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Centre for Environmental Action and Development (CEAD)

The Centre for Environmental Action and Development (CEAD) is a Nepalese NGO that aims to transform the quality of life in marginalized communities through education, technology and sustainable harvesting and management of natural resources.

Change Life Foundation

The Change Life Foundation is an NGO in the Philippines. The Foundation works for poor and people in need in the community.

Masilamani Annai CharitableTrust

Masilamani Annai Charitable Trust is an Indian NGO that works for the development of down trodden people in Thanjavur District, Tamilnadu'

All India Muslim Youth Majlis

All India Muslim Youth Majlis is an Indian NGO. The organisation provides pioneering faith and culturally sensitive services to minorities and poor young people in India.

Bangladesh Centre for Human Rights and Development (BCHRD)

Bangladesh Centre for Human Rights and Development (BCHRD) was founded in 1994 as a follow up to the national non-government, non-profit, non-political human rights and humanitarian aid organization entitled “National Trauma free Bangladesh and property reduction.” BCHRD focus on the rehabilitation...

Asia Pacific Aid Programs Inc.

Asia Pacific Aid Programs Inc. is a Philippines-based nonprofit supporting a wide range of development programs across the Asia Pacific Region. APAP offers a series of thematic programs addressing the major issues facing the region today, from climate change adaptation to economic development and...

Jyoti Bahu Udesiya Seva Bhavi Sanstha Pachod

Jyoti Bahu Udesiya Seva Bhavi Sanstha Pachod is an Indian NGO that works on the provision of drinking water, and women's empowerment through training and awareness programmes.

Catholic Charities

In the early sixties Catholic Charities came into being as a Charitable Organisation in the former district of Cuttack. Later, in 1976, Catholic Charities was established in the newly created Archdiocese of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar with its own permanent office and other structures at Khurda Road, Jatni...

Society for Education and Rural Development

The Society for Education and Rural Development' is an Indian NGO working for rural people in need. It provides vocational training for the unemployed, as well as watershed management, and conducts awareness programmes on HIV, RTI acts of 2005 and 2010 as well as women's and children's rights. The...

International Humanity Foundation

International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is an American NGO that believes in equal opportunity for all and in preserving the cultures, traditions and beliefs of the marginalized communities it works in. The Foundation runs educational programmes in a number of countries around the world and also a...

Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service

Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service is a community based non-profit organization servicing the underprivileged in Kwun Tong for more than 53 years. The organization was established in Kwun Tong & grew up with a reputation serving : low income & single-parent families, new arrivals, children...

Clean Power for Humanity Limited

Clean Power for Humanity Limited is a Chinese NGO that specializes in providing green powered solutions to rural villages to increase their livelihood. Green solutions include solar panels and wind turbine solutions

Snekithi Charitable Trust

Snekithi Charitable Trust is an Indian NGO that works with and for poor and downtrodden women, children, dalits and tribal communities. The Trust is involved in the formation of self help groups, providing women with skills that will allow them to access credit for self employment and...

Sahara Rural Development Program

The objectives of life society are to promote self-help, mutual aid and better living to archive these objectives, a) To assist and point our human rights violation in any stage. b) To establish educational / vocational institutes and training centers. c) To provide training and guide lines...

Project GreenWorld International

Project GreenWorld International is a children's environmental and humanitarian organization. They aim to create a committed and responsible generation of humane and eco-friendly young people. The organization focused on: •Global Warming & Climate change •Ecosystem Conservation •Recycling...

Federation of Women of Georgia "QOLGA"

Federation of Women of Georgia "QOLGA" promotes female self-realization and creative development, protection of the political, economic, social and cultural rights, which are necessary for the development of the person. Promote inclusion of women in the active public life; provide...

Mira Road Baptist Church Day Care Center affiliated with Maharashtra Baptist Society

Mira Road Baptist Church Day Care Center had begun in the Slums of Mira Road Mumbai, Maharashtra in the year 2006 by the Mira Road Baptist Church, a self -supported church affiliated to Maharashtra Baptist society. The Church believes that all children are born equally and have the right to proper...

Jan Samaj Kalyan Samiti

Jan Samaj Kalyan Samiti is a non- profit organization registered under S.R Act. The organization has dedicated itself to the promotion of medical and technical education, heath & family welfare and advancement of social peace & harmony. It seeks to identify and contribute to the solution of...

EMACE Sri Lanka

EMACE is a non-profit entity, working towards adaptation to climate change mitigating adverse impacts on environment and ecology. EMACE's mission is to protect the basic human rights of the most vulnerable people - women, children and the displaced - and attain adequate means of income...

Christian Action

Christian Action (CA) is a Hong Kong registered charitable organisation established in 1985. CA aims to serve the needs and promote the welfare of the poor and disadvantaged in Hong Kong and Mainland China, with particular emphasis upon displaced persons through education, vocational training,...