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ENMIGRAW Suisse is a nonpolitical, nonprofit organisation. Their voluntary work consists of organizing, financing and coordination of relief projects in the Arlit/Agadez region, with a particular focus on assisting the Tuareg-Nomad population. In close partnership and coordination with ENMIGRAW...


EdUKaid is a UK based charity that aims to equip the children of the developing world with the means to go to school when they and their families are incapable of doing so. EdUKaid also supports schools directly by providing teaching resources, books and facilities as well as trying to improve the...


RIPPLE (Recognising Individual Potential & Promoting Local Education) Africa is an NGO involved in raising funds in the UK to support a range of development projects in Malawi. The organisation assists local schools by providing funds for staff at primary, secondary and nursery schools, and is...

Churches Commission on International Affairs (CCIA)

Churches Commission on International Affairs (CCIA) advises the World Council of Churches in matters of international affairs. CCIA believes that international advocacy for peace, justice and human rights must be founded on a vibrant movement and struggle on the ground. This makes it obligatory for...

Inter Press Service International Association (IPS)

Inter Press Service International Association (IPS) is the world’s leading news agency on issues such as development, environment, human rights and civil society. Its three main areas of work are: providing news and content by producing stories and analyses, which explain how events and global...

Green Cross International (GCI)

Green Cross International (GCI) is an environmental organisation founded by the former Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, building on work started by the 1991 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. The organisation has branches worldwide, and is involved in a range of activities related to environmental...

Consumers International (CI)

Consumers International (CI) is the world federation of consumer groups that, working together with its members, serves as the only independent and authoritative global voice for consumers. It strives to promote a fairer society through defending the rights of all consumers, especially the poor,...

International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)

The International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) is a global network of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that advocates for effective humanitarian action. Founded in 1962, ICVA brings the experience and views of over 70 national and international NGOs, to international policy-making...


askCHARITY was launched in November 2005 and is operated by the Voluntary Action Media Unit (VAMU). It is an online database service free for charities and for media users. The service has been designed for charity and media use only.

EGO Zlín, spol. s r.o.

EGO Zlín, spol. s.r.o. is a major supplier of system for biological protection, mobile workplaces and means for rescue system, which are specified for unusual situation, war conflicts, military mission and humanitarian activities in case of catastrophes. The company also annually holds a special...

Sunseed Desert Technology

Sunseed Desert Technology focuses upon sustainable lifestyles and dryland management through the utilisation of low-tech methods which have the least detrimental environmental impact. Sunseed uses limited resources, the near-desert environment and the need to find sustainable solutions to determine...

Resource Futures Ltd

Resource Futures Ltd was created from the merger of three sustainable waste management businesses in the UK: The Recycling Consortium, Network Recycling and SWAP. Resource Futures is an employee-owned, ethically driven company which works on sustainable waste management and resource efficiency...

Swallows (Svalorna) Association for Social Voluntary Service

The Swallows (Svalorna) India Bangladesh is a non-profit non-governmental development organisation, with the head office in Lund, Sweden. The Swallows was established in 1959 and works in India since 1962 and in Bangladesh since 1973. They are also a member of the Emmaus Movement. Svalorna's...

Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agenc (SIDA), is a government agency that reports to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. It's mission is to help create conditions that will enable poor people to improve the quality of their lives. Sida works according to directives of the...

International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC)

INTRAC is a non-profit organisation, registered in the UK and working in the international development and relief sector. INTRAC exists to support and strengthen civil society. INTRAC provides training, consultancy and research services to international development and relief organisations....

Scanlink Transport

Scanlink Transport is an international Swedish freight forwarding company that handles co-ordinated transportations all over the world. They offer sea, air, road and rail freight services. Also deals with customs clearances, container sales, project cargo, warehousing and distribution. As...

Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF)

Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF) is the consultative assembly of the Francophonie. APF is a place of debate, proposals and to exchange information on all subjects of common interest to its members. Its actions aim to strengthen solidarity between parliamentary institutions and to...

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Russia

UNDP is the United Nations' global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. Through its projects in Russia, UNDP is focused on supporting Russia in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)...

Glob-Sped, Ltd

Glob-Sped Ltd. has, since its inauguration in 1977 as a locally-operating forwarding company, expanded into a modern and highly competitive services company within the transport and logistics branch. Its turnover has increased from year to year and the range of services offered expanded...

Green Crescent

Green Crescent charity was created with long-term education and health as the focal point. All donations go directly to where it is needed in Bangladesh and Pakistan to carry out humanitarian work where ever and whenever the need arises. Green Crescent has provided funding for poor children so they...