early childhood education in Colombia through initiative AeioTu

Carulla Foundation was founded by José Carulla Soler, then owner of the Carulla chain of department stores, in 1962. For 47 years the foundation provided scholarships to thousands of low-income employees of the company.

Opportunity International Australia

Opportunity International Australia provides small loans to families in developing countries to help them start a business, earn an income and leave poverty behind. By helping a mother buy a sewing machine to start a tailoring business or a father buy seeds to plant a vegetable garden, small loans...

Sabre Business World Limited

Sabre Business World Limited is a privately owned company is a Zimbabwean company that offers soft skills training in entrepreneurship and business skills development. The company aims to assist in growing the Zimbabwean economy by empowering people through better knowledge of how to do business...

Gennesaret Development Foundation

Gennesaret Development Foundation is a youth focused NGO which seeks to contribute to economic growth and human development across sub-Saharan Africa

Indus Society for Rural Development (ISRD)

The Indus Society for Rural Development (ISRD) is a Pakistani NGO that began by promoting self-help in regard to saving and internal lending. The organisation has also established the Earth Stars Academy in Islamkot, providing high school level English medium education. Overall, ISRD aims to ...

Crossover Youth Polytechnic

Crossover Youth Polytechnic is a Kenyan organisation that trains students in mechanics and auto repairs,dressmaking,carpentry,paper making and masonry. The organisation also runs workshops for street children and people from the slums.

Xpress ICT

Xpress ICT Business Centre is a rural business centre in Uganda. The Centre provides training in a number of computer programmes.

Maya Traditions Foundation

Maya Traditions Foundation is a Guatamalan NGO dedicated to facilitating access to national and international markets for 180 Maya backstrap weaver artisans and their families in the highlands of Guatemala. The Foundation follows a fair trade model continually seeking to build capacity in regard...

Tekmologi Solutions

Tekmologi Solutions is a Kenyan company that offers a range of business services aimed at entrepreneurs, and specialises in agri-business.

Restless Development

Restless Development is a youth-led development agency with headquarters in the UK and an international team of workers based in 50 countries world-wide. The organisation aims to ensure that young people contribute to development processes. The organisation is committed to ensuring that...

Alliance for Development

Alliance for Development is a Ghanain NGO that works for sustainable development in four thematic areas: environment ggriculture and food; trade, employment and education; health and Energy; and governance, leadership and democracy.

Angkor Handicraft Association (AHA)

The Angkor Handicraft Association (AHA)is a Cambodian NGO that aim to promote an improved business climate and framework for development in the handicraft sector. AHA offers important business development services to its members and has implemented various initiatives that strengthened the...

ChildsLife International Verified non-profit organisation

ChildsLife International works globally to provide care for children in need through four core programs: HIV/AIDS, education, food and nutrition, and infrastructure. ChildsLife works with local partners, local staff and local ideas, and is closely involved in the communities that it serve.

Millennium Promise Alliance, Inc. Verified non-profit organisation

Millennium Promise is the leading international non-profit organization redefining the approach to ending extreme poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals in rural Africa, moving communities from hunger to self-sufficiency by 2015. We oversee the Millennium Villages Project, which...

Global Equity Brokers Verified non-profit organisation

Global Equity Brokers is a New Zealand based organisation that understands the needs of Western business people and tailors opportunities to suit clients. In collaboration with other international agencies, Global Equity Brokers identifies opportunities to match individuals with specific...