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Community Rehabilitation Advocates For Transformation (C.R.A.F.T.)

Community Rehabilitation Advocates for Transformation (C.R.A.F.T.) is a registered Non Governmental Organization in Ghana with registration # 37-317. OUR MISSION To create an enabling environment through achievable and sustainable initiatives aimed at promoting positive change for the inclusion...

Books4Cause Inc.

Books4Cause is an American company that runs book drives and book donation campaigns which help fund and support various initiatives locally, nationally, and around the world. The organisation reprocesses donated books in several ways. Books with resale value are sold in online marketplaces. For...

Mwengenye Widows and Orphan Slums Organization (Mwoso)

Mwengenye Widows and Orphans Slums Organization (MWOSO) is a Kenyan NGO. The organisation aims to offer environmental and social educational skills to local orphans and to show widows how to generate income through poultry farming in the Mwengenye slums and rural counties. The overall aim of the...


Sudmigration is an organisation based in Oran, Algeria established to assist would-be migrants from Africa to reclaim their dignity and to promote their human rights following violent treatment and hardship in their attempts to gain entry into Europe. The organisation, which is currently seeking...


MISEREOR works with a host of domestic partners to provide assistance against poverty and political suppression in places such as Latin America, Asia and Africa. MISEREOR does this by assisting with developing projects including the education of women and children against AIDS, financing farmers...

Association for Sending Picture Books to Laos Children

NGO that provides book for children in Laos to enable them to pursue future study. Often these children live in rural areas without schools, teaching or books. ALC creates an environment for children to develop their ability to learn so that they can get a chance of choosing their own future. ...

The Good Neighbour International

The Good Neighbour International (TGNI) is a Fijian based organisation that runs a number of programs to improve the quality of life. TGNI works to create employment locally so that families can grow and live together and reach their full potential.

"Халуун сэтгэл (Warm Heart)

Warm Heart is a new organization in Mongolia. The organisation consists of young volunteers who want to help others in need in Mongolia. Warm Heart has made donations of clothes to people in need, and is currently collecting gifts to give to children during the New Year celebrations.

At, we believe fundraising should be simple, profitable, and environmentally-friendly. Join our recycling program and begin collecting empty inkjet cartridges and cell phones for recycling - earn money as you turn trash into cash! We provide you with free materials and...

Compassion International

The Christian child advocacy mission Compassion International works to release children from spiritual, physical, economic and social poverty. Key programmes include child sponsorship, child survival (pre-natal care), and leadership development (a project targeting outstanding and aspiring high...

Fútbol Project (TFP)

Fútbol Project (TFP) aims to empower underprivileged and orphaned children and young adults through sports; and to build relationships between children and youths in the global north and those in the global south. TFP donates sports equipment to organisations that work with youth with an...

Caritas-Hong Kong

Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 165 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories. Caritas provides a beacon of hope for tens of millions of women, men and...

Mission Without Borders USA

An international Christian relief organisation, dedicated to serving the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those suffering the effects of poverty or persecution. Current projects involve distributing aid to countries in Eastern Europe and Asia. The UK office has a Gifts In Kind department...

Macau Red Cross

Macau Red Cross is a member of the International Red Cross. It aims at developing domestic and international humanitarian services and striving hard to alleviate the pain of human beings. Its work includes relieving people in sicken areas, building schools in Mainland, searching for the lost, and...

Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong

Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong, affiliated with the Richmond Fellowship International, is a non-profit, mental health organisation. The organisation cooperates with Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau to organise mental health training and exchange programmes for Chinese psychiatric personnel....

Grace hospital children's home. - Macau

Mercy hospital children's home was founded in 1953 by the Evangelistic Gih pastor of his childhood. Patients aged 5-18 are encouraged to be self-reliant. The charity responds to the social and psychological needs of children to develop into a small family-style accommodation. It encouraged...

Salvation Army - Hong Kong

The Salvation Army is a Christian church and charity that shows practical concern and care for the needs of people regardless of race, creed, status, colour, sex or age. Religious organisation dedicated to Christian ideals and encouraging social and economic development in the countries which it...


Cartay is a Spanish company that manufactures a range of emergency kits. The company has a long term agreement with Unicef and also supplies the IFRC. Cartay keeps large stocks of hygiene and emergency items, and can supply these within 24-48 hours to any part in the world.

Humanitarian Aid in Complex Emergencies International (HACE Int'l)

Humanitarian Aid in Complex Emergencies International (HACE Int'l) provides humanitarian assistance to the poor, marginalised, and other vulnerable populations through programmes focusing upon food security, healthcare, education and training, and sustainable development.

International Relief and Development (IRD)

IRD is a private voluntary organisation (PVO) dedicated to improving the quality of life of people in the most economically deprived parts of the world by facilitating and supporting assistance tailored specifically to their needs. IRD provides humanitarian assistance by distributing medicines and...