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Doing business with the poor

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Ethical Encounters

Ethical Encounters is a South African charitable organisation that organises travel to other parts of the continent and in doing so, aims to assist small community organisations who need resources for their own projects. This is achieved by encouraging travellers to undertake volunteering projects...

Borderless Sky Project

The Borderless Sky Project is an NGO compromising volunteers from the alumni, faculty, staff, and students of Andrews University in the USA. The Project aims to provide relief aid and development through micro-enterprise schemes, and to promote primary education and child welfare. The Project's...

Foreign Investment Promotion Council

The Foreign Investment Promotion Council is a mandated Regional Investment Promotion Agency promoting ‘investments’, with support from the Government of India. FIPC spearheads the efforts of NE India to attract inward investments by adopting INVEST_NER_2020. and offers support-oriented...

United Gospel Mission

The United Gospel Mission, is an Indian NGO that acts as a facilitating body for a network of over 150 little known native Christian NGOs spread over 7 states and reaching 60 districts of North India. UGM works with network members on community transformation projects and initiatives including...

Nadhifu Mums Power

Nadhifu Mums Power is an NGO in Kenya that assists women, particularly those who need to work because they have lost their homes or families through domestic violence and lack relevant skills. The organisation aims to provide such women with vocational skills like dressmaking, bead work,...

South Central Windward Producer's Co-operative Society

The South Central Windward Co-operative Society is a rural community co-operative organization in the State of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (an island in the southern Caribbean). The Society's philosophy is based on a central theme that production and productivity must be maximized in developing...

GSK, Nestlé, Coca-Cola & Dabur top up effort to tap rural consumers

Consumer product makers such as GlaxoSmithKline, Nestlé, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Hindustan Unilever, Marico, Godrej and Dabur are rushing to the bottom-of-the-pyramid market with custom-made products six years after management guru CK Prahalad said consumers with incomes less than $2 a day can be a...

Kit Kat gives cocoa farmers in Côte d’Ivoire a break

The Fairtrade Foundation hailed Nestlé's 2009 announcement that Kit Kat is going Fairtrade as a breakthrough for cocoa farmers in Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), as well as for Kit Kat lovers in the UK and Ireland.

Athena Naturals

Athena Naturals is a female-owned American company that manufactures handmade soap and sells fair trade items produced by women cooperatives from around the world. The company's social mission is to educate consumers locally about fair trade and eco-friendly shopping products. Students associated...

Grameena Vikas Kendram Society for Rural Development

The Grameena Vikas Kendram Society for Rural Development is an Indian NGO that works with poor rural farmers on development projects designed to increase productivity.

Ecotact's Ikotoilet concept -- Sustainable sanitation services in Kenya

Ecotact is a Nairobi-based company established in 2008 to improve the urban landscape for low-income communities through environmentally responsible projects in sanitation and housing. Under the Ikotoilet project, Ecotact builds and operates high-quality, public pay-per-use toilet and shower...

Palash Palli Unnayan Sangstha

Palash Palli Unnayan Sangstha (Palash Association for Rural Development) (PPUS), is a Bangladeshi NGO. PPUS works in partnership with its clients to develop self-reliance and community growth. The organisation aims to be a centre of innovation in rural development through its range of programmes...

Grameen Foundation

The Grameen Foundation is an independent nonprofit organization headquartered in Washington, DC with an office in Seattle. The Foundation was established in 1997 by friends of Grameen Bank to help microfinance practitioners and to spread the Grameen philosophy worldwide.

World Fairtrade Organisation (WFTO)

The WFTO is a global authority on Fair Trade. Membership of the WFTO is limited to organisations that demonstrate a 100% Fair Trade commitment and apply its 10 Principles of Fair Trade. WFTO members who are monitored against these Principles are listed in the FT100 index of world-leading Fair Trade...

European Fair Trade Association (EFTA)

EFTA (the European Fair Trade Association) is an association of eleven Fair Trade importers in nine European countries. EFTA was established informally in 1987 by some of the oldest and largest Fair Trade importers. It gained formal status in 1990. EFTA is based in the Netherlands and has Dutch...

Dynamic Action Group (DAG)

The Dynamic Action Group (DAG) is a Cameroonian NGO that works with vulnerable populations including young people, disabled, women and children, poor, school dropout widows, vulnerable groups and communities etc on a range of projects and activities designed to address poverty and assist community...

Refugehouse Cameroon

Refugehouse Cameroon is an organisation that works for less privileged people, including the poor, the elderly, homeless people and children. The organisation distributes food and medicine, and provides housing, schooling and school equipment. Refugehouse also undertakes relief activities during...

Oikocredit International

Oikocredit International, one of the largest financiers of the microfinance sector worldwide, promotes global justice by challenging people, churches and others to share their resources through socially responsible investments and by empowering disadvantaged people with credit. Oikocredit finances...

Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF)

Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF), an international fund company, aims to encourage entrepreneurs in emerging markets and help sustain the new economy. SEAF invests in small and medium size businesses that are unable to obtain long-term equity due to their size or location and provide...

Women in Agribusiness in Sub-Saharan Africa Alliance (WASSAA)

The Women in Agribusiness in Sub-Saharan Africa Alliance (WASSAA) is a grouping of entrepreneurs from sub-Saharan countries with a focus on creating a strong and reliable network of women and young people in the agribusiness sector. WASSAA particularly wants women in all walks of life in the...