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Advocacy of global issues

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True Grasses

True Grasses is a Christian charity in Tanzania that focuses on helping poor women and girls by equipping them with employable skills and establishing income generating projects that create jobs enabling them to become cherished members of the community.

Morogoro Development Organization (MODEO)

Morogoro Development Organization (MODEO) is an NGO in Tanzania that promotes the rights of people with disabilities, enabling them to access better education and to participate in decision making processes that affect them, particularly in regard to HIV/AIDS.

South African National Council for the Blind

The South African National Council for the Blind (SANCB) is a South Africa NGO that works for the interests of people with visual problems. SANCB provides rehabilitation, education and training, devices to assist the visuallly impaired, and social and economic development for blind and visually...

Association de Jeunes Visionnaires pour Developpement du Congo AJVDC

Association de Jeunes Visionnaires pour le Développement du Congo (AJVDC) is a youth civic engagement framework, formation initiative and exchange framework that aims to promote youth entrepreneurship and peace, reconciliation and community resiliency in Eastern of Congo. Investment in creating...

Urango Urandawo

Urango Urandawo is an NGO in the Comoros that works for the development of young people in the Mitsamiouli region. The organisation aims to help protect the environment, and to promote education, health and civic responsibility.

St Joseph Catholic Parish

St Joseph Catholic Parish is a faith-based organisation in Kenya composed of twelve churches. The Parish builds schools, orphanages and churches buildings and generally works for adults, children, young people and people with disabilities.

Nyanza Environmental Health Foundation

The Nyanza Environmental Health Foundation is a Kenyan NGO that aims to help protect and conserve the environment.It also aims to improve the livelihood of vulnerable groups in the area.

Kalinga Kusum Foundation

The Kalinga Kusum Foundation is a social enterprise that addresses challenges tied to education and entrepreneurship in rural communities in Odisha, in Eastern India. Its flagship program is the '100% Employability' initiative.

SpringAid International Development (SAID)

SpringAid Development is a Nigerian NGO that aims to help communities to improve their capacity to fight poverty. The organisation sponsors projects in agriculture, education, human rights and democracy, health and entrepreneurship.

Sympathy Africa

Sympathy Africa is a Ugandan NGO that aims to empower women and girls through the provision of basic needs.

Victory India National Organisation

Victory India National Organisation is an NGO based in the rural area of Himachal Pradesh. The organisation works on HIV/AIDS. In addition it has established a library for the local community, and also aims to raise the awareness of adolescent girls in regard to health and education.

Acts Counselor Tanzania

Acts Counselor Tanzania is an NGO that aims to assist Tanzanians in their effects to solve social economic problems including prevention of and care for HIV / AIDS victims, and drug abuse.


The Organization aims at eradicating Ignorance, Diseases, Poverty and Violence. To create a community in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation and to inspire breakthroughs in the way the community treats children and to achieve immediate and...

Verve Foundation

The Verve Foundation is a faith-based Nepalese NGO comprising young leaders committed to serving the community through social work. Verve works for the welfare and rehabilitation of street children and parentless kids and for skill development and empowerment of girls and young people.


The PARWD (People’s Association for Rural Women Development) Trust is an Indian NGO that works in remote areas of Tamil Nadu mainly for women and children. The Trust is currently involved in education, and in promoting economic self-reliance through savings and micro credit schemes,...

Methodist Church in Kenya - Kieni Circuit Development Project

Methodist Church in Kenya -Kieni Circuit Development Project is a Kenyan NGO that aims to promote social justice and increase household income of poor communities in rural areas.

Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women and Rural Welfare Society

The Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women and Rural Welfare Society is an NGO in the Sundarban region of India.The organisation works for women and girls, providing training in a range of subjects including food processing and nursery management. The organisation is planning to establish a multi purpose...

Alliance Nationale des Consommateurs et de l'Environnement (ANCE)

Alliance Nationale des Consommateurs et de l'Environnement (ANCE-Togo) is an alliance of 26 affiliated community based organizations and more than 1500 individuals in Togo (West Africa). ANCE-Togo promotes health, environmental conservation and human development to help build a poverty-free Togo. ...

Neo Minds YouthOrganization

Neo Minds Youth Organization is a Tanzanian NGO that aims to develop projects to help young people become productive members of their society.

Centre for Human Rights Protection (CHRiP)

The Centre for Human Rights Protection (CHRiP) is a Malawian NGO that aims to promote and protect the rights of vulnerable and voiceless groups through programmes that focus on democratic governance, child and women’s rights, legal assistance, HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health rights, and...