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Action Initiative for Development (R) AID

Action initiative for development). Action initiative for development (R) AID is an Indian NGO that works for dalits, women, the poor and marginalized, children and the elderly. The organisation focuses on education and the achievement of social justice.

Sapno Ki Udaan

Sapno Ki Udaan is an Indian NGO that works for poor and backward oommunities in rural area on issues related to rights, social justice,and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. The organisation provides vocational training and organizes social and health camps, and aims to educate poor...

Pakistan Community Peace Foundation

The Pakistan Community Peace Foundation (PCPF) is an NGO that aims to speak for poor and marginalised communities in Pakistan. The organisation focuses on education and healthcare. It also provides food for the needy through its agricultural programmes and runs vocational training courses for...

Mehran Education Health Welfare Association

Mehran Education Health Welfare Association (MEHWA) is an NGO in Pakistan. The Association works on education, rural development, women's empowerment and agriculture through sensitisation, training and setting up village development groups. The Association is also involved in research and data...

Loving Hands Disabled Society

The Loving Hands Disabled Society is an Indian NGO that works for physically and mentally challenged men and women, including people who are blind and deaf.

Society for Health and Educational Development

The Society for Health and Educational Development (SHED) is an Indian NGO that works for people with disabilities. The Society aims to provide quality education, healthcare and livelihood facilities to socially and economically disadvantaged people.

Evangelical Assembly Church

The Evangelical Assembly Church is a Christian organisation in India.

Samanvay Resource Centre

The Samanvay Resource Centre is an Indian NGO that works with the community on issues including health and sanitation, education, the environment, women's welfare and rural development.

Rural Development Organisation

The Rural Development Organisation is an Indian NGO that works for the empowerment of the poorest. The organization is led by women, and its main target groups are women. The organisation also works with poor farmers.


Prottyon is an NGO in Bangladesh that works for people with disabilities, minority groups and poor farmers. The organisation provides training, and works on issues including trafficking and human rights.

Bajirout Chhatrabas

Bajirout Chhatrabas is an Indian NGO that focuses on the integrated development of children from disadvantaged classes. It aims to provide them with a free, innovative open-learning environment which will help them discover themselves through learning and playing together. The organisation is...

Association for Rural Development

The Association for Rural Development (ARD) is an Indian NGO that aims to empower the poor and marginalized to transform society. The organisation works on issues related to health, and on initiatives for women's empowerment.

Mother Trust

Mother Trust is an Indian NGO that cares for the poorest in society and aims to empower them in regard to development and self-reliance through education.

Tapoysa Social Welfare Organisation

Tapoysa Social Welfare Organisation is an Indian NGO that works in six states in India in the field of health, education, cultural and religious development, child and women empowerment, and disaster management.

Plus Development Foundation

The Plus Development Foundation is a organisation in Pakistan that assists and mobilizes young men and women and disadvantages groups to achieve their potential.

Indus Consortium for Humanitarian, Environmental and Development Initiatives

The Indus Consortium for Humanitarian, Environmental and Development Initiatives is an alliance of three rights based organizations in Pakistan; Laar Humanitarian Development Programme (LHDP), HELP Foundation and Doaba Foundation. The Consortium acts as a platform for the people living in the area...

CARD Trust

CARD Trust is an Indian NGO that works for the welfare and development of the rural poor with particular emphasis on children and women. CARD supports people who are in need of food, education, health care, shelter and clothing, emotional and moral support. CARD's programme supports more than...

Ayushman Society of Uttarakhand for Rural Education

Ayushman Society of Uttarakhand for Rural Education is an Indian NGO that builds schools and promotes education.

Ajit Foundation

Ajit Foundation is a charitable organization in India that focuses on dalits, women and other marginalised people. The organisation runs a number of programmes to improve the lives of its target groups through education and health. An orphanage caters for children of HIV/AIDS victims, and other...

Association of Deep Sea Going Artisanal Fishermen (ADSGAF)

The Association of Deep Sea Going Artisanal Fishermen (ADSGAF) is an association that works with the artisanal deep sea fishermen in Thoothoor, Tamil Nadu, India. The Association promotes sustainable fisheries and mainstreaming environmental protection with development activities in the region....