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Learning Squared Liberia

Learning squared Liberia is a 501c3 non-profit organization registered and operating in the USA and Liberia. ​ The organization was founded as Initiative for Democratic Alternatives (IDA) Liberia in 2016 by president Anthony S. Kolaco, and was renamed and relaunched as Learning Squared Liberia in...

Care against Rural Poverty-CARP

CARP is dedicated to empowering local people to tackle social injustice and build a better future that captures all and sundry. CARP is a newly established as Community Based Organization for non- profit, operating in Kambia District, in the North-western of Sierra Leone. It was formed out...

World In Need International Ltd Verified non-profit organisation

World In Need exist for ‘Practical Mission’ That is as disciples, we help the poor, the hungry and those in need of education. Having experienced this expression of God’s love we then give these people the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus, to know Him more and develop a relationship...

Christian Action

Christian Action was established in 1985 as a registered charitable organization in Hong Kong. The NGO's mission is to serve those who are poor, disadvantaged, marginalized, displaced or abandoned regardless of their age, gender, nationality and religion. The aim is to give them hope, dignity...

Not Just Tourists Toronto

Not Just Tourists is a branch of a volunteer-run NGO that operates in various cities in Canada. The organisation encourages people to be more than simply tourists. It accepts donated surplus unwanted medical supplies from home care patients, clinics and hospitals, and repacks them into suitcases...

Epiphany Trust Verified non-profit organisation

Initially formed in response to the Romanian orphanage crisis in 1990, the Epiphany Trust is a non-profit organisation that provides aid and education to the disabled or disadvantaged children and young people and assistance to adults who serve them. They also support a number of economic...

Kobunde youth group

Kobunde is a community based organization with 100 registered youths. The mission is improving the quality of lives of vulnerable children within the society and empower both the youths and women both socially and economically. The group does mentorship and health talks to both the youth and school...

Greenwich Refugee Aid and Community Enterprise

GRACE is a small but growing charity based at 18 Leegate, Lee Green, South-east London. GRACE collects donations of clothing, furniture, food and other essential supplies from the local community to sort, pack by item & re-distribute for refugees and destitute families both locally and abroad, ...

Relief Teenage and Marital Counselling (Retmac) Foundation

Retmac Foundation is an organization that seeks to create a healthy generation that is morally upright and economically powerful. Retmac is staffed with professional team of 12 employees and 22 local volunteers. The team runs activities all over Uganda and has the capacity of handling issues with...

Help The Needy Inc

Help the Needy Inc. is a tax exempt charitable organization established on November 25, 2015 in Chicago, IL. The organization is a support to hospitals, orphanages, widows, homeless, and college dropouts especially girls in Chicago, Ivory Coast and other developing countries in Africa through...

BHP NGO ( Bab-ul-Hawaij Pakistan )

Bab-Ul-Hawaij Pakistan, Registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 Registration No. CSR-268/2006, NO.EIP/BK/SR-658/FC-213/02. BHP is a Non-Profit organization registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 (Pakistan). The aims of BHP is to organize and to generate resources...

Global Initiative for Rural Health

GIRH is a non-governmental, non-partisan and not-for-profit humanitarian and research organization committed to promoting and improving healthcare delivery services through direct interventions to underserved, hard-to-reach and neglected communities; coordinate and mobilize all stakeholders to...

iSpiice Volunteering in India

iSpiice – Integrated Social Programs in Indian Child Education is set up to improve the lives of Indian families especially women and children in rural villages of India in Dharamsala. iSpiice is a humanitarian organization supported by volunteers across the world that builds partnerships between...

Rural Aids Orphans and Mothers Support Organisation

Rural Aids Orphans and Mothers Support Organization (RAOMOSO) is a registered community based women Organization with license number 2016/915. It was started in 2015 in LUUKA district by a group of indigenous woman professionals with long outstanding experiences and excellence in community...

Kiini Sustainable Initiative

Kiini sustainable initiative is a local nongovernmental organization (NGO) established and registered in December 2007 under the section 10 of the NGO Coordinating Act. It composed of a consortium of experts with a wide range of experience, knowledge and exposure in various segments of...

easynutrition GmbH

Vision : to make sufficient food available to all people. Mission : to satisfy people in a healthy manner. Values : defined by preserving creation (people and nature) in a sustained, environmentally conscious and humane manner. How can a nutrition system be created that preserves the earth...

Espoir Pour L'Afrique Togo

Espoir Pour L'Afrique Togo was established in 2015 and officially registered in 2017, have it head office at Kpalimè Zomayi Kloto Togo. The aims of this organization is to help orphans, school drop-out children with free education, create jobs for youths that are jobless by training them with...

Rena Community Development Association (RCDA)

Rena Community Development Association is non profit community based organisation that extends free vocational skills to person with disabilities and other members of the community. The organisation specializes in providing skills for self employment beside provision of rehabilitation of people...

Penny Appeal Australia

For millions of people around the developing world, poverty keeps access to a better life out of reach. Education, however, is the key that could change everything. Education would help people escape poverty – by giving them the chance of a better job – and the impact of this would carry on down...

Challenging Heights

Challenging Heights has over ten years experience working with vulnerable children in the fishing industry. The organization is a Ghanaian-run grassroots NGO, founded in 2003 by James Kofi Annan, who escaped from slavery in Ghana’s fishing industry at the age of 13. For the past 15 years, this NGO...