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Job creation and enterprise development

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Commonwealth Peoples Association of Uganda (CPAUG) Verified non-profit organisation

The Commonwealth Peoples Association-Uganda (CPAUG) is an NGO that works primarily on advocacy promoting the values of the Commonwealth. The organisation has implemented several programmes focusing on information advocacy targetting young people in and out of school. Topics discussed at meetings,...

Bright Hope International Verified non-profit organisation

Bright Hope International seeks to serve the world's absolute poor with the goal of breaking the cycle of poverty. Services provided by Bright Hope International include job creation, family support, economic development and emergency relief.

YWAM Mercy Ministries International Verified non-profit organisation

YWAM-Mercy is operational in more than 100 countries as it seeks to impact more than 100 million living in absolute poverty in the next 20 years. From agricultural assistance to health care to micro enterprise development, YWAM-Mercy seeks to meet the felt needs of individuals and communities,...

World Harvest Verified non-profit organisation

World Harvest is an international relief and development humanitarian organisation that was founded in 1989. World Harvest works with poor people in transforming their lives mainly through health care, food security, micro enterprise, education and awareness process. Initiated in Indonesia, World...

Operation Blessing International Verified non-profit organisation

Operation Blessing International (OBI) provides short-term relief and development assistance to economically disadvantaged people and disaster victims across the world. In the United States, Operation Blessing International focuses on providing food, clothing and other material assistance to...

Feed The Children Verified non-profit organisation

Feed The Children is a GIK focussed, non-profit Christian charitable organisation providing physical, spiritual, educational, vocational/technical, psychological, economic and medical assistance and other necessary aid to children, families, and persons in need in the United States and...

Studio Samuel Foundation

Studio Samuel is an American NGO that creates jobs for women in Ethiopia through selling fair trade product lines and applying the proceeds to educational platforms for Ethiopian women. Studio Samuel trains vulnerable young women in transferable skills and thus helps to break the cycle of poverty...

Allied Initiatives for Community Development

The Allied Initiative for Community Development (AIICD) is an indigenous Ugandan NGO that works with marginalized communities and young people in Uganda to improve their quality of life through support for human rights and the rule of law. promotion of access to basic healthcare services and...

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Nicaragua

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged. CRS has been working in Nicaragua for more than 40 years, and currently runs programmes in agriculture, health, microfinance, civil society and human rights....

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Vietnam

Catholic Relief Services - Vietnam supports projects initiated by local partners in the areas of education, including special programmes for disabled children, agriculture/rural enterprise development, microfinance, and emergency mitigation and relief.

CARE International - Honduras

CARE is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organisations, committed to helping families in poor communities improve their lives and achieve lasting victories over poverty. CARE began operations in Honduras in 1954, providing emergency assistance to hurricane victims and...

CARE International - El Salvador

CARE is one of the world's largest private international humanitarian organisations, committed to helping families in poor communities improve thier lives and achieve lasting victories over poverty. CARE reopened its offices in El Salvador in 1993, after the country's prolonged period of civil war....

LightBySolar Global

Light By Solar is a UK company that provides all in one solar lighting kits and solar products for the home, work, streets, photography and videography, mines, paths, compounds and solar power UPS for all needs.

IBLF Global

IBLF Global is an independent NGO supported by private enterprise and NGOs. Our mission is to engage business in implementing responsible business practices and culture in key commercial sectors. IBLF’s focus is on promoting anti-corruption, business ethics, and responsible business practices...

Karagwe Vimaka Vocational Training Dvelopment and Poverty Alleviation (KVDPA)

Karagwe Vimaka Vocational training Development and Poverty Alleviation (KVDPA) is a Tanzanian NGO that provides vocational training in tailoring, entrepreneurship and home management. Trainees are taught to make school uniforms and to design clothes for men and women. The main aim of the...

Yerimalai Trust

The Yerimalai Trust is a charitable foundation in India that promotes Christianity and the social and educational advancement of the community.

Centre for World Outreach Volunteers Abroad (CFWOVA)

The Centre for World Outreach Volunteers Abroad (CFWOVA) is a Ghanaian NGO that builds global partnerships to empower underdeveloped rural communities throughout Ghana. The organisation connects international volunteers with local communities to work together and develop sustainable solutions to...

African Community Development Foundation

The African Community Development Foundation is an NGO in Kenya. The Foundation was established by market businesswomen to help them to expand their businesses. The organisation provides loan to smallholder farmers and women using a solidarity group-lending model, and also provides training in...

Streamline Productions 2011

Streamline Productions 2011 is a Ugandan NGO that is involved in street and forum theater and in providing education through the staging of plays. The NGO has 35 members all of whom are actors. We are to make a play of 15 minutes potraying every problem of civil society like corruption, this...

The Hunger Project-Ethiopia

The Hunger Project (THP) is a global, non-profit, strategic organization committed to the sustainable end of world hunger. In Ethiopia, THP has set up a number of "epicentres", through which integrated rural development programmess are delivered. Current projects include a savings and credit...