Unverified non-profit organisation
Formed in 2015 in Arua District, and incorporated with Registrar of Companies in 2016 and Registered with National NGO Board in 2016 with registration Number 12514, West Nile Community Action for Rural Development (WN-CARD) is a Ugandan Community Based, Multidisciplinary, non–profit making, Local Non-Governmental Organization working in West Nile Sub-Region of Uganda.
Headquartered in Arua City in the West Nile Sub-Region of Uganda, WN-CARD continues to make a profound and progressive contribution towards the development of rural communities and Refugees in Uganda in the areas of Environment and Energy, Education, Sustainable Agriculture, gender and equality and Community Health.
WN-CARD works with a number of partners in the implementation of its mission. These include the Integrated Farm Management Consult (IFMC) under environment, local governments of Arua and Yumbe, local CBOs and other National and International Organizations.
Over the years, WN-CARD has enjoyed the trust of partners and thus, the increase in the number of the partners. Additionally, the number of communities served and scope of activities have increased tremendously.
WN-CARD started in 2015 and got registered in 2016 as a local community based organization (CBO) with Arua District Local Government ( Reg. No. 749) and got registered with Registrar of Companies of the Republic of Uganda as a company limited by guarantee in 2016 (Reg. No. 230765). Currently, the organization is registered with the National NGO Board (Reg. No. 12514)
WN-CARD was built on two key words namely Community Empowerment and Rural Development. This is a deliberate focus on hard to reach communities to enable them grow out of poverty and indifference.
WN-CARD started getting funds and support in 2017 and the level of funding and support has been increasing since then to date. The number of staff has now reached about 10. They are all committed group of people running the projects being implemented.
The needs in the communities are still great but the resources are limited. That is why members still have much work to do as far as contributions and resource mobilization is concerned.
A Healthy, Productive, literate and economically vibrant community.
To Build the capacities of the communities for sustainable living.
Core Values
The values of WN-CARD can be summarized in the acronym ‘STRENGTH’ standing for:
• Simplicity– in the way we present ourselves and our interventions
• Team spirit– in the way we carry out activities together not in isolation
• Respect— in the way we treat one another
• Excellence– in the way we carry out our jobs
• Novelty– in the way we introduce and use creativity
• Guardianship– in the way we employ our resources
• Time consciousness– in the way we start and close our operations
• Honesty– in the way we communicate and act towards each other
To promote efficient management of environmental conservation & restoration and access to sustainable energy to achieve sustainable development.
• To promote environmental Conservation and Restoration.
• To promote safe access to sustainable energy utilization.
The following are the programmes in detail:
i. Environmental Conservation, Restoration and Access to Energy
a. Environmental conservation interventions
b. Tree growing,
c. Waste/Garbage management,
d. Pollution prevention
e. Non-biodegradable waste recycling
ii. Promotion of access to safe energy technologies
a. Solar energy
b. Energy saving technologies (cook stoves, Briquettes)
c. Bio gas technologies
iii. Sustainable land use and management
a. Livelihoods
b. Ownership and land rights
c. Promotion of women’s rights to participation and ownership of land
Goal: To provide inspiration to people for setting up small, local Industries, by utilization of resources available in the nearby areas and areas of their links
• To Provide Training to Operate Business
• To Create Awareness about Availability of the Resources
• To Promote Small, Cottage & Local Industries
• To Encourage Self Employment Tendencies
• To Provide Knowledge about Government Plans and Programmes
• To Create Awareness about Marketing
Programmes in Entrepreneurial Development
i. Training in marketable, business, vocational, and technical entrepreneurial skills
ii. Provision of startup kits
iii. Entrepreneurial coaching and business counseling
iv. Community Savings and Credit Groups (VSLA) promotion
v. Linking the entrepreneurs with financing institutions and groups
Goal: To Improve agriculture for food and income security among the host and refugee communities.
• Enable farmer groups to access sustainable modern agricultural practices.
• To promote organic farming practices among the farmers.
• To increase the participation of women in commercial farming.
Programmes in the department.
i. Provision of extension services
ii. Supply of Agro-inputs
iii. Seed Multiplication
iv. Value chain/addition
Goal: To contribute towards improved quality of life and cognitive performance in class of school going children and others seeing education.
• Promoting school enrolment and attendance and reducing short-term hunger;
• Promoting in-class concentration, cognition and other performance;
• Improving nutritional and health status of school going children;
• Promoting community participation and commitment towards school activities, and
• Stimulating economic development by building Marketable Business Vocational and Technical skilled population
Programmes in Education Department
i. Promotion of access to education by the vulnerable children especially the girl child
ii. Menstrual hygiene and sanitation promotion
iii. General educational support through tuition, scholastic materials and uniforms for the OVC
iv. Marketable Business Vocational and Technical Skills Development
v. Community awareness raising on the importance of Education at every level
vi. Organizing holiday camps and Youth Education Conferences to stimulate novel and technological development ideas among the learners at different levels.
vii. Career guidance and counseling
To promote the environmental, social, and economic resources to sustain emotional and physical well-being among people in ways that advance their aspirations and satisfy their needs in West Nile.
The Community health department in WN-CARD aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the communities in West Nile by:
• Encouraging people to actively participate in their own health care
• Working together with other primary health care providers such as general practitioners (GPs) to provide coordinated care
• Liaising with other health agencies and service providers to fill service gaps especially for referrals.
• Encouraging individuals and community groups to actively participate in the Organization’s activities, including service planning, fundraising and volunteer work
• Promoting prevention of lifestyle-related diseases and conditions
• Developing health care programs and activities to improve social and physical environments in our communities.
The programmes include:-
i. Health Education program
ii. HIV/AIDS interventions
a. Prevention
d. Care and treatment and
e. Psycho-social support
iii. Maternal child health promotion
a. Malaria in pregnancy and under fives
b. Promotion of early health seeking behavior
d. Promotion of good nutrition among pregnant mothers and under-fives
iv. Reproductive Heath
a. Family planning
b. Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health
c. Sexual Reproductive Health Rights
v. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
a. Ensuring access to qualitative and quantitative water supply
b. Sanitation demand creation (CLTS, PHAST)
c. WASH Governance
d. Behavior Change Communication (BCC/IEC)
vi. Counseling Services in
a) Stress management
b) Alcohol and other substance addiction
c) Ageing and loneliness
d) Juvenile delinquencies
https://www.wncard.org/Year established
2015Organisation annual cash turnover (in US$ equivalent)
500,000 - 1 millionParticipant in relevant networks
WN-CARD has partnered with other Local and International Organization and Individual Donors in West Nile Sub Region among which include the following. DAN CHURCH AID (DCA) in Environment and Energy Promotion. Intergrate Farm Management Consul (IFMC) Environment conservation in Rhino Camp Refugee Settlement. ( Tree Growing) Individual Donors from Uk in Solar Energy Distribution to the Elderly. Arua City Council- Solid Waste ManagementFurther information
About this organisation
Partnership types
Doing business with the poor; Project funding; Provision of services / personnel;...show all (4)Regions / countries / territories
Africa: UgandaGlobal issues
Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry; Children, youth and family welfare; Community...show all (10)Goods categories
Agriculture, aquaculture & forestry; Educational; Environmental; Food &...show all (13)You might also be interested in:
Global issues
- Agriculture, aquaculture and forestry (1080)
- Children, youth and family welfare (3397)
- Community development (3815)
- Education and training (4221)
- Job creation and enterprise development (1321)
- Energy (246)
- Environment and climate change (1335)
- Gender issues (1660)
- HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, health and medical (2795)
- Water and related ecosystems (968)