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Doing business with the poor

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Using Microcredit Loans to Help to Lift the Poor Out of Poverty

Many institutions around the world are turning to microfinance both as a strategy to help lift the poor out of the poverty trap and to make a decent return on investment.

Project to Promote Fair Trade in India

Fair Trade Forum - India (FTF-I) in partnership with HIVOS, IRFT & Shop for Change has launched Pro-Sustain, a project to promote Fair Trade & Sustainable Consumption in India.

Guayaki Introduces First-Ever Fair Trade Certified Yerba Mate

In March 2009, Guayaki, a leading creator of organic yerba mate beverages, announced that it was the first company in the world to offer fair trade certified yerba mate through the Institute for Marketecology's (IMO) Fair for Life certification program.

SKS Microfinance Case Study - Lakshmi's Story

SKS Microfinance Limited (SKS) is a non-banking finance company regulated by the Reserve Bank of India and currently operating in 19 of India's 28 states. SKS' mission is to eradicate poverty by providing financial services to the poor.

TEDCOR fosters urban renewal in the local community

Tedcor is an innovative and enterprising waste management company based in South Africa that offers integrated solutions for the collection, recovery and disposal of waste. Tedcor has been in the market for 12 years, working in close partnership with local communities to promote a clean healthy...

Tropical Fruit Juice Project Helps to Spur Economic Revival in Ethiopia

In April 2009, africaJUICE Tibila Share Company, a joint venture between africaJUICE BV of the Netherlands and the Ethiopian government, took operational control of Tibila Farm in Ethiopia’s Upper Awash Valley.

Ahimsa International

Ahimsa International is an NGO based in the USA and in South America. The organisation aims to bring to light a scientific diagnosis of the range of social and ecological threats to makind's shared future, and to facilitate access to a spectrum of scientific solutions. The organisation develops ...

Weather insurance for African farmers

Insurance company Zurich Financial Services has partnered with a Swiss government agency and UN group International Labor Organisation (ILO) to provide microinsurance to African farmers.

Cadbury Dairy Milk commits to going Fairtrade

Cadbury and the Fairtrade Foundation announced plans to achieve Fairtrade certification for Cadbury Dairy Milk, the UK’s top selling chocolate bar, in March 2009 and have since achieved that goal.

World Shoppe launches new line of Fair Trade jewelry from South Africa at Beckman’s handcrafted gift show

World Shoppe debuted a new line of copper and brass jewelry with semi-precious gemstones from South Africa at the Beckman’s Handcrafted Gift Show ® Chicago in January 2010.

Companies in Oregon and the West Bank strike a fair trade deal

How did a furniture manufacturing business headquartered in Portland connect with an olive oil producer in the West Bank? Through a shared commitment to fair trade — to creating healthy, sustainable employment opportunities in areas of economic hardship.

New American Jewish World Service fair trade project with Equal Exchange

Equal Exchange announced the formation of a new fairly traded coffee and chocolate partnership with American Jewish World Service (AJWS). AJWS is an international development organisation dedicated to alleviating poverty, hunger and disease among the people of the developing world, motivated by...

Jehovah Charitable Centre

The Jehovah Charitable Centre is a small NGO in Kenya that cares for needy children. The organisation runs a Saturday club where the children make items such as bangles, necklaces, hats, baskets and belts to sell in order to raise funds to help pay school fees.

Unilever supports recycling initiatives in Ghana

Unilever Ghana's factory in Tema supports a recycling initiative that reduces waste and provides income for local people.

ALEB provides technical assistance for Egyptian food processing companies

ALEB (Agricultural-Led Export Businesses), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is a central component of the Growth through Globalization strategy supporting Egypt's private sector.

Mobilink Turns Billboards to Bags

The Mobilink Foundation, the non-profit arm of Mobilink, Pakistan’s leading cellular and Blackberry service providers, is turning plastic billboard skins into school bags for underprivileged children. The bags are distributed free of charge.

Santander Microcrédito (Banco Real ABN AMRO) works with Accion to support small businesses in Brazil

Santander Microcrédito, an initiative by Banco Real ABN AMRO, offers small loans to growing businesses that lack access to conventional forms of credit.

ICICI provides weather insurance for Indian farmers

Insurance company ICICI has partnered with Indian based microfinance institution BASIX to pilot the sale of rainfall insurance to farmers in India.

Mirakle Couriers : A Courier Service Run by the Deaf in India

Mirakle Couriers is a courier delivery company with a difference. They employ underprivileged deaf people who have almost no other means to earn a livelihood. India has one of the highest deaf populations in the world. NGO’s and charities try to help individuals marginalized by society, but they...

Coffee sustainability : Kraft Foods and Rainforest Alliance

Kraft Foods has been working in the area of coffee sustainability for over a decade and announced a partnership with the Rainforest Alliance in 2003. Since then, this relationship has benefited more than 400,000 farmers and their families and communities on more than 85,000 hectares of farmland in...