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Project funding

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Tinac Tailors and Nandy Couture(my body is mine Campaign)

The campaign will be launched with an intention of promoting menstrual hygiene in the rural areas of Nyimbwa Sub County by making sanitary pads and period knickers from banana stems and old fabric. The campaign is a collaborative one between Nandy Couture and Tinac Tailors which is a registered...

Humanitarna Organizacija "Merhamet" MDD, Regionalni odbor Sarajevo

"Merhamet" MDD, Regionalni odbor Sarajevo is a Humanitarian Organisation Regional Board of „Merhamet“ Sarajevo. HO Merhamet Sarajevo was founded in 1913 and has been successfully performing its mission all the time, and that is helping the socially vulnerable, the elderly and people who have no...

A-Waste Ltd

A-Waste services was founded in 2018 doing business in garbage collection. A-Waste Ltd has grown to incorporate other activities as management of hazardous and medical waste. A-Waste claims to have the license by relevant bodies to carry out these activities throughout the country. A-Waste has...

Families of SMA Charitable Trust

SMA is a form of neuromuscular disease. Many victims are young children who are severely disabled / medically fragile and require specialized medical care and advanced medical equipment. Families of SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) Charitable Trust (“FSMA”) was established in 1998 to provide...

Caring Haven Uganda

Caring Haven Uganda provides programs designed to benefit the grass root common person ranging from education, youth empowerment, talent development and health for the rural communities. The communities are characterized with poverty, illiteracy, and ignorance who have great difficulty meet the...

Action for Peace and Development (APDO)

The people of South Sudan need a lot of support in terms of peace building to be able to meet socio-economic needs of the communities at grass root level. Action for Peace and Development Organization (APDO) was established by the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches (CEEC) of South Sudan...

Action Lab for Development

Action Lab for Development (ACTLAB Cameroon) is a NGO that works with rural communities on a range of issues including social entrepreneurship, agriculture and COVID-19 response and preparedness in Cameroon. ACTLAB also trains/sponsors orphans, providing education, food and other basic...

Refugee Active Peace Building Initiative (RAPBI)

RAPBI is serving thousands of refugees who flew from South Sudan due to conflict of 2013 and settled in Uganda, the major challenges are gender based violence, poor personal hygiene among adolescents girls and boys, lack of income generating activities, environmental destruction. RAPBI promotes...

Redeemed Methodist Church

Redeemed Methodist Church is a church organization whose mission is to minister to the spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional needs of all peoples by preaching Christs liberating Gospel through word and deed. One of their values is to fully identify with the poor and the oppressed in their...

Ethiopian Guenet Church, ADDIS ABABA Regional Church Office

The Ethiopian Guenet church was founded by two Finland missionaries called Mr.San Frid Mattson and Anna-Lisa Mattson in 1951 G.C. After a service of 25 Years, the Addis Ababa Gunet church was founded in the year 1976 G.C and had a 42 years history of service. The church has currently 35 independent...

Transformative and Innovetive Agricultural Tanzania - TIAT

TIAT proud to have expertise, experience and competence in 4 major areas namely enhancing farmers on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), advocacy for gender equity and equality in owning and using resources in community, educating community on health issues and encourage environmental friendly...

TAG Glory Christian Centre

TAG Glory Christian Centre is a religious institution working towards delivering the community they live in from poverty. The centre helps them regardless of their religion, tribe or political interest. There are currently 284 registered beneficiaries (children) whom were supported in four...

FREEPLUS Foundation

Friends Rallying to Empower Each other Professing Love and Unity for Self-reliance (FREEPLUS)Foundation is a community based, non-profit making organization founded in 2016 by a group of unemployed and impoverished youths of Anai. The organization with help from the local community and...

Chi Heng Foundation Limited

Chi Heng Foundation, founded in 1998, is a charity registered in Hong Kong (Ref No. 91/6187). “Chi Heng” means “wisdom in action”. The foundation aims to promote equal opportunity and the elimination of discrimination against minority groups and under-privileged members of the society. With...

Shaktimath International foundation

Shaktimath International Foundation is a not for profit organization dedicated to serve the underprivileged and the marginalized sections of the society. The Foundation carries out welfare activities in the thematic areas of Education, Health, Environment, Women Empowerment and Livelihood. The...

Social Organization for Voluntary Action (SOVA)

SOVA was established in 1992. Over the span it has covered sectors of livelihoods (artisans/ farmers), health, youth and adolescent issues, women and child welfare, disaster management and mitigation and environment issues. It delivers institutional services in primary health care, protection of...

Madilanyu Bee keeping Company

Madilanyu Bee Keeping Company was established as a peace building initiative between the refugee and the host community of Itirikwa sub county, Adjumani District. It was founded in the year 2014, as the refugees were seeking for asylums; majority did not have any livelihood project they are engaged...

Hong Kong Women Workers' Association

HKWWA was established at 1989 as a grassroots groups that organizes women and workers. It provides services and training to empower women to change the society with their capability. It also helps women to set up workers cooperatives to run business with economic democracy strategies.

Keza Self Help Group.

Keza Self Help Group is a group of men and women of low income housing and finance. They formed self help to contribute a half dollar every Sunday support one as little soft loan to start small business vendor for family sustainability and support to put a meal on the table. The program...

Mamas for Burundi Association

MAFOBA is a non-profit association (asbl) initiated in 2015 by Burundian girls and women and approved by the Ministry of the Interior, patriotic training and communal development. MAFOBA is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) who works for the promotion of socio-economic rights, peace,...