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Community Initiatives for Development in Pakistan

Communities Initiatives for Development in Pakistan (CIDP) Sindh is a non-Governmental non-profitable, voluntarily development organization working for sustainable development of the deprived and backward communities of Sindh Pakistan. The CIDP after its inception has unceasingly strived to bring...

Pak Helpline (W.R.D.O)

The Pak Help Line (W.R.D.O) is an NGO in Pakistan that aims to provide health and education for the poor and needy in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). The major activities of the organisation include the provision of education through formal and non-formal schools, while vocational centres provide...

Bicklang Avam Upekshit Seva Sadan

Bicklang Avam Upekshait Seva Sadan (BAUSS) is an Indian association for social health and rehabilitative action. The organisation works for underprivileged communities in backward urban and rural areas. Key working areas are education, health,vocational training and the environment. BAUSS also...

Prayas Bharat

Prayas is an Indian NGO that works in tribal areas in Hazaribag Jharkhand. Prayas works issues relating to health , education, livelihood development, income generation, and violence against women, including trafficking.

Sustainable Development for Vulnerable People of Bangladesh

Sustainable development for Vulnerable People of Bangladesh is an organization building employment skills and capability of young people. It’s creating new jobs and employment; Helping different Govt. Immunization, Vitamin A Capsule distribution Projects; Regularly organizing free eye camp &...

Committee for Rural and Urban Development (CRUD)

The Committee for Rural and Urban Development (CRUD) is a charitable organization working in the health sector in remote rural areas of Bangladesh. CRUD runs a hospital providing a multidisciplinary health care service especially for women and children.

Kalinga Kusum Foundation

The Kalinga Kusum Foundation is a social enterprise that addresses challenges tied to education and entrepreneurship in rural communities in Odisha, in Eastern India. Its flagship program is the '100% Employability' initiative.

Daya Educational Trust

Daya Educational Trust (DET) is an Indian NGO that provides computer education for young people living in villages. Currently DET is running 3 computer centres in different locations providing basic computer literacy to approximately 115 students.

Victory India National Organisation

Victory India National Organisation is an NGO based in the rural area of Himachal Pradesh. The organisation works on HIV/AIDS. In addition it has established a library for the local community, and also aims to raise the awareness of adolescent girls in regard to health and education.

Verve Foundation

The Verve Foundation is a faith-based Nepalese NGO comprising young leaders committed to serving the community through social work. Verve works for the welfare and rehabilitation of street children and parentless kids and for skill development and empowerment of girls and young people.


The PARWD (People’s Association for Rural Women Development) Trust is an Indian NGO that works in remote areas of Tamil Nadu mainly for women and children. The Trust is currently involved in education, and in promoting economic self-reliance through savings and micro credit schemes,...

Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women and Rural Welfare Society

The Sandeshkhali Maa Saroda Women and Rural Welfare Society is an NGO in the Sundarban region of India.The organisation works for women and girls, providing training in a range of subjects including food processing and nursery management. The organisation is planning to establish a multi purpose...


BUH is an NGO in Pakistan. that aims to generate resources for illiterate men and women, disabled persons, orphans, and widows in partnership with Oak Solutions Network, a company specialising in solar energy.

Aid for Change

Aid For Change is an initiative of an international aid organization that has been in India since 1960. The organisation's work focuses on rural development and gender equality, working with disadvantaged groups - dalits, small farmers, adivasis and underprivileged women.

Janamangal (Centre for Independent Living)

Janamangal (Centre for Independent Living) is an Indian NGO that aims to help tribal women to improve their lives through training, counselling and entrepreneurship.


The VAIGAI Trust (Voluntary Action for Integrated Global Awareness and Innovation) is an Indian NGO that assists deprived communities, focusing on the welfare of women and children and on managing natural resources for a sustainable future. The Trust works in education, conservation and human...


Spandan ia an Indian NGO that campaigns to save water and forests and for a pollution free world. The organisation also runs cultural programmes and health camps, and campaigns against the trafficking of women.


Renewit is a foward thinking creative think tank that develops personalised and sustainable power solutions for people with limited or no access to power. The company's creative development teams design, create and engineer products that can perform in the most extreme conditions bringing the...

Yayasan Pendidikan Indonesia (ICDL Lisensi)

Yayasan Pendidikan Indonesia (ICDL Lisensi) is the governing body of the ECDL Foundation/ICDL (an internationally recognised qualification for computer users outside Europe) in the Republic of Indonesia. ICDL Lisensi is currently working with The Ministry of Religious Affairs to implement the ICDL...

estudioOCA Co Ltd.

estudioOCA is an urban design studio based in Barcelona but also working in Bangkok. The Studio focuses on urbanism and landscape issues internationally.