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Doing business with the poor

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LandVista NPC

LandVista NPC operates under the name LandWorks, is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation in South Africa and a Foundation in Chile. LandWorks' main operational focus is strategic community intervention at the socio-economic and environmental nexus. Over the past 10 years they have been...

Tabaka Muungano Technical Training Institute

The organisation is a non profit and is a training institution targeting young men and women to empower them for their livelihood. The institute was registered in the year 2014 through the Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology and through the Attorney general chamber. The institute is...


WIDPHAN is a community based organization established in 2017 to represent and raise the concern of Nuba people, particularly widows and orphans contribute for access to livelihood through relief and education, seek for justice, peaceful and sustainable development. Beside relief and development...

Organisation pour la Solidarité et le Développement

Organisation pour la Solidarité et le Développement (OSD) is a local NGO working in Burundi and registered by the Government of Burundi under a non-profit association status (See registration certificates attached). OSD started in 2008 as a group of volunteers (Medical Doctors, Nurses, Medical...

Imani Development

Imani Development is a trade, economic and social development consultancy that works with international donors, development agencies, national and regional governments, civil society, and the private sector to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods throughout the developing world. Imani...

Children's Hope In Action Verified non-profit organisation

Based in Hoi An, Central Vietnam, CHIA is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that provides a range of services for disadvantaged children in the wider Quang Nam province, where many families are barely surviving on less than three dollars per day. Over the last ten years, life has improved for...

Integrated Disabled Women Activities-IDIWA

IDIWA is a voluntary non-governmental, not for profit organization established in 2000 purposely to empower women and people with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups to maximize their potential and improve their standard of living. This group believes that all human beings are equal, are...


GTG INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION is an NGO registered in Uganda (2016), whose role and strategy for sustainable development has gained roots for more than 12 years of existence in Uganda and beyond, with steady partnerships of like minded local and global organisations. GTG International...

MicroFinance Network (MFN)

The MicroFinance Network (MFN) is a global association of micro-finance practitioners. The Network's goal is to improve the quality of life of the poor through the provision of credit, savings, and other financial services by applying a commercial approach to the establishment of financial...

Environmental Protection and Humanitarian Agency (EPHA)

The Environmental Protection and Humanitarian Agency (EPHA) was established in 2007 by a group of 15 volunteers with a mission to contribute on protecting Tanzania’s vast and wonderful environment and to improve the living standard of the poorest population groups in Kigoma/Ujiji Municipal and...

Scion Trust

Scion Trust is a Kenyan based Public Charity working with communities to improve health, support education, alleviate poverty and care for the Earth. Scion Trust seeks to maximize long-lasting impact at grassroots level, bringing transformational change to people’s lives in disadvantaged...

World Wide Community Care Development

World Wide Community Care Development is a child friendly organization. Its objective is to provide education for the children in need, most of which from poor family. The organization also promotes Children Right through paralegal desk in villages.

South Asian Capacity Development Foundation

South Asian Capacity Development Foundation is a not for profit entity focused to improve lives of marginalized communities, particularly women, religious minorities and youth. The Foundation's scope of operation includes: providing training to young people of Pakistan in political and democratic...

Charity Care Foundation

Charity Care Foundation is a humanitarian, community based, non-government organization (NGO) working in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem District of the Central Region. It was founded on 29th October 2000 and is dully registered with the registrar General Department, the Department of the Social...

Instituto para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Económico y Social de Huancavelica

The INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH AND ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF HUANCAVELICA INIDES was born to support the poorest population of the country, on September 10, 1992. For more than 25 years, this NGO has accumulated great experience and important achievements in favor of the target population,...

Dynamics Business and Technical Institute

The idea of Dynamics Business and Technical Institute started way back 2009. After finding out that most students drop out of schools mostly those from low income earning families and thus do not get a chance to obtain any qualification and skill which could enable them to at least either attain...


Anasi farmers Association was formed in the year 2010 as a community based women organization and registered at District level bearing number 310. It was formed by a group of Rural women who realized that they were economically marginalized and thought of how they should come of such poverty. The...

AGRO-NORTE, Farmers and Cattle Association, Cape Verde

Cape Verde are 10 islands located in west side of Africa. It is a country surrounded by the ocean with very limited resources. It rains 3 months out of the whole year and is very difficult to mobilize water for multiple use at the household level or for sanitation. Communities live of subsistence...

Lwengo district Busness council ltd

Lwengo District Business Council ltd is social economic community organisation in southern Uganda. Established in 2013, the Council works with women groups in 465 villages covering 8 sub counties.

Defum Human Rights Association (DHRA)

The Defum Human Rights Association (DHRA ) is an independent non-governmental, nonpolitical and non profit making organization, which is registered under the Trustees incorporation Act of Malawi. DHRA was established on 13th June 2007 and get registered as an NGO on 08th February 2013. Its...