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In: Stories

Taproot Foundation works with non-profit organisations

Taproot is a non-profit organisation that engages design, marketing, IT, strategic management, and human resources professionals in pro bono to build the infrastructure of other non-profit organisations.

In: Stories

USAID helps to develop rural microfinance organisations in Mexico

USAID, through a university partnership between Ohio State University and Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas, is working to facilitate the development and growth of microfinance institutions serving rural areas in Mexico.

In: Stories

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation makes financial services accessible to the poor

The Financial Services for the Poor initiative created by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides poor people with reliable access to a range of safe, affordable financial tools and services intended to help them build better, healthier lives.

In: Stories

Santander Microcrédito (Banco Real ABN AMRO) works with Accion to support small businesses in Brazil

Santander Microcrédito, an initiative by Banco Real ABN AMRO, offers small loans to growing businesses that lack access to conventional forms of credit.

In: Stories

Citi Microfinance: Expanding Access to Financial Services

The global financial services company, Citi, has a 40-year history of philanthropic and technical support in microfinance.

In: Stories

Mercy Corps teams up with Sesame Workshop in Haiti

Mercy Corps has teamed with Sesame Workshop to integrate Elmo, Cookie Monster, and other Sesame Street characters into the emotional recovery work the organisation is doing with children in Haiti.

In: Stories

Lafarge partners with Habitat for Humanity in Honduras

The Lafarge Cementos Foundation has concluded a partnership with Habitat for Humanity in order to provide homes for disadvantaged communities in Honduras.

In: Stories

The Toyota - Audubon TogetherGreen Partnership

In 2008, the National Audubon Society and Toyota launched TogetherGreen, a nationwide Audubon program to fund conservation projects, train environmental leaders, and offer volunteer opportunities to significantly benefit the environment. A $20 million Toyota grant - the largest Audubon has...

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ExxonMobil and Synthetic Genomics Inc. partnership on the Advance Algae Biofuels Program

The primary aim of this R&D partnership is to test the hypothesis that algae biofuels could become commercially viable and make a meaningful contribution to meeting future energy demand.

In: Stories

Jackson Foundation finances the construction of ramps for people with disabilities

The Jackson Purchase Resource Conservation and Development Foundation has joined with the Reidland Methodist Men to assist people with disabilities.

In: Stories

Southern Water supports WaterAid in a variety of ways

Southern Water, its employees and customers have supported WaterAid since 1981, promoting WaterAid through organising and taking part in fundraising events and making donations.

In: Stories

Habitat for Humanity partners with ArcelorMittal designing low-cost steel housing solution

In 2008, soon after the Tecucel River in Romania flooded and destroyed more than 300 homes, the ArcelorMittal Foundation formed a global partnership with Habitat for Humanity to improve affected families’ lives.

In: Stories

Cargill provided aid to those suffering from the earthquake in Haiti

In 2010, as a global food company, Cargill worked with its nonprofit partners to provide aid on the ground to help in Haiti after the earthquake.

In: Stories

Timberland partners with Big City Mountaineers to provide wilderness experiences

Timberland partners with Big City Mountaineers (BCM), an organization uniting volunteer mentors with urban youth for life-changing outdoor journeys.

In: Stories

Timberland mentors youth through City Year

Since 1988, Timberland is a founding sponsor of the not-for-profit organisation City Year, making it the first youth service corps launched entirely through private sector support.

In: Stories

Seventh Generation and WAGES partner to form a cooperative in San Francisco

Seventh Generation, an American company that distributes household and personal care products, has partnered with Women’s Action to Gain Economic Security (WAGES) to launch a new worker-owned residential green cleaning cooperative in San Francisco.

In: Stories

Safe Kids Walk This Way and FedEx promote child pedestrian safety.

Together with Safe Kids Worldwide, FedEx established the Safe Kids Walk This Way program to teach safe behaviors to motorists and child pedestrians and create safer, more walkable communities. The goal of the joint initiative is to prevent pedestrian-related injury to children.

In: Stories

FLO and ARM launch Fairtrade and Fairmined Gold Standards

The Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International (FLO) and the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM) have developed the first ever third party independent certification for gold to bring about social, environmental and economic development in artisanal and small-scale mining communities.

In: Stories

ArcelorMittal Foundation helps to build houses for low-income families

The ArcelorMittal Foundation has been a Habitat for Humanity corporate partner since 2008, helping them build houses for low-income families with more than $ 3,700,000 donated.

In: Stories

Auckland Zoo Makes Jumbo Swap to Fairtrade Bananas

Auckland Zoo is making a permanent swap to Fairtrade bananas.