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Doing business with the poor

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Future Nepal

Future Nepal is a volunteer organization established in 2002 and registered with social welfare council of Nepal. It is a non—governmental and extremely non-profitable organization working under the principle of “change society by Volunteering”. Volunteer in Nepal provides volunteering...

Building the Walls

The Build the Wall initiative started with a small soup kitchen from a church called “Gospel Park “to feed the vulnerable, frail elderly, disable, Hiv / Aids, TB victims and young neglected children. This initiative grew so fast and they registered the organization as a Non-Profit Organization in...

Vision for the Aged Uganda

Vision for the Aged Uganda is the first older persons development non partisan, non religious, non governmental organization that was founded by a group of 12 Visionary older persons. It was first registered as a Community Based organization (CBO) in 2007 later in September 2008 It got its first...

Mission without boarders

Mission Without Borders is a UK registered charity (no. 270659) working in Eastern Europe helping those suffering the effects of poverty or oppression, particularly children in orphanages and poor families. Very often children cannot attend school because they lack simple things like pens and...

Graceway Foundation Africa

Graceway Foundation Africa, located in the heart of Bungoma Kenya Youths, is a charitable foundation dedicated to helping and improving those in need. With the dedication of the volunteers, staff members, and partners, the foundation strives to improve the lives of many who need help within the...

Friendship with the World

Friendship With The World is a Non Government Organization started in 2007 to work with vulnerable children, marginalized women & deprived families empowering them to lead a life of hope, self-worth and dignity. It envisions a promising future for all by acting as a catalyst for social change....

Associacao Mundo de Ajuda

A.M.A (Associacao Mundo de Ajuda) is a chartiy organization based in suburban of Luanda- Angola, aiming to tackle poverty in the urban and rural communities through education, vocational training and entrepreurship and expand social support for adults, youth, young people, eldery and disable people...

Women for Change Organization

Women for Change Organization (WFCO) is a Non-Governmental Organization registered in the year 2007 by the NGO registration Board under the NGO Act as a non-profit making body. It is run by a group of local women and a few men and collaborate with other community-based women groups and faith-based...

Youth With A Mission ( YWAM) Medical Ships

YWAM Ships Kona serves the needs of isolated islands. The organization carries volunteers and supplies, bringing compassion, hope and training to remote locations accessible only by ships.

Youths in Technology and Development Uganda ( Yitedev )

Yitedev is a Community-Youth driven, volunteer-run, independent, nonprofit organization registered by the government of Uganda dedicated to deliver inclusive, innovative, sustainable programs and services to support the use of sustainable technologies in agriculture, health, education for the well...

New Hope Waves

New Hope Waves Limited is a local non-profit organization working among children, youth and their communities based in Livingstone, Zambia, Africa. New Hope Waves was initiated to create hope and the future in the lives of young people and their families around the communities in Zambia. New...

Pesuben Ministries

Pesuben Ministries is a registered CBO under the NGO Act of Uganda by people who have passion to the community with three fold objectives and expertise : 1) Health especially maternal health, reduction of teenage pregnancy, reduction of maternal violence 2) Education : Reduction of literacy...

Shiv shakti math

Shiv Shakti Math is a not for profit organization dedicated to serve the underprivileged and the marginalized sections of the society. The Math carries out welfare activities in the thematic areas of Education, Health, Environment, Women Empowerment and Livelihood. The primary aim of the society is...

ASPA Cameroon

ASPA Cameroon is a non profit organization in Cameroon with service focus on humanitarian and development. ASPA provide educational help to enhance literacy and they also uses sport for child development.

Christian Community Healthcare Foundation- Kenya (COHECF KENYA)

Christian Community Healthcare Foundation- Kenya (COHECF-KENYA) is a non sectarian and not-for-profit-making organization based in Kitale, Kenya. The organization was formed in 2016 and registered in 2017 as a national NGO legally registered to operate in Kenya with the head office in Kitale town. ...

Centre de Reinsertion et Education pour les Enfants de la Rue

CREER is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious centre in Abengourou, Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast). CREER created the first transit centre for children who have been trafficked or exploited in Cote d'Ivoire. CREER works with the children, to give them future hope and be able to lead a normal...

Co-operative and Enterprenuership development initiatives Limited (CEDIL Uganda)

Co-operative and Entrepreneurship Development Initiatives Limited (CEDIL Uganda) is a social entrepreneurial, non-political and not for profit making organization incorporated in 2015 under the company act 2012, in Uganda as a company limited by guarantee without shares. The Business registration...

ReSource The Counselling Centre

ReSource is a non-denominational, multi-cultural centre offering confidential and professional counselling to individuals, couples, and families, as well as support clients who are in crisis. The counselling centre was established over 40 years ago as a registered charitable organisation offering...

Let Ghana Foundation

Let Ghana is Ghanaian owned company designed to offer services to both males and females in the rural and urban areas in Ghana. Established in August 2016, the company is aimed at offering livelihood empowerment, entrepreneurial support and skills acquisition to clients through recycling for a...

Youth & Social Development Society

YSDS Development Program provides the cornerstone for all of YSDS’s development work. It uses a participatory, peer supported and multi-sectoral strategy to offer poor rural women the skills and opportunity to achieve sustainable improvement in their livelihoods, and attain dignity and...