Doing business with the poor
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The First Community Christian Pentecostal church of God inc.

The mission is to serve humanity and provide Spiritual and Social services programs for those in need from the United States of America and over the world. Provide housing for all low-income and poor families and offer classes for first buyers and refinancing and foreclosure and short ...
SportsWorks Int'l Ngo, Inc.

Founded in 2005, SportsWorks Int'l Ngo, Inc. is an award-winning faith-based sports and education non-profit that primarily serves children in need and at-risk youth. The NGO's mission is to provide sports instruction and training to children, youth and young adults - ages 5 to 25 - help them...
Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief
The Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) provides humanitarian relief to orphaned Armenian children and adults with disabilities throughout the world. Working with a trusted network of in-country staff and a cadre of global volunteers, SOAR provides this institutionalized population with the...
Molo Constituency Forest Association

The continuing growth and the attendant rapid physical expansions increase the pressure on both rural and urban resources. The so called rural crisis is a composite syndrome of resource taping poor planning and overall County Economic Problems. These problems have manifested in inadequate...
International Youth Council - Yemen (IYCY)

IYCY is a leading, independent and neutral non-governmental organization, working nationwide at different levels to promote equitable, inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable development, deliver humanitarian assistances, and other relevant interventions for a better life and wellbeing of...
Mtotomwema Kindergaten Foundation

Mtotomwema Kindergarten Foundation is a trusted early childhood education provider whose mission is to support the emotional, social, physical and intellectual development of infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers around Peramiho Songea and beyond, to help them reach their full learning potential in a...
Society for Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development
Society for Economic Empowerment and Entrepreneurship Development (SEEED) is a not-for-profit organization in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC), established in 2014, under the CAMA 1990, CAP 59 with Corporate Affairs Commission, in Federation Laws...
Hope Centre Foundation (HOCEFO)

HOCEFO’s mandate is to ensure that vulnerable rural communities in Uganda have access to sustainable social economic services and are empowered to contribute to sustainable development. This is achieved through utilization of the “human rights based and the community driven approaches” in line with...
Tshepong Hope Centre and Rehabilitation

Tshepong Hope Centre is situated in Makhaloaneng Village in Qwa-Qwa, with a second centre at Lefika in Qwa-Qwa, in the Maluti Mountains in the Free State province of South Africa. This is one of the most impoverished areas in South Africa and it is the children who suffer most. Tshepong Hope...
United Action for Children Cameroon (UAC)
United Action for Children (UAC) is a NGO based in Buea, South West Province, Cameroon. UAC is a non-profit, philanthropic and non-political organisation. UAC is committed to the development of children and young people through a range of educational programmes including primary education, computer...
Foundation For Orphans Widows Elderly and People With Disabilities (FOWEPWID)

Foundation For Orphans Widows Elderly and People With Disabilities is a community based registered organisation. The firm foundation is based in the community. The community actively gets involved in all activities done for the good of the most vulnerable in the community. They have so far...
Rural Community Initiative For Sustainable Development Association (RUCIDA)

RUCIDA was established in March 2007 by people from the community of Kikonda - Kyanamukaka sub-county now Kyesiiga sub-county who felt a need to have an organization that is community based to help the vulnerable and marginalized, whose rights are neither fulfilled, maintained nor being able to...
Kekirawa Learning Centre

The KLC is a place where children, teenagers, youth and adults are able to learn how to speak, read and write in English, use modern ICT equipment and learn how to apply new media skills, as well as explore new career and business opportunities to enrich their job and life chances and gain self-...
New Chapter Development for Youth (NCDY).

New Chapter Development for Youth (NCDY) is an NGO established in 2004 at grass root level from the initiatives of the people at the grass-root level. Since 2009 it serves at a national level. NCDY is determined to help all people regardless of their gender, marital status, disability, race, color,...
Article 25

Article 25 is the UK's leading architectural NGO. We design, manage and deliver building (schools, homes, clinics, community centres etc.) in areas affected by poverty, disaster and need. The organisation is staffed by a team of professionals with experience working in both the developing and...
Basazemaggya Development Initiative

Basazemaggya Development Initiative is a Community Based Organisation started by the residents of Bulenga Kikaaya Ssumbwe in Wakiso District of Uganda. It is registered with Wakiso District Community Based Services Office registration number WCBO/21/7304. OBJECTIVES 1.To undertake...
Social Development International (SODEIT)
Social Development International (SODEIT) is an NGO in Cameroon that works for poor and underprivileged communities. Target groups include children, adolescents and caregivers. The organisation aims to promote education and reduce illiteracy; build the capacity of the underprivileged to fight the...
Umoja wa wawezeshaji KIOO
Umoja wa wawezeshaji KIOO is a Tanzanian NGO that works for vulnerable children and on other social welfare issues. The organization also advocates for women’s rights (to own land and other property) and for better education for rural children. KIOO provides training on health issues, good...
El-Derash Children & Family Development Organization
El-Derash Children and Family Development Organization is an indigenous not for profit CSO that undertakes participatory community based development programs. It was established in April 2004 and re-registered in 2019 based on newly endorsed CSO proclamation. ECFDO envisions a self reliable...
I Care Club International

I Care Club International ICCI is a faith based NGO founded by Bishop Agulebe J.k to care for the total man (spirit, soul and body).