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Eurasia Foundation (EF) - Almaty

The Eurasia Foundation is involved in grant-making programmes throughout the NIS (Newly Independent States). This regional office of the Foundation is based in Kazakhstan, with projects in neighbouring countries. The website has an extensive directory of contact details for organisations and...

Renew Faith Organisation International

Renew Faith Organisation International is a non-governmental organisation operating in Senegal and India. The main focus of Renew Faith is on education, shelter, food and medical treatment. The organisation provides services for orphans and street kids, older people, people with leprosy or mental...

World Health Organization (WHO) - Western Pacific Region

The World Health Organization (WHO) is a United Nations agency, established in 1948, that aims to coordinate international health activities and to help governments improve health services. The Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) represents the WHO in the Asia Pacific with 37 member states. WPRO...

Asian Development Bank (ADB) NGO Center and Cooperation Network

ADB created the NGO Centre in February 2001 to strengthen cooperation with civil society actors and to respond to their concerns. The Centre serves nongovernmental organisations, including community-based organisations, peoples groups and foundations, as well as trade unions.

Cedar Fund

Cedar Fund assists the poor and disadvantaged in partnership with faith-based groups, through education, development, advocacy and relief programmes. Cedar Fund's current operational focus is on countries in Asia and Africa.

Yakkum Emergency Unit

Yakkum Emergency Unit (YEU) is a younger sister of Yogyakarta based CD Bethesda (Community Development of Bethesda Hospital). YEU was established in 2001 based on pressing concerns within YAKKUM (Yayasan Kristen untuk Kesehatan Umum - Christian Foundation for Public Health) regarding the...


TNT Express is a global company operating in 200 countries around the world. It provides a range of express services to transfer goods and documents around the world. TNT Express is able to offer its customers an extensive domestic and international network, integrated with the latest technology....

Soha Foundation

The Soha Foundation is an NGO in Pakistan. The Foundation works on community mobilization and through volunteer support forums in the areas of human rights, peace and security, child and women's rights and protection, and poverty alleviation.

National Organisation for Welfare and Development (NOWAD)

The National Organisation for Welfare and Development (NOWAD) is an Indian NGO. NOWAD works in adult education, continuing education , and women's empowerment and leadership training. NOWAD focuses on helping people living in tribal areas and Dalits, women and children in particular.

Mercy Huts

Mercy Huts is a small Christian organisation registered in Australia that aims to establish an eco-friendly beachfront surf retreat that will provide financial support, employment and training in hospitality and tourism for families living in poverty on Rote Island, Indonesia.

1012 Youth Organization

The 1012 Youth Organisation is an NGO in the Philippines. The organisation targets young people, but also cares for children, person with disabilities and women.

Lore & Light Society

The Lore and Light Society is an NGO in Pakistan that aims to support deprived communities in various ways, particularly in regard to the improvement of health and education services for those living in rural areas. The Society focuses on awareness raising in regard to hygiene, the need for...

Nagaland Centre for Human Development and Information Techonology (NCHD-IT)

The Nagaland Centre for Human Development and Information Technology (CHD-IT) is an Indian NGO. The Centre works in participatory community development, aiming to build leadership capabilities for socio-economic empowerment amongst women, children and youth through training, information technology...

Women Development Organization (WDO)

The Women Development Organization (WDO) is an NGO in Balochistan, Pakistan. The organisation aims to assist in the creation of a democratic and justice-based society through the empowerment of women and other marginalised groups through focusing on human rights and development. WDO is involved in...

Parish Youth Committee - Pagbilao (PYC)

The Parish Youth Committee - Pagbilao (PYC) is a youth committee of the St Catherine of Alexandria V.M. Parish, Pagbilao, Quezon. The Committee helps young people gain a place in society and become productive citizens through a range of activities and projects oriented to the social, emotional,...

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) - China

UNICEF is an international aid agency that works with communities and governments in 157 countries for the survival, development and protection of children worldwide, upholding the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The primary areas of focus are: child survival and development; basic education...

Crescent Educational Society

The Crescent Educational Society (CES) is an NGO based in Andhra Pradesh. The organisation focuses on the educational development of poor and marginalised children, and on the livelihood development of rural artisans and vulnerable women. The Society runs an upper primary school, and has...

New Life Mission Trust

The New Life Mission (NLM) Trust is an Indian NGO that aims to take the Christian message to people in the slums and rural villages. The Mission adopts orphan children from the slums and educates them, providing medical care and school related equipment. Currently, the Mission cares for 140...

Love and Care Charitable Mission

The Love and Care Charitable Mission is a faith-based Indian NGO based in Andra Pradesh that provides care for deprived women and children, many of whom are picked up from railway stations, bus shelters or the streets. The organisation provides food, clothing and shelter. The Mission also provides...

ChangeMaker Society for Social and Economic Development

The ChangeMaker Society for Social and Economic Development is a Bangladeshi NGO devoted to setting up a framework that will encourage the development of aa pattern-setting system to strengthen and engage the poor in mainstream social and economic development. ChangeMaker's key focus is on...