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REMAR Brazil

REMAR (Rehabilitation of People on the Margins of Society) is a Christian NGO established in 1982 to care for and rehabilitate drug addicts and other socially excluded people. REMAR aims to improve the living conditions of the people with whom it works through setting up sustainable development...

Convoy of Hope - International Community Care

Convoy of Hope provides humanitarian aid and support to help relieve poverty and to improve living conditions. They assist those in need in mainly schools, hospitals and orphanages.

Food for the Hungry International (FHI) Costa Rica

Food for the Hungry (FHI) is an international organisation committed to development and emergency assistance, and support to stop poverty and hunger worldwide. Through assistance and training it develops facilities that promote self-sustainability of recipients. Work in Costa Rica started in 2002...

Dynamic Action Group (DAG)

The Dynamic Action Group (DAG) is a Cameroonian NGO that works with vulnerable populations including young people, disabled, women and children, poor, school dropout widows, vulnerable groups and communities etc on a range of projects and activities designed to address poverty and assist community...

Relief Supplier

Relief Supplier is an Indian company that exports a range of relief items for use in emergencies. Items stocked include blankets, tarpaulins, buckets, kitchen sets, mosquito nets, education and recreation kits, tents, hygiene kits and body bags.

Exxon Mobil Corporation (ExxonMobil) – Chad/Cameroon

Exxon Mobil Corporation (ExxonMobil) is the world's largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, providing energy that helps underpin growing economies and improve living standards around the world. ExxonMobil’s Chad/Cameroon Development Project financed partly by the World Bank is...

Association of Human Rights and Tortured Defenders (AHURTOD)

The Association of Human Rights and Tortured Defenders (AHURTOD) is a human rights and relief organisation founded in 2004 to protect Cameroon’s vulnerable and poor population. AHURTOD’s activities aim to defend men and women’s rights, to fight against child labour, exploitation, abuse and...

Refugehouse Cameroon

Refugehouse Cameroon is an organisation that works for less privileged people, including the poor, the elderly, homeless people and children. The organisation distributes food and medicine, and provides housing, schooling and school equipment. Refugehouse also undertakes relief activities during...

Project Africa

PROJECT AFRICA was incorporated in Kenya as a non profit NGO in 2008. Today the organization provides supports and services annually to over 1000 women and girls from poor rural and urban settings in Kenya. Its assistance is designed to support individual women and girls to break free from the...

HELP - Germany

HELP is a German non-governmental charitable organisation and is engaged in emergency assistance as well as rehabilitation and development projects. HELP aims to encourage the efforts made by communities affected by catastrophes and misery -- to have them improve their living circumstances...

Muslim Aid Australia

Muslim Aid Australia provides emergency, long-term assistance and other charitable services to alleviate the pain of those suffering and in need of relief. The organisation raises funds for various relief efforts and orphan aid programmes for some of the poorest countries of the world. MAA...

Islamic Relief Worldwide

The NGO Islamic Relief (IR) is an international relief and development charity which aims to alleviate the suffering of the world’s poorest people. Islamic Relief works in four main areas: emergency relief, development, support for orphans, and Waqf (charitable endowment). IR has emergency supplies...

Tools for Solidarity (TFS)

Tools for Solidarity (TFS) is a small charity organisation, which collects old unwanted hand tools and sewing machines. The items are refurbished and sent, in cooperation with indigenous partner organisations, to groups in need of tools in underprivileged countries.

Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere)

Project HOPE conducts health care education programmes on five continents, while also providing emergency medical supplies and assistance around the world in response to emergency situations.

Operation Mobilisation Southern Africa

Operation Mobilisation Southern Africa is a Christian organisation involved in community development and relief work. In South Africa, for example, the organisation partners with two AIDS orphanages, helping them find resources and providing volunteers to work with orphans.

Ngoma Aid Foundation

Ngoma Aid Foundation is a non-profit community-based organisation that has a central focus on rural community development. The organisation's programmes include education, HIV/AIDS awareness, direct service delivery, agriculture, income generation, protection of the environment, and general...

Paper 4 All

Paper for All is a charity that aims to promote knowledge leading to awareness and development. Paper for All focuses on providing academic resources to children in Burkina Faso in Africa which, with a 21.8% literacy rate, is one of the most illiterate countries in the world. It collects funds in...

SOS Children's Villages - Burkina Faso

SOS helps children and communities in need to help themselves by establishing for them, the necessary facilities for development, including education, medical and social centres. Their special emphasis is to provide orphaned and destitute children with a new and permanent home, preparing them for...

Howardstern R & D

Howardstern R & D is a medical resource humanitarian organization based in Luxembourg. The organisation iscommitted to working with other charities, corporations and governments to improve the delivery of healthcare across the world. In order to maintain the human element of improving...

Joseph Project

The Joseph Project, a project of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America, has 30 humanitarian aid centres throughout Israel and a 16,000 sq. foot (1,500 sq. metre) warehouse in the centre of the country. The Project imports containers from America and distributes aid to all sectors of the country,...